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Indians in outer space: Pakistan perspective

are bhai kab hoga wait kar kar ke to bore ho gayea why the progress so slow i dont get it.

DRDO's project was supposed to have flight tested by December 2014/Early 2015.However I guess ISRO would do it before them,on their ATV sounding rocket .Anyway NAL is involved in both these scramjet programs
Quite interesting, your disdain for software professionals whom you so dearly refer as coolies. What's up with that?
Grapes are sour when you can't get them....

courtesy our aggressive college-boy indian members who think that the world exists because of "indians" but in reality when these college boys leave their college in a few months time, they won't have jobs because the indian software/services economy has collapsed because usa and britain don't think much of india, and when they do... i found a new full form for the ibm company, created by the american computer programmers themselves... "*** bowel movement". google to see what those stars predict for the "great indian it industry".

nonetheless, to the patriotic indians i say... forget the reality about outer space and economic space, and carry on.
Grapes must be very sour for you, eh?? Don't worry... even though you feel utterly useless either because nobody employed you or got fired due to lousy work you did, it is not true for millions other. They might be cyber coolies, but you are just a coolie. Now go and polish the shoes of your masters...
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typical internet hindu. always comes down to money for you. how many "billions" did elon musk spend from 2002 till now?? he hasn't even put spacex on the stock markets to get more "billions".

and how many billions does top coolie, yen aar narayanmurty, have?? he constructed that 10,000 room mysore infosys campus, yes?? and how much does he have now, after ditching the failure infosys, to go play with his grandchildren??

where is the grandly announced ( as always ) "ambani aerospace"?? the ambani group had many billions, earning them off software coolies and college students.

it won't take "billions" for spacex to launch their first humans into space within two years, in the new dragon v2, sitting on top of the spacex falcon v1.1. spacex could do it because they have brains.

as for isro and its government billions and thousands of phd's and engineers... :sick:

if you want my age, look at my profile, my college-going friend.

by the way, since you are within the secret circle of top isro scientists, please ask them for me, when is the first "indian" going into space. this should be a proper vyomanonaut, not a monkey or a bangalore software coolie ( no difference ).

ashamed of pakistani flag ! or something deeper coutsey 1971

i laughed when i saw the thread title... "indians in outer space"... seems like the name of a comedy film. :D

india is basically a minor satellite launcher. if some satellite weighs more than one ton, then india asks france to launch this heavy satellite through the french ariane rocket. even in satellite design, indian space "research" organization takes help of israel... the risat project for example.

the gslv project is a failure. for years, they spoke of "state of the art cryogenic technology". now, they are silently talking about "semi-cryogenics", essentially after looking at the kerosene-lox engines used in the successful falcon rockets of the private company, spacex, of the inspiration for iron man films, elon musk.

so the "indians" in space will at max be silly satellites, painted with "made in india".

sorry. bitter truth. :-)

damn! even such an inefficient indian advancement in space tech .. makes Pakistanis write lengthy dooms day scenarios and force pakistanis to use false flags ;)
typical internet hindu. always comes down to money for you. how many "billions" did elon musk spend from 2002 till now?? he hasn't even put spacex on the stock markets to get more "billions".

and how many billions does top coolie, yen aar narayanmurty, have?? he constructed that 10,000 room mysore infosys campus, yes?? and how much does he have now, after ditching the failure infosys, to go play with his grandchildren??

where is the grandly announced ( as always ) "ambani aerospace"?? the ambani group had many billions, earning them off software coolies and college students.

it won't take "billions" for spacex to launch their first humans into space within two years, in the new dragon v2, sitting on top of the spacex falcon v1.1. spacex could do it because they have brains.

as for isro and its government billions and thousands of phd's and engineers... :sick:

if you want my age, look at my profile, my college-going friend.

