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India's atrocities in Kashmir: A hell on earth

yes it can .... and it already has and if the need arises we will kill the people with their spirit and freedom (without remorse)

Taken straight out a soviet manual
India really are a passive country though, with the huge army at the disposal, they still get beat at the annual LOC games
Taken straight out a soviet manual
India really are a passive country though, with the huge army at the disposal, they still get beat at the annual LOC games

We are a passive country no doubt about that. Otherwise the Pakistanis wouldnt have been able to mess with us to begin with.

what soviet manual?
what LOC games? is there a game called that?
We are a passive country no doubt about that. Otherwise the Pakistanis wouldnt have been able to mess with us to begin with.

what soviet manual?
what LOC games? is there a game called that?

Without delving too much into the history of india, it was the indian kashmir maharaja who absconded from agreements and asceded to india
Talk to the hand Brownie ! :whistle:

We - Kashmiris - are not Indians ! 8-)

I spent a whole 45 minutes looking for the elusive "white martial race Pakistani" on this video (I got the link because a user liked it) - but sadly even the loola langda's looked even more worse for wear than an average Hindustani, though they all seemed more mesmerized by bollywood songs.

The whole Pakistani brigade looked malnourished, stunted, dark and worse for wear though - and this was from your most flourishing Punjab province - Lahore.

Without delving too much into the history of india, it was the indian kashmir maharaja who absconded from agreements and asceded to india

OK, got it, you don't have an actual answer.
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I spent a whole 45 minutes looking for the elusive "white martial race Pakistani" on this video (I got the link because a user liked it) - but sadly even the loola langda's looked even more worse for wear than an average Hindustani, though they all seemed more mesmerized by bollywood songs.

The whole Pakistani brigade looked malnourished, stunted, dark and worse for wear though - and this was from your most flourishing Punjab province - Lahore.

OK, got it, you don't have an actual answer.

Do you even understand in what context the joke was made ? :crazy:

@Ayush understood it along with the fact that it was said in jest because he knows that I don't give a frig about someone's complexion but why are you butting in something that was neither addressed to you nor concerns you ? o_O
How are people giving negative ratings on this thread?
Do you even understand in what context the joke was made ? :crazy:

@Ayush understood it along with the fact that it was said in jest because he knows that I don't give a frig about someone's complexion but why are you butting in something that was neither addressed to you nor concerns you ? o_O

That's fine, I know you normally just joke around..and it was a mistake on my part that I did not go through the entire thread to see your context. I just reacted to the racial undertone that you implied in your jest.

What rankles me though is that most (and there are a lot) unfortunate Pakistani's are finding it difficult to maintain a life sustenance, but the few well off's brush it aside.
In 47 the muslim majority areas were to be given to Pakistan...including Kashmir a muslim majority state ruled by a british imposed maharaja (who had bought the state from the british)..

The Kashmiris revolted and wanted a merger with Pakisran.... Maharaja n his dogra forces used brute force ... massacres,burning villages etc to quell the revolt... it is reported (a fact) tht at one point his forces killed as many as 250 k kashmiris... (and merged the muslim state with india)....the burning villages in Kashmir were seen from Northern Punjabi hill stations... the mass influx of kashmiris into the jhelum valley etc.. This lead to the kashmiri WW II vets raising arms and asking newly established Pak states help .. (we ourselves were in ... ... our financial n military shares wasnt given... some held... ... even so GoP gave them a hundred or so condemned rifles n useless ammo... the news of the kashmiri massacre spread all over the country... as we had already seen the bloodshed in Punjab etc... (the first train carrying refugees tht came to Pakistan had only 1 survivor a baby in the arms of his dead mother)...

The people volunteered and this lead to First Kashmir War 1948... (long story)... and the killings,gangrapes,torture n kidnapping continues in IOK till today... All international media,UN,human rights groups are banned from entering IOK... Draconian laws are used n abused by the indian forces.... turning the heaven into hell ...an open air prison ... worlds most militarised zone... (another fact)..

In Gilgit Baltistan... another revolt was taking place... the muslim soldiers of the british army revolted and liberated the region....:

Liberation memorial in Gilgit Baltistan:
View attachment 12338

Wah ustad, kya lambi lambi chodd rahe ho aaj....hajmola ka pura consignment kha baithe ho shayad!

For someone who is a critic of Bollywood and its unoriginal tales, you sure seem to be spinning quite a yarn here!
Seems when you run out of hot air on this forum, you sure have a career in writing b grade lollywood flicks!
Wah ustad, kya lambi lambi chodd rahe ho aaj....hajmola ka pura consignment kha baithe ho shayad!

For someone who is a critic of Bollywood and its unoriginal tales, you sure seem to be spinning quite a yarn here!
Seems when you run out of hot air on this forum, you sure have a career in writing b grade lollywood flicks!

Ustad k shagird... read a book or neutral sources... and counter with facts not typical bollywood BS!

Wah ustad, kya lambi lambi chodd rahe ho aaj....hajmola ka pura consignment kha baithe ho shayad!

For someone who is a critic of Bollywood and its unoriginal tales, you sure seem to be spinning quite a yarn here!
Seems when you run out of hot air on this forum, you sure have a career in writing b grade lollywood flicks!

Ustad k shagird... read a book or neutral sources... and counter with facts not typical bollywood BS!
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