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India's atrocities in Kashmir: A hell on earth

Indian trolls try to divert the topic.. fail

Personal attack... fail

Ask for proof.... fail

Show their inhumane mentality.... fail

Than just troll (disgusting)... fail...
Im not the one making phony claims about a case thts in UN... and HR groups accusing of massacres-mass graves,rapes,torture,harrasment n kidnappings...

Why bring religion? daru peenay say sali insaniyat nahin marti..
I was pointing out propaganda about the division and nothing else...
Do read on how Muslims killed Kashmiri pandits and forcefully converted them

half the stuffs in Kashmir's mess are exaggerated by both Indian and Pakistani media

Do read on how Muslims killed Kashmiri pandits and forcefully converted them

half the stuffs in Kashmir's mess are exaggerated by both Indian and Pakistani media

how innocent were these pandits those elected to convert themselves like an innocent child even muslims had to crush these pandits like a dog
how innocent were these pandits those elected to convert themselves like an innocent child even muslims had to crush these pandits like a dog
These Pandits were forcefully converted and those who rejected were thrown out of Kashmir.
my dear friend one thing is confirm about you Indians is that you indian means (liar) the protest you shown is a political fight but as your bloody media due to lack of knowledge think that army can also contest elections ha ha ha :china:
Pakistanis are so green. They keep making stupid threads by recycling old news.
sorry about that

but a fake encounter by your army has just helped the Pakistanis with fresh news of Indian atrocities

Indian army men face court martial for 'fake encounter' in Kashmir

SRINAGAR: The Indian Army on Wednesday decided to indict six army personnel including two officers for killing three labourers in a ‘fake encounter with militants’ three years ago in Indian-administered Kashmir.

According to Indian media reports, the decision of launching the case in a military court against six Indian officials, including a colonel, has been taken upon completion of a military-level probe of the fake clash in Kashmir.

Three labourers were killed in Machil Village of northern Kashmir’s Kapwara district in April, 2010. A case was registered by the local police against nine Indian army personnel and two local residents, who claimed that three ‘Pakistani terrorists’ were killed in the encounter.

Colonel DK Pathania, Major Upinder and four other personnel would face court martial for the encounter that took place along the heavily militarised Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan, reports quoting Indian army spokesman said.

The incident at the time triggered riots across the Indian-administered-Kashmir leading to the deaths of 123 people. Hundreds were reportedly wounded in the riots while thousands of Kashmiri youth were detained as well.

Brigadier Sanga, a senior army officer, led a separate military-level investigation into the incident.

India and Pakistan have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir, which both countries claim.

Rebel groups have been fighting Indian forces in Indian Kashmir since 1989 for the region's independence or incorporation within Pakistan, in a conflict that has claimed tens of thousands of lives.

Rights groups claim that at least 10,000 people have gone missing in the 24-year-old unrest. More than 6,000 unnamed graves have also been discovered in Kashmir, which according to rights groups used by Indian troops to dump dead bodies of Kashmiris killed in fake encounters.

sorry about that

but a fake encounter by your army has just helped the Pakistanis with fresh news of Indian atrocities

Indian army men face court martial for 'fake encounter' in Kashmir

SRINAGAR: The Indian Army on Wednesday decided to indict six army personnel including two officers for killing three labourers in a ‘fake encounter with militants’ three years ago in Indian-administered Kashmir.

According to Indian media reports, the decision of launching the case in a military court against six Indian officials, including a colonel, has been taken upon completion of a military-level probe of the fake clash in Kashmir.

Three labourers were killed in Machil Village of northern Kashmir’s Kapwara district in April, 2010. A case was registered by the local police against nine Indian army personnel and two local residents, who claimed that three ‘Pakistani terrorists’ were killed in the encounter.

Colonel DK Pathania, Major Upinder and four other personnel would face court martial for the encounter that took place along the heavily militarised Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan, reports quoting Indian army spokesman said.

The incident at the time triggered riots across the Indian-administered-Kashmir leading to the deaths of 123 people. Hundreds were reportedly wounded in the riots while thousands of Kashmiri youth were detained as well.

Brigadier Sanga, a senior army officer, led a separate military-level investigation into the incident.

