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Indians-RAW laughing all the way to the bank

1000 cuts & 42 "terror camps" who told you all this ZEE NEWS or STAR???? or Sunny deol movies? or was it something you guys are taught in school & BR?
Your own brother Chinese government has asked to take action against terror camps where islamic militants are trained.

Xinjiang unrest: China blames unrest on Pakistan-trained terrorists – The Express Tribune

Taught by your own and chinese news channel...now you can't say biased reporting or western propaganda.....like you always do.
Some of it has been our own foolies..instead of blaming others lets take responsibility..our stinginess is leading to stronger Indian role in Afghanistan..and if the game continues..RAW and CIA will find themselves on the same lines of thinking - Pakistan is a nuisance in Asia!

It is time to take charge of our affairs.
it is only the muslim mentality to feel this way. muslims are the invading force. devoid of muslims the subcontinent would have remained hindu.

Not really, the differences and clashes between castes, ethnicities, sects etc is testament to the mentality of South Asians who are highly insecure and only feel complete when they are at the top.

Let's be honest here, the sort of mentality that exists in this part of the world isn't seen anywhere else. Everyone feeds of power and admiration, not by their character or experience.
Not really, the differences and clashes between castes, ethnicities, sects etc is testament to the mentality of South Asians who are highly insecure and only feel complete when they are at the top.

Let's be honest here, the sort of mentality that exists in this part of the world isn't seen anywhere else. Everyone feeds of power and admiration, not by their character or experience.
i agree.. we need to change that mindset thru education ..
agreed with T faz, this is in our blood. we all are crops of same field, only faiths are different. and not just faith, caste, status, blah blah, superiority complex comes even to a Jahil if he gets little rich. and thinks himself more educated than a Phd. Educations has no value in our culture.
we are infected with some sort of psychological disorder.
Although Jinnah was a great proponent of Hindu-Muslim unity, but the reality dawned on him that the ever increasing hostility between the communities would result in great catastrophe if India remained united.

There always was a sense of hostility amongst extreme elements, but it had to be exacerbated for the partition plan to succeed.

The Muslim League had lost everywhere in the 1937 election, so a concerted effort was made, with British support, to whip up communal sentiments.
Actually the hostility had to be created for the partition plan to succeed.

The Muslim League had lost everywhere in the 1937 election, so a concerted effort was made, with British support, to whip up communal sentiments.

As if there was no hostility prior to 1937, did you know the kind of incidents that used to occur throughout the 18th and 19th century.

The reality is that there were always hostility and they were controlled to a good extent by the British but short bursts of communal atrocities occurred at short intervals.

I read of an incident that occurred in 1920's, Khyber Pakhtunwa where a sacred cow that was kept in a holy temple was stolen and butchered by the Muslims before a special event. This led to great clashes between both communities and the issue had to be resolved by the leaders of both communities.

Such stuff was regular and caused tensions between the communities.
Not really, the differences and clashes between castes, ethnicities, sects etc is testament to the mentality of South Asians who are highly insecure and only feel complete when they are at the top.

Let's be honest here, the sort of mentality that exists in this part of the world isn't seen anywhere else. Everyone feeds of power and admiration, not by their character or experience.

True i will agree 100% in my limited and compartmentalised experience, i have seen the same cast person screwing the other of the same for position or benefits (call it incentives in corporate world) or good words from seniors, this i have seen between muslims and christians too for outsiders they seem united but internally screwed. This from what i have seen no statistics.
Someone had a good signature in this forum that goes like
you cant blame some one for evil deeds untill and unless that evil thoughts are inside you .what i wanted to say is no one is innocent
Indian RAW is laughing...... because India is one of the most credible country in the world and you......
alot of bad things that happen in the region? like what? MMS not being able to wake up on time in the morning?

so what is RAW incompetent? is that what you trying to say? or are they a Monk group?

I'm not going to even try and respond to this but I will say at almost 80 Dr MMS is still, arguably, one of the hardest working guys around and that little remark you made is nothing but immature.
In my estimation, I think that RAW is given too much importance and credence to any successes that the GoI has had vis-a-vis Pakistan's troubles over the past 10 years.

I've always said that the GoI has played a blinder on the diplomatic front, and dealt its cards incredibly well. That for some is overlooked. Sound bites transcend global politics, and magnify certain situations or the profile of countries. We saw the impact of sounds bites such as "mad dog" (Reagan on Ghadaffi), "axis of evil" (Bush on NK, Iran and Iraq) etc. These lend governments around the world, and people to understand those countries in a certain (negative) light.

The blinder that GoI played was using the word "cross-border terrorism" (CBT) to define Pakistan's activities in Kashmir, and then allowing this phrase to be applied to Afghanistan.

In the aftermath of 9/11, with no takers in the world for the "Kashmiri freedom fight", India rammed home CBT over and over again, in ever single fora, every single meeting, with every single Western dignitary who visited Delhi until the point was made clear.

In addition to that, the restraint India has shown despite incidents like the attack on Parliament in 2001, or 26/11 has given them a lot of credit in foreign capitals.

They've contributed to Afghanistan in a positive fashion from what the Afghan's say, as well as their govt, despite us failing to grasp or acknowledge that. The real problem has been the fractured nature of our politics and decision making since 2008.

I have no complaints under the Musharraf era, as I can see progress towards peace was being made. Even pre 9/11, Musharraf was clamping down on jihadi collection boxes at mosques, and did a lot to cool tensions as well as introduce a mutually agreeable solution to Kashmir.

However, the internal dysfunctional nature of our corrupt politicians, the lack of domestic and foreign policy foresight is just a reflection of how bad we are with governance, and making progress on even the smaller things.

All the while that India advances. In education, in health, economic, defence, with the US, in relations with China ($75 billion annual trade vs. Pakistan's $11 billion), we are left behind in all spheres.

RAW has been better perhaps on the chess board, it hasn't needed to do a great deal because we've imploded and handed the mess we're in on a plate to India.

However, India has upped the propaganda machine to malign us (and quite rightly so), and used terms like CBT to leave us flat-footed, weak, isolated and desperate.

I can't blame India, if the shoe was on the other foot, we'd do exactly the same. But my God, we've made it terribly easy for them.

DGMO just to remind you, GOI India policies are designed and implemented by Indian civil bureaucrats and these are the same who leads RAW (Raw is not lead by Indian military planners). For any policy of to external events, GOI and RAW always derived in tandem, GOI viz a viz Raw, they remain on the same page. So, It can't be that one is good one is failure. Its, both are good or both are failure.
Thank you FaujHistorian for such an excellent thread.
Your analysis is correct to a point, that yes Pakistan is in troubled waters, and yes India has an upper hand.
But not all credit is to RAW/India, Pakistan is to blame for inept handling of affairs from the start, when Taliban was created.
India as a bystander watched all this with amusement, and naturally took advantage of the messed up handling by Pakistan.
Pakistan never did take a solid unilateral stand against the Taliban, nor has been able to frame a policy against people clearly identified as threat to Pakistan/World.
Show me proofs that Raw is supporting baloch or pashtun nationalists.
Not really, the founding father of Pakistan had an entirely different idea of the kind of relationship the two countries would have.

It was the primarily the rich Mohajirs of Pakistan who lost much when they migrated from India and always felt a sense of animosity towards it for their loss.

You people have been brought up with this mentality that Pakistan was created in opposition to India and it may be true now but it wasn't the case.
T, now a days your comments are very rare on PDF and we are missing your useful commentary here.

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