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India’s bleeding wound

India for thousand years were either getting a beating from Muslims or were being ruled by Muslims. And for more than hundred years by british. They needs to understand that 73 years of freedom and power doesn't mean it can't get reversed.
India for a far longer period has attracted invaders that have over a period of time become integrated and inseparable in identity from the mosaic. Islam has not gone through that, the inherent need for Islam to furiously fight revisionism and deviation from scripture has been a hurdle in the amalgamation. Whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing is a matter of perspective. All issues since have been a result of this bad marriage of dharmic religions and Islam/Christianity. I mean the basic issue with the Kashmir problem is religion at the end of the day.
What oppression? What rights has a common Kashmiri been denied? They are free to choose their society chairman, sarpanch, corporator, MLA, MP and the PM of the country. which is unheard of even in many Islamic countries. The victim card has run it's course, the religious fundamentalism, radicalization and intolerance of some can't be the reason which the majority is to be held hostage.
Do you truly not know? Have you been living under a rock?

I already mentioned the latest transgression; long term curfew. It’s been over a year and their movements and rights are being curtailed. Protestors are detained, you spoke of democracy which democracy prevents its citizens from freedom of association, rights to congregate and free movement? Leaders placed under house arrest.

Forget Pakistan for a second, even if we disappeared overnight, these people would not accept you. And if you want neutral opinions on this curfew just look at Amnesty Int’l and UN rapporteur on free expression. They called it a draconian measure.

So stop acting the ignorant, you know full well about the curfew. If you’re choosing to be ignorant then we have nothing to discuss. God help you overcome delusions.
Nehru himself said in the Parliament that Article 370 and Article 35A are temporary provision of the Constitution which would fade with time ("ye ghiste ghiste ghis jaayegi"). Today Kashmiris don't have any valid reason other than religious bigotry to indulge in anti-India activities and violence. We can very well take care of this religious bigotry as well (China style) and you can have your "ask the Kashmiris for permission" and "plebiscite" nonsense as well then.

India's attempt to colonize Kashmir will be her undoing.
Kashmir issue (the internal one) is on the path of being resolved as far as India is concerned. The gun-toters are being/will be eliminated and the ones who want to respect the law of the land can live and prosper and enjoy the fruits of democracy, freedom and development. Will take another 5 - 10 years but so be it. The frustrated cats can scratch the pole as much as they want.

Your fruits of democracy bringing great results for Indian army. One more year or probably six months,there will be no fruits left.
Nehru had said: “Article 370 is part of certain transitional provisional arrangements. It is not a permanent part of the Constitution. It is a part as long as it remains so. As a matter of fact, it has been eroded, if I may use the word, and many things have been done in the last few years which have made the relationship of Kashmir with the Union of India very close.”

Nehru continued: “There is no doubt that Kashmir is fully integrated. The fact that there may be some special matters attached to it does not come in the way of integration at all, and I gave as an instance that in Kashmir citizens of India other than those of Kashmir are not allowed to buy land or own property. I think it is a very good rule which should continue, because Kashmir is such a delectable place that moneyed people will buy up all the land there to the misfortune of the people who live there.”

All you say is blah blah religious bigotry blah blah terrorism, without knowing that Kashmiris are simply angry over Delhi's broken promises, time after time after time.

Kashmiris have very valid reasons to be angry with Delhi, for unilaterally removing their central defining rights within the state of Kashmir (albeit "eroded"; it retained some useful function but even that thin veil of trust has been thrown off by Delhi).

This is the harsh reality of a colossal disenfranchisement of a people as the underlying cause of their struggle, that doesn't quite tally with all the big talk of religious bigotry and terrorism.

Now scoot off and bother someone else with your works of fiction.

You're teaching history and facts to someone whose sole source of information is WhatsApp forwards.
India for thousand years were either getting a beating from Muslims or were being ruled by Muslims. And for more than hundred years by british. They needs to understand that 73 years of freedom and power doesn't mean it can't get reversed.
I think the past few decades suggest that Indians are better tamed whist under foreign rule. Too much new power has proven hard for them to digest.
Do you truly not know? Have you been living under a rock?

I already mentioned the latest transgression; long term curfew. It’s been over a year and their movements and rights are being curtailed. Protestors are detained, you spoke of democracy which democracy prevents its citizens from freedom of association, rights to congregate and free movement? Leaders placed under house arrest.

Forget Pakistan for a second, even if we disappeared overnight, these people would not accept you. And if you want neutral opinions on this curfew just look at Amnesty Int’l and UN rapporteur on free expression. They called it a draconian measure.

So stop acting the ignorant, you know full well about the curfew. If you’re choosing to be ignorant then we have nothing to discuss. God help you overcome delusions.
The day the Kashmir movement turned religious it lost its cause. It lost total support in international arena as well some short of domestic support.
I remember people in my surroundings were in favour of them, but not now. The fleeing of son of soil has a profound impact on mass. And I live in some thousand KM from J&K.
We have a good number of people supporting the cause of Naxals, may or maynot be supporting the approach (the armed one).
Recent killings of the Muslim Apple labourers again has created a big distrust among the Muslims from the dist where they have travelled.
Another important point, other than the valley BJP enjoys a supreme majority, In 3 out of 6 Parliament seats they were victorious in 2019, that too with a voting % of more than 70, whereas the valley has voting percentage of 34, 15 and 9 respectively. From the stat you can see a large no of people are supporting BJP.
Historically these seats were owned by the non valley actors of the state.
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