by the way, since you are within the secret circle of top isro scientists, please ask them for me, when is the first "indian" going into space. this should be a proper vyomanonaut, not a monkey or a bangalore software coolie ( no difference ).
Yes . That is what I wanted to hear. " Typical Internet Hindu ". Everything related to India, or Hindus must be bad and evil. So. Obviously Isro is Bad. I can even say that the rockets, fired by HAMAS or LeT are better than, PSLV. Is not it ?
Sir: On July 1, 2013, the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) received another boost by the launch of a geostationary satellite. Though the rocket has a presumable reach of 6,000 km, this apparently peaceful advancement in space has military potential. For instance, it is a step towards India’s gradually building an anti-ballistic missile defence shield and enhancement of its reconnaissance potential. One wonders if this potential militarisation of space will ultimately lead to weaponisation and compel New Delhi’s current and future adversaries to respond in letter and spirit. These satellites carry peaceful payloads but can also carry weapons of mass destruction. For instance, satellite delivery systems help place in outer space navigation solutions like the American Global Positioning System, Russian Glonass and Chinese Beidou. Likewise, if a nuclear weapon warhead is placed on the rocket, it can obliterate everything. The early warning function of these so-called peaceful satellites facilitate a ballistic missile defence shield and thus increase the intercept capabilities in the boost or mid-course phase of a ballistic missile. This is apparently an excellent defensive use. However, it may give a false sense of security to India and may even encourage it to launch a pre-emptive strike against its adversary. In the case of India and Pakistan, the chances of things getting messy are higher than other adversaries who get more reaction time due to geographical distances. India will achieve almost nothing by such a satellite endeavour with respect to missile defence due to geographical contiguity with Pakistan. If India develops a military space capability, it will greatly affect the nuclear deterrence with Pakistan. India may just compel Pakistan to take further initiatives in its nuclear and military posture. Pakistan’s missile and space programme is not ambitious at the moment.
History shows that India has always provoked Pakistan to reluctantly respond to its ‘peaceful’ initiatives. If New Delhi makes long range delivery systems like Agni VI, other states, and even the US, will start factoring it in their threat calculus. At the moment, Europe and the US are lulled by their economic cooperation with India. Pakistan must multiply its efforts to develop suitable defensive means for penetrating any such Indian endeavours. These may vary from the use of missiles, aircraft and to very modest conventional means of defeating the Indian defensive shield. Pakistan must bolster its second strike capability through nuclear submarines. Submarine launched cruise missiles will be very difficult for satellites to intercept because it is very difficult to track and hunt a submarine. Likewise, the multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle (MIRV) is also a good defensive option to defeat Indian space-based military potential. The geo stationary early warning satellites theoretically cannot distinguish between ‘warheads’ and ‘decoys’ from MIRV missiles. Given the economic challenges, Pakistan may find it difficult to develop satellite-based early warning capability. The Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) may ultimately have to keep all its options open to match Indian capabilities. For instance, an anti-satellite weapons programme may become necessary if India weaponises outer space. That is why negotiating a multilateral and non-discriminatory outer-space treaty is so essential. One can hope that the Indian space programme remains peaceful.


How about concentrating on your own development issues, instead of frantically trying to see acts of aggression against Pakistan in each every move made by India?

Sorry but it almost seems as if the author is showing signs of paranoia.
no offense to sensible people from india, but i want to reply to the two indiots who fell upon me like dogs fall upon a cat...

@gslv mk3

you laughed when i said "99 percent of satellites are useless". will you laugh when i say "no bank should be private because they then will charge interest upon loans"?? will you laugh when i say "spacex has flown the first experimental prototype of a reusable rocket and it is nice because it is such a waste when space rockets have to be remade because they burn up, as presently"?? go laugh at every socialist revolutionary, from jesus to muammar gaddafi and hugo chavez. go laugh at spacex and elon musk.

you laughed when i said "others are looking at methane propellant". can't you even google for that?? you are just a stupid indian college boy who has foolishly kept his profile name to be the name of some ugly failure rocket. you know that it is a failure so you must compensate for that by being aggressive and very indian. so tell me, is or is not liquid methane being thought up of as a rocket propellant. yes or no, please.

@acid rain

you asked where is libya?? go ask your masters, barack obomber and hillary kill-in-tons, who invaded libya in 2011 with 35 militaries, including your indian navy. you then insult hazrat tipu sultan. now tell me, coolie, how many militaries invaded his fort in 1799?? and say again, what is his connection to rocketry. now remember, muammar gaddafi is the present imaam of all muslims. i take that very seriously.


you indiots can't think independently and you can't question present things. therefore, you indiots will never create, innovate. you will just use silly buzz words like "state-of-the-art cryogenic technology", "cloud computing", "business model", "multiple skill sets", "holistic", "internet of things" etc.

yen aar narayana murthy used to say, in a heavy south indian accent... "we enable our khlaaints with our ghlobal business dhelivery maadel to ghive them khaampetive adhvhaanthage". makes him and you all look very stupid. every wonder why you indiots were beaten up in australia or why the usa-origin company, ibm, is now called "indian bowel movement", or why indian software/services industry is now begging, or why it is looked at with contempt by any sensible person.

