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India's Cold Start Is Too Hot

You really wanna get banged when you cant afford to be banged because we are already on the verge of destruction but you my friend cant afford a war.........for all i know there is not much keeping us from launching some war heads up your ____ if there is a war and when there is a UN investigation we will say that the extremists did it.........:smokin:

Your words are true i did not say you said we (PAKISTAN) are already on the verge of destruction. It's the same reason why we dont want WAR we know you will suicide and save us money and time just have to be patient. But beware even cat turns furious when there is no way to go if we become furious then :devil: and i highly dont think there will be any one in pakistan to tell the UN investigation extremists did it can you get what i am saying :azn:

Once the indians get it through their head that the wars between two nuclear neighbours cannot be fought and won along the lines of higher GDP---that would be the moment for the indians to recognize their short comings.

Regardless of what your GDP is----you cannot run too far away from me---change your mindset---change your thinking----otherwise we will live with daggers drawn at each other.

agreed sir,
Although there are sane people om the forum, most of the members here are so casual about justifying a full scale war. The subcontinent needs to change its mindset... War is never an option...
OK, what do you suggest India do in the current situation?

From India's POV, we have an interminably and irrationally hostile neighbor that is ready to cut its nose to spite us, that doesn't abandon its strategic assets even when its own house is on fire, from whose side those "non state actors" try to keep visiting us, who claims our land and tries to put a spoke in the wheel at every turn.

This neighbor (in our perception) doesn't mind becoming a client state of one or the other patron so that it can keep its unsustainable posture, be it USA, Saudi, UK or now China. It threatens to use nukes at the slightest pretext if India wants to even punish those who massacre our civilians and attacked from its soil but it doesn't mind (in any meaningful way) the constant attacks from its Western borders for the same reason.

What can India do except try to insulate itself as best we can do and make ourselves so strong that it doesn't try anything like Kargil or 1965 again?

And may be induce a bit of fear of God about using those strategic assets.

As far as I can see, India has no issues with settling for peace with Pakistan if we believe it would sustain. Pakistan has not been able to inspire trust so far. Hope it can change.


You see- you are not listening to what pakistan is saying---don't go on the verbage being used----understand what is being said----.

A nuc threat is not a nuc threat---but it is asking for peace---it means for ways to find peace---. But if you get stuck on the literal meanings---on pure verbage for the sake of verbage---then there is no outlet for us----.

So---you attack us---we will go nuclear----instead of taking it forward---take it backwards---if you don't attack us---we won't nuc you----if we don't see a threat from you---you won't see a threat from us----if there is peace amonsgt us----we both will be happy---when both of us are happy----both of us will prosepr---when both of us will prosper peacefully-----there would never be a reason to go to war----.

So---people think out of the box----only if you want peace----otherwise---war is a very easy outlet-----it won't take much to start----we have been sitting on a tinderbox.

You see- you are not listening to what pakistan is saying---don't go on the verbage being used----understand what is being said----.

A nuc threat is not a nuc threat---but it is asking for peace---it means for ways to find peace---. But if you get stuck on the literal meanings---on pure verbage for the sake of verbage---then there is no outlet for us----.

So---you attack us---we will go nuclear----instead of taking it forward---take it backwards---if you don't attack us---we won't nuc you----if we don't see a threat from you---you won't see a threat from us----if there is peace amonsgt us----we both will be happy---when both of us are happy----both of us will prosepr---when both of us will prosper peacefully-----there would never be a reason to go to war----.

So---people think out of the box----only if you want peace----otherwise---war is a very easy outlet-----it won't take much to start----we have been sitting on a tinderbox.

Agree with you for the most part. It doesn't explain the kind of nuke build up Pakistan is indulging in.

You think India doesn't desire peace? What can India do to achieve peace short of compromising territorial integrity? What can Pakistan do?

How can we stop this region from becoming a playground for extra regional powers like China and USA?
how about Pakistan raiding into india to take care of the setup that will be used for cold start....cold start doctrine is afterall a terrorist mindset and is the brainchild of conspiracy...whats the surety that india dosent stages another inside job and blames its neighbours for its incompetency and home-grown hindu militant terrorism?
how about Pakistan raiding into india to take care of the setup that will be used for cold start....cold start doctrine is afterall a terrorist mindset and is the brainchild of conspiracy...what assurity that india dosent stages an inside job and blames its neighbours for its incompetency and home-grown hindu militant terrorism?

If you raid India, We will nuke Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore....
If you raid India, We will nuke Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore....

:lol: :lol:
do u even have nukes?your scientists confirmed indian nuclear explosions were a fail....they just blowed 1000 kilograms of TNT and called it nuclear explosion
:lol: :lol:
do u even have nukes?your scientists confirmed indian nuclear explosions were a fail....they just blowed 1000 kilograms of TNT and called it nuclear explosion

Our friend Russia will give us nukes and we will use American missiles to hit your cities..
how about Pakistan raiding into india to take care of the setup that will be used for cold start....cold start doctrine is afterall a terrorist mindset and is the brainchild of conspiracy...whats the surety that india dosent stages another inside job and blames its neighbours for its incompetency and home-grown hindu militant terrorism?

First you guys better start raid inside your country and try to get succeed against the militants..
btw for the record, in the last 2 posts of mine on this thread, I tried to use a Pakistani mindset and tried to respond like a Pakistani member. It was fun..

Just replaced the word China with USA/Russia and Indian city names with Pakistani city names
btw for the record, in the last 2 posts of mine on this thread, I tried to use a Pakistani mindset and tried to respond like a Pakistani member. It was fun..

Just replaced the word China with USA/Russia and Indian city names with Pakistani city names

Mate it was very apparent.

And brilliantly done. ;)
We can't afford a war, its pakistan that has nothing to lose.. but India is on the move to be rake econmic progress, and we do not want this train to be abruptly halted,

Our defence budget is 37 billion dollars( 2011) and that is about near 25% of Pakistan's GDP... to think pakistan has the resources to fight India is foolish

feel sorry for indians...they blowed their entire nuclear stash in 1998 cause they thought they would divert international pressure towards Pakistan and prevent it from exploding nuclear bombs....We first fired 5 to settle the score ....dident took the international pressure and then fired the sixth winning one sometime later.....:lol:...then indian PM vajpai sat on a bus and came to Pakistan with message of peace:bunny:

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