India and Pakistan have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir, which both countries claim.

Rebel groups have been fighting Indian forces in Indian Kashmir since 1989 for the region's independence or incorporation within Pakistan, in a conflict that has claimed tens of thousands of lives.

Rights groups claim that at least 10,000 people have gone missing in the 24-year-old unrest. More than 6,000 unnamed graves have also been discovered in Kashmir, which according to rights groups used by Indian troops to dump dead bodies of Kashmiris killed in fake encounters.

So punishing our soldiers for a crime they committed against civilians is an atrocity? You argument would have held water if the soldiers were not being punished, however you yourself are proving that we are treating all our citizens judiciously.

Nice spin by indian media... concocting the news to your own freaking nonsense" ... the people of G-B wanted to be part of the federation and to be given the status of a province... lmao kid..

And guess what... today they have their own CM .. also the PPP candidate etc are also gilgitis like their opposition ....dumbass..

lmao @ you.
So still, net warriors are fighting with key boards :lol:
Google...."the London Times" wrote on October 10, 1947 in a report from its special correspondent in India that the Maharaja, under his own supervision, got assassinated 237,000 Muslims, using military forces in Jammu area.

The editor of "Statesman" Ian Stephen, in his book "Horned Moon" wrote that till the end of autumn 1947, more than 200,000 Muslims were massacred...

British daily The London Times quoting its special correspondent in India stated that the Maharaja, under his own supervision, got assassinated 2,37,000 Muslims, using military forces in the Jammu area.

The editor of Statesman, Ian Stephen, in his book Horned Moon writes that till the end of autumn 1947, more than 200,000 Muslims were murdered in one go. Horace Alexander wrote in the Spectator (16 January 1948) that the killings had the tacit consent of State authority and put the figure at 2,00,000.

Times of London reported the events in Jammu with such a front page headlines: Elimination of Muslims from Jammu and pointed out that Maharaja Hari Singh was in person commanding all the forces which were ethnically cleansing the Muslims.

Daily Telegraph of London dated 12 January 1948
The other aspect of the carnage was appropriation of properties of Muslims. The Muslim names were immediately erased to conform to new ownership. For instance Urdu Bazar became Rajinder Bazar and Islamia School became Hari Singh High School to conform to the new rules. Almost 95 percent of left-over properties, which should have in the normal course been taken over by the State government were allowed appropriated by looters and rioters

This is highly disingenuous of you to try to pass this off as some sort of an Indian action...
These were the actions of the maharaja of J&K (an independent sovereign) who no one is doubting was using heavy handed tactics in suppressing his population...but at this point (in July/summer) of 48 had no affiliation with the Indian government (no asscession) and hence should not be said in the same breath of the modern day conflict of India and Pak...

The above lead to the natives polarizing to the late Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah who was the popular representative of the people of J&K and was openly supportive of the Indian National Congress as well as joining India. This is a well known fact and any efforts to portray that the actions of the Maharaja and the natives opposition to him was somehow an approval or wish of the people of J&K to join the Pakistani side.

Even then, the most important point is that it was the sole decision of the sovereign king of Kashmir to decide its fate...especially in Oct 1948 when the British were no longer a decision making body in the sub continent and power and decisions of affiliation had been given to the independent states ie. Kashmir

"Tribal Invasion"

As for any doubts about "Tribal Invasion" that you may have, the decision to join India by the King was only his to make and was made as a result of the ghastly actions of the Tribals that your lot considers freedom fighters to protect his kingdom from barbarians...
If you're stating that India came to the rescue of the king to approve of his actions (heavy handedness), thats a plain and simple lie, and as much a lie as the tribals being freedom fighters and not committing atrocities on the native population!

And that is the truth of the tribal invasion!

Patiala State infantrymen stationed at Jammu and Patiala gunners positioned at Srinagar Airfield on 17th of October 1947 could not have gone unnoticed by the pak army

Patiala State infantrymen were NOT integrated into the Indian Army. Hence any action on their part was an independent action at the request of plea for help from the Maharaja.
Of course they were there! No denying, but not as part of the Indian army which is the only force representing India!