you indiots were ruled from the greeks of alexander to muhammad bin qasim to ( yes ) tipu sultan to the britishers. all this because you were busy laughing at people, killing ladies, eating arsensic/flouride filled vegetables, kissing dogs, discriminating people with caste, discriminating... you were busy with vile thoughts, vile laughs.

laugh now.

my advice to ladies of india and the few real men, one way for you to get to space within the next five years is to wait for the newly-shown spacex dragon v2 spaceship to be human-tested, and for the inflatable space stations by bigelow aerospace ( whose versions have been in real space test for some years now ). if you wait for indiots of "indian space research organization", you must wait for the next 5000 years maybe.

i didn't come to pdf to fight. i was cheerful... until indiots fell upon me like dogs fall upon a cat.

so to indiots, i say... socialism is coming to you.
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Yes . That is what I wanted to hear. " Typical Internet Hindu ". Everything related to India, or Hindus must be bad and evil. So. Obviously Isro is Bad. I can even say that the rockets, fired by HAMAS or LeT are better than, PSLV. Is not it ?
Discuss the message not the messenger.

Forum Rule 102

There is simply NO message worth discussing. The writer Ehtisam is simply venting his paranoia, but unfortunately; in the process is only displaying semi-scientific-literacy. Maybe as somebody else here as stated: he could trying to write on Agricultural Fertiliser instead.

Only a scientific imbecile would linearly extrapolate a "Position-Fixing Satellite System" into a "Star Wars Scenario".....
Hence the title of this amusing piece could well have been instead: "Indians in Outer Space: A Martian's perspective".
Even that would have made no difference to the value of the content.

thanks for your genuine reply.

money is never the problem for non-achievement. i wrote a simple microkernel operating system in 2002, in my room, on a ordinary desktop, and started a company with it later. no one had funded me with crores. compare that to the min. of. it supercomputer project where they were ready to invest Rs. 5000 crores. this was a few years ago. nothing came of it. nothing in it would have been local design.

i wanted to attach a pdf which is a research by the "india semiconductor association" about the indian computing industry, especially the "esdm" part, and why it is lacking. the file is actually too big ( 17 mb ), so it will not attach. i tried searching for it but have found a different named one. the original name is ( Semiconductor06April11_020511.pdf ). the new name is "Study on semiconductor design, embedded software...". you will find it as the first link through ( site:iesaonline org Semiconductor06April11_020511.pdf ). i think they are one and the same because the size matches... 17 mb. in it, you will see the huge number of students who leave computing courses every year. it will come to two million totally for the previous ten years. yet why no innovation?? and these students are from iit's and big time colleges with 600 acre campuses etc. so what ails them??

not really :-)

people spend 20 lakhs and above to get to colleges in usa, britain and above. and locally, maybe 4 lakhs or more.

believe me, it is totally impossible in the present indian system to create a company which creates something from the start. it is the culture. remember what happened to ramar pillai and his jatropha bio-fuel those 20 years ago??

ramar pillai's idea was not real.It destroys engines of a lot of vehicles and cost lakhs of rupees.You can criticize govt unwantedly.But we are not yet a developed nation .Comparing India to US or Germany is absolutely absurd.They can fund new talents with billions of dollars .
But India a country with infinite social compulsions ,diversity ,poverty ,125 crore people ,yet huge middle class .
ISRO is doing a commendable a job saving a large amount of money.
@gslv mk3
you laughed when i said "99 percent of satellites are useless".

Why the heck are you comparing a satellite and a delivery system? Are you such an imbecile ?

will you laugh when i say "spacex has flown the first experimental prototype of a reusable rocket and it is nice because it is such a waste when space rockets have to be remade because they burn up, as presently"??

And you think India is not .Many countries are developing Reusable launch vehicles,including India



go laugh at every socialist revolutionary, from jesus to muammar gaddafi and hugo chavez.

Jesus & Gaddafi were socialists? LMAO...

you laughed when i said "others are looking at methane propellant"

I laughed at this statement of yours -''which rocket in question uses some stupid concept called cryogenic technology''

You think 'cryogenic engines ' are a stupid concept?? :omghaha:

And what if ISRO uses RP1/LOX configuration ? Or 200 kN cryogenic Gas Generator Cycle engines ? .What matters is the end result matters

you are just a stupid indian college boy who has foolishly kept his profile name to be the name of some ugly failure rocket.

