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India's Cold Start Is Too Hot


Actually the cold start doctrine is very well in effect---only the paks cannot read and analyze it---for the reason---the indian have changed the game---they have replaced the playing field---they have changed and gone away from conventional armies----basically a total about turn from conventional warfare---right in mid-step---india has changed its strike parameters.

What is happening is that pak is still looking for conventional signs of warfare---it only knows one way to kill---and that is what pak is looking from---where cometh the bullet from---where falleth the bomb from----you can only think as far as your brain and understanding can take you----so that is where pak got lost.

India showed the left hook and came up with te right ---- COLD START is no more a millitary strike by india as was anticipated by pakistan---and that is what pak has been preparing and waiting for---not realizing that indian has taken this war to a different pleateau----cold start is being fought with cold strategy---.

India has struck hard and fast on the pak economy---it has exploited pak education system---it has exploited the pak mindset----these bomb blasts here and there---this feeling of hopelessness and insecurity are all a part of the cold start doctrine---. India has also struck down pakistan on the IT sector----hardly any pakistanis are going abroad to the u sfor their IT jobs whereas indians have flooded the u s market---even now in this market of glut----indians are taking every IT positin available here---I see fresh indian BS graduates coming and getting $60---75 k per year jobs and those with MS---fresh out of univ getting $85 to a 100k a year jobs----.

India has claimed total dominance over this inustry as of now----that is another face of the cold start doctrine---.

It is amazing---paks think themselves as the cleverest of the people----still waiting for the bullet to be fired---can't even comprehend the changing face of the wargame---. What a tragedy----.

Actually the cold start doctrine is very well in effect---only the paks cannot read and analyze it---for the reason---the indian have changed the game---they have replaced the playing field---they have changed and gone away from conventional armies----basically a total about turn from conventional warfare---right in mid-step---india has changed its strike parameters.

What is happening is that pak is still looking for conventional signs of warfare---it only knows one way to kill---and that is what pak is looking from---where cometh the bullet from---where falleth the bomb from----you can only as far as your brain and understanding can take you----so that is where pak got lost.

India showed the left hook and came up with te right ---- COLD START is no more a millitary strike by india as was anticipated by pakistan---and that is what pak has been preparing and waiting for---not realizing that indian has taken this war to a different leateau----cold start is being fought with cold strategy---.

India has struck hard and fast on the pak economy---it has exploited pak education system---it has exploited the pak mindset----these bomb blasts here and there---this feeling of hopelessness and insecurity are all a part of the cold start doctrine---. India has also struck down pakistan on the IT sector----hardly any pakistanis are going abroad to the u sfor their IT jobs whereas indians have fooded the u s market---even now in this market of glut----indians are taking every IT positin available here---I see fresh indian BS graduates coming and getting $60---75 k per year jobs and those with MS---fresh out of univ getting $85 to a 100k a year jobs----.

India has claimed total dominance over this inustry as of now----that is another face of the cold start doctrine---.

It is amazing---paks think themselves as the cleverest of the people----still waiting for the bullet to be fired---can't even comprehend the changing face of the wargame---. What a tragedy----.

A wake up call isn't it?
Pakistan need mre sane person like you - cheers.
sir you won only in 71 and also that by using a third party sir I am really very sorry but the kind of power you had in 1965 against Pakistan and taking the odds we had into consideration we still successfully defended our land and despite the fact you started the war in the night and in Kargil you used 40000 soldiers to remove 3000 people out of which most were not ever proper Army men and whole world knows nobody use 3000 soldiers to conquer a land so everybody knew that what is going to happen and Musarraf which I also dont like but he did this act on in reply of Indian Planning of attacking Pakistan First
Indeed, so if India chooses the right to nuke Pakistan with a massive strike than it is risking complete destruction of both India and Pakistan. As soon as both nations are in a State of War and a tactical nuke is used, orders will be given out to start assembling our strategic nukes. As soon as Indian High Command gives out the order to start assembling their nukes, it is impossible to hide because there is going to be lots of activities in their bases. Pakistan will be alert and as soon as your nukes appear on our radar screens, expect Pakistan to launch whatever it has on your side.