1.Dogra regime go on mass killing spree of muslim in jammu
2.Indian army assisted by Hindu and Sikh extremists both local and those imported from the East Punjab help dogra forces.
3.Uprising in kashmir with poonchis-mirpuris soldiers taking the lead
4.Full invasion by the indian army
5.Followed by pak army-militia help for kashmiris

This is why your comments are hot gas....

If you had any honest bone in you, you would accurately present the sequence of events and not throw in your mirch masala...

The invasion was fixed for 9 September 1947, but it had to be delayed for two weeks: Khurshid Anwar had chosen the same day to get married and wanted to go on a brief honeymoon. In the meantime, thanks to Anwar’s lack of discretion, a senior Pakistani officer, Brigadier Iftikhar, heard what was going on and passed the news to General Messervy, the C-in-C of the Pakistan Army. He immediately informed Auchinleck, who passed the information to Mountbatten, who passed it to the new Indian Government. Using the planned invasion as a pretext, the Congress sent Nehru’s deputy, Sardar Patel, to pressure the Maharaja into acceding to India, while Mountbatten ordered Indian Army units to prepare for an emergency airlift to Srinagar.

Back in Rawalpindi, Anwar had returned from his honeymoon and the invasion began. The key objective was to take Srinagar, occupy the airport and secure it against the Indians. Within a week the Maharaja’s army had collapsed. Hari Singh fled to his palace in Jammu. The 11th Sikh Regiment of the Indian Army had by now reached Srinagar, but was desperately waiting for reinforcements and didn’t enter the town. The Pathan tribesman under Khurshid Anwar’s command halted after reaching Baramulla, only an hour’s bus ride from Srinagar, and refused to go any further. Here they embarked on a three-day binge, looting houses, assaulting Muslims and Hindus alike, raping men and women and stealing money from the Kashmir Treasury. The local cinema was transformed into a rape centre; a group of Pathans invaded St Joseph’s Convent, where they raped and killed four nuns, including the Mother Superior, and shot dead a European couple sheltering there. News of the atrocities spread, turning large numbers of Kashmiris against their would-be liberators. When they finally reached Srinagar, the Pathans were so intent on pillaging the shops and bazaars that they overlooked the airport, already occupied by the Sikhs.

The Maharaja meanwhile signed the accession papers in favour of India and demanded help to repel the invasion. India airlifted troops and began to drive the Pakistanis back. Sporadic fighting continued until India appealed to the UN Security Council, which organised a ceasefire and a Line of Control (LOC) demarcating Indian and Pakistan-held territory. Kashmir, too, was now partitioned. The leaders of the Kashmir Muslim Conference shifted to Muzaffarabad in Azad Kashmir, leaving Sheikh Abdullah in control of the valley itself.

Tariq Ali · Bitter Chill of Winter: Kashmir · LRB 19 April 2001

The above from a neutral source clearly states that the military invasion by Pak preceeded the action of the Indian troops. If you read further, you will also know that there was only positive inclinations from Kashmiris towards the arrival of Indian troops with the backing of Mr. Abdullah.

One strong evidence of this is the resistance the locals made towards the tribal invasion. Your contention is that Pakistani tribal invasion was a welcome step from locals...an utter and complete LIE!
As for Pak sending tribals:

"All the activity was recorded in detail in the first volume of sardar vallahbhbhai correspondence which make it clear that preperations for the invasion of kashmir where being made well before any pakistan "invasion".
The sikh ruler of patiala in the first two weeks of october sent a battalion of soldiers to kashmir and when the indian regulars arrived at siringar where "surprised" to see them encamped at the airport where they had been since the 17th october"
Terrorism in Northern India: Jammu and Kashmir and the Punjab - Ved Prakash - Google Books

preperation for sending the troops does not account to taking any illegal action as the SOS had been sent to India for help by the Maharaja...

Following is the text of the document jointly signed by General R.M.M. Lockhart, Commander-In-Chief Indian Army, Air-Marshal T.W.Elmhirst, Chief of Royal Indian Air Force and Rear Admiral J.T.S.Hall, Chief of Royal Indian Navy. It was presented to the Council at the UN Meeting #234, 23 Jan, 1948 [pg 222-3].