Oh come I have seen many trolls like you,who often show their sheer level of ignorance by this statement.

gslv mk3 is a completely new launch vehicle you imbecile.And who told you that gslv mk2 is a failed rocket?Did you saw the last launch ?

you are just a stupid indian

Look who is talking ..:omghaha: Lets look at a few statements you made on this thread.

"gslv mark-whatever" which has once exploded on launch, and which cannot even carry two tons
If some satellite weighs more than one ton, then india asks france to launch this heavy satellite through the french ariane rocket.
even in satellite design, indian space "research" organization takes help of israel...
the gslv project is a failure. for years, they spoke of "state of the art cryogenic technology".
so the "indians" in space will at max be silly satellites, painted with "made in india".
satellites are unnecessary, 99 percent of the times

@WebMaster Sir can you check this trolls IP Address ? He seems to be falseflagger.
no offense to sensible people from india, but i want to reply to the two indiots who fell upon me like dogs fall upon a cat...

@gslv mk3

you laughed when i said "99 percent of satellites are useless". will you laugh when i say "no bank should be private because they then will charge interest upon loans"?? will you laugh when i say "spacex has flown the first experimental prototype of a reusable rocket and it is nice because it is such a waste when space rockets have to be remade because they burn up, as presently"?? go laugh at every socialist revolutionary, from jesus to muammar gaddafi and hugo chavez. go laugh at spacex and elon musk.

you laughed when i said "others are looking at methane propellant". can't you even google for that?? you are just a stupid indian college boy who has foolishly kept his profile name to be the name of some ugly failure rocket. you know that it is a failure so you must compensate for that by being aggressive and very indian. so tell me, is or is not liquid methane being thought up of as a rocket propellant. yes or no, please.

@acid rain

you asked where is libya?? go ask your masters, barack obomber and hillary kill-in-tons, who invaded libya in 2011 with 35 militaries, including your indian navy. you then insult hazrat tipu sultan. now tell me, coolie, how many militaries invaded his fort in 1799?? and say again, what is his connection to rocketry. now remember, muammar gaddafi is the present imaam of all muslims. i take that very seriously.


you indiots can't think independently and you can't question present things. therefore, you indiots will never create, innovate. you will just use silly buzz words like "state-of-the-art cryogenic technology", "cloud computing", "business model", "multiple skill sets", "holistic", "internet of things" etc.

yen aar narayana murthy used to say, in a heavy south indian accent... "we enable our khlaaints with our ghlobal business dhelivery maadel to ghive them khaampetive adhvhaanthage". makes him and you all look very stupid. every wonder why you indiots were beaten up in australia or why the usa-origin company, ibm, is now called "indian bowel movement", or why indian software/services industry is now begging, or why it is looked at with contempt by any sensible person.

you indiots were ruled from the greeks of alexander to muhammad bin qasim to ( yes ) tipu sultan to the britishers. all this because you were busy laughing at people, killing ladies, eating arsensic/flouride filled vegetables, kissing dogs, discriminating people with caste, discriminating... you were busy with vile thoughts, vile laughs.

laugh now.

my advice to ladies of india and the few real men, one way for you to get to space within the next five years is to wait for the newly-shown spacex dragon v2 spaceship to be human-tested, and for the inflatable space stations by bigelow aerospace ( whose versions have been in real space test for some years now ). if you wait for indiots of "indian space research organization", you must wait for the next 5000 years maybe.

i didn't come to pdf to fight. i was cheerful... until indiots fell upon me like dogs fall upon a cat.

so to indiots, i say... socialism is coming to you.

Really you talk a lot about this stuffs.
Narayana Murthy and his 7 collegues had another option when they completed IIT course ,an option that followed by a lot of so called NRIs where they completed their IIT education on full govt expense then give its gratitude by doing reserach work in US or Europe.But they started the so called Infosys in a humble room with a capital got from the 7 founders by spending 10000 rs individually.Your so called software coolies gave a lot of jobs because of them .Sacrificing their higher opportunities in west.Talking about innovation.
We dont have that much luxury to waste billions of rupees in the so called innovation.
Foreigners agreed the caliber of ISRO and that is why they hire them to send satellites in to space.Did you actually know
anything about the forex saved by ISRO?
Talking about Mars one.Let he complete his first mission then we can talk about that.
Most of the gentlemen here declared this thread as BS and useless from the very first page; but still infested...:D

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