Why on earth would India nuke Pakistan without getting nuked first ?

And when I say India getting nuked, it also includes Indian troops getting hit by your TNW on your soil.

So you see things are very messy and very complex, a pre-emptive N-Nasr strike by Pakistan on India will open up Pandora's box on what the Indian response could be.
SMS when your media and stupid oppositon mounted pressure on your Minister after Mumbai attacks that Bomb Pakistan just like Israel Bombs Palestine so he gave a great reply that nither Pakistan is Palestine nor India is Israel
i dont know if India's CSD is hot or not but this thread is definately 'hot' - need to 'cool' our jets please!!! lets talk about CSD and not the personalities!
turn a so-called limited war into a full-fledge war....The reason would be to bring International community to intervene before CSD can do a meaningful damage, right???

Firstly if IBGs come rolling it IS a 'full-fledge' war. Secondly (and for bloody heaven's sake) what part of the 'CSD devised so as to capture max amount of land before the international community intervenes' do you not understand????
It is made for that one bloody purpose! The international community will intervene. The question is what is to be done before that happens.
To me the objective is - defeat CSD without entering into MAD, no??? However aren't you assuming that India's response will be to retreat and not raise the stakes by Nuking Pak even though as per her doctorine nuke attack on India and her forces will be responded with Nukes???
No. The objective is to stop CSD from ever allowing the IA to think of a misadventure by warranting MAD......Ill simplify as much as I can: IA wants to avoid the nuclear threshold so it comes up with CSD. PA says no, no, no.....you bring IBGs we use NASR and then its your decision on going MAD. So basically the bloody purpose of CSD is defeated when instead of avoiding MAD it is in fact warranting MAD, as per your take of the scenario. But if IA still decides to go ahead then one would take one's chances with a tac nuke rather than a strategic nuke. And btw any sane man would tell you that a tac nuke will not be responded by a strategic strike. You guys are acting like kids flailing that nuclear policy of yours in the air and taking everything written in it as strict written principle. I doubt the IA is stupid enough to reply to a tac nuke with a strategic nuke. What would the IA rather loose a couple of armored columns occupying foreign territory or millions of its people??????
half the people on this thread wouldnt know wat CSD is but still they r writting as if they have only drafted CSD.


Isn't that what the problem is----people not knowing what they are getting into---from the lowest of the low to the highest of the generals---.
CSD is not aimed at capturing enemy land in quick time, instead it was devised to take out critical enemy infrastructure that we feel supports the terrorist camps and offcourse the terrorist themselves, (LeT and company).

We aimed to do the same thing in 2001 but Operation Parakram took too long to mobilize. After 26/11, we could have done that, but the anti terrorist operation itself lasted 60 hours and was beamed live across the globe.

But if it happens again, we now have a defacto license to go after the perpetrators.
CSD is not aimed at capturing enemy land in quick time, instead it was devised to take out critical enemy infrastructure that we feel supports the terrorist camps and offcourse the terrorist themselves, (LeT and company).

We aimed to do the same thing in 2001 but Operation Parakram took too long to mobilize. After 26/11, we could have done that, but the anti terrorist operation itself lasted 60 hours and was beamed live across the globe.

But if it happens again, we now have a defacto license to go after the perpetrators.

with all this record what makes you think that you will be able to do it now and also not getting hit back by Pakistan you took 3 days to take on 10 man so how are you going to tackle Pakistan Armed Forces
with all this record what makes you think that you will be able to do it now and also not getting hit back by Pakistan you took 3 days to take on 10 man so how are you going to tackle Pakistan Armed Forces

Bcoz those 10 men were hiding among the civilians like cowards.

Your armed forces will be in the open and we wont think twice before hitting out.
CSD is burning lot of brain matter in the thread and in particular among the pakistani ranks.What is the relation between CSD and Education in general?
with all this record what makes you think that you will be able to do it now and also not getting hit back by Pakistan you took 3 days to take on 10 man so how are you going to tackle Pakistan Armed Forces

Shameless cowards were hidden behind women and child... We have no intention to take Pakistan force.. but if you want to know what we can do, better read history of war between two country...
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