'It has been alleged that plans were made for sending Indian forces to Kashmir at some date before 22 October, on which day the raid on that State from the direction of Abbottabad began.

1. The following is a true time-table of events, as regards decisions taken, plans made, orders given, and movement started in this matter:

2. On 24 October the Commander-in-Chief, received information that tribesmen had seized Muzaffarabad. This was the first indication of the raid.

3. Prior to this date, no plans of any sort for sending Indian forces into Kashmir had been formulated or even considered. On the morning of 25 October, we were directed to examine and prepare plans for sending troops to examine and prepare plans for sending troops to Kashmir by air and road, in case this should be necessary to stop the tribal incursions. This was the first direction which we received on this subject. No steps had been taken, prior to the meeting, to examine or prepare such plans.

4. On the afternoon of 25 October we sent one staff officer of the Indian Army and one of the Royal Indian Air Force by air to Srinagar. There they saw officers of the Kashmir State Forces. This was the first contact between officers of our Headquarters and officers of the Kashmir State Forces on the subject of sending Indian troops of Kashmir.

5. On the afternoon of 25 October we also issued orders to an infantry battalion to prepare itself to be flown, at short notice, to Srinagar, in the event of the Government of India deciding to accept the accession of Kashmir and to send help.

6. On the morning of 26 October the staff officers mentioned in paragraph 4 above. returned from Srinagar and reported on their meetings with officers of the Kashmir State Forces.

7. On the afternoon of 26 October we finalized our plans for the dispatch by air of troops to Kashmir.

8. At first light on the morning of 27 October, with Kashmir's Instrument of Accession signed, the movement by air of Indian forces to Kashmir began. No plans were made for sending thees forces, nor were such plans even considered before 25 October, three days after the tribal incursions began.'

This should put an end to your contention..

In 47 the muslim majority areas were to be given to Pakistan...including Kashmir a muslim majority state ruled by a british imposed maharaja (who had bought the state from the british)..

From your initial "Katha" please provide sources for where Kashmir as a muslim majority area was promised to Pakistan??
Kashmir was inclined to remain independent and was a sovereign of the Maharaja of J&K...no promises of joining Pakistan were ever made...NOT by the Maharaja, the British, National conference or anyone else !
If you're gonna peddle your third class lies, at least have the class to back it up!

There are a ton of other inconsistencies and misconstrued timelines in your little tale that i initially replied to...by now you should know that you arent speaking in a vaccum and that the Indians that you consider "obsessed" with Pakistan for being on PDF are solely here to expose your lies and give the international audience a chance at the truth...NOT the "Pakistani" truth!

So that gives you an idea of what was going on before any "tribal invasion"
So that gives you an idea of what was going on before any "tribal invasion"
Whats done is done, you cannot change history, neither territory without huge loss of life.I find pakistani's funny....you guys have a host of problems : extreemist, baloch , drone, ethnic conflicts and still you are hung about kashmir??????Why dude?
Hindu shooting at peaceful protesters in Kashmir.

Despite from Hindus lies that China supported NE India insurgencies, the separatist groups that China is most likely to support is Kashmiri-- but China is not supporting them.

I have came across articles which weigh pros and cons on supporting Kashmiri from Chinese sources. Hindus please stop telling lies against China in NE.

After all, China is aware that with her support, she may easily drawn India into big shitt, destabilizing the entire India, or at least make Kashmir ungovernable, draining India dry. And compounded with Maoist, NE India, Goa problem, it may weaken India to a point that Tamil Nadu may rekindle their Tamil Eelam dream.

Source in China also aware that Bengali are easily incited into a dream of Greater Bangladesh or independence to regain their Calcutta glory.

Up till now, the opinion and information I see is China is not supporting Kashmir. India has been fooled by their TOI and other media, not knowing that China has been restraining in handling India. What China want is peace, knowing that USA and West are looking for every opportunity to destroy China. The Indian leaders know this very well, and the civilian government is not buying the western ideas to wack China. Unfortunately, many online Hindutva are very stupid. These people can only bring trouble to their country. What to expect from a IQ 82.

Hindu are jingoistic and talk a lot of cock not knowing that there are many cards China can play.
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