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Indians fear 'cheap' tag, tip liberally in foreign countries

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Indians fear 'cheap' tag, tip liberally in foreign countries

MUMBAI: Indians believe that as compared to other nationalities they do not tip generously. They also have the perception that the tipping culture is stronger abroad. So, when in a foreign country they take care to tip well, lest they are seen as cheap travellers, said a survey done by an Indian online travel portal.

What's more, those who are reluctant to loosen their purse strings often get a strong message from the servers. "From their tipping experiences, 71% respondents said they have had a service provider hint indirectly for a tip whereas 41% have been asked directly or specifically to part with a tip," said the survey, adding that 10% even recalled a situation where the service provider returned their tip indicating it was too low. While 47% respondents said they tip if the staff have met basic expectations, 40% said they only tip if they have gone that extra mile in their service. "It also seems that people feel obliged to tip as a social norm or courtesy as 35% respondents agreed they tipped simply because they think it's expected," said the TripAdvisor India Tipping Survey released on Friday. The survey was conducted among 1,400 respondents, all Indians.

'American's spend'

"Indians feel the most pressure to tip when travelling within Asia (32%) followed by North America (28%)," the survey said. Based on travel experience and common perception, Indians consider Americans (56%), and then the English (31%) to be the most generous travellers when it comes to tips. Indians were voted as the least generous (35%) followed by the Chinese (28%).

Nikhil Ganju, country manager, TripAdvisor India said: "While the survey clearly indicates that the practice of tipping is heavily prevalent among Indian travellers, it is strange to note that our perception of Indians as a community of generous tippers is very low, with only 15% respondents indicating Indians are generous tippers."

TOI found that the Indian perception that tips are more generous abroad holds true only in case of the US.

Indians fear 'cheap' tag, tip liberally in foreign countries - The Times of India
There are perceptions that british are the worst in tipping. Here 10 percent is more or less normal. Read many stories about how americans chased british tourists to get their fair tip.
Indian perception of british is wrong.
Is it necessary to tip in America? Is there some compendium of minimum tip to not look cheap for different countries of the world? I am a student. I never tip. To tell you the truth, we guys sometimes pick up the tip from other tables on our way out if no one is looking.
Not giving a tip doesnot mean indians are cheap....
Its just not in out culture....
Being generous and giving tip are 2 different things....
when in india in my home state kerala there is no culture of tipping..
U pay for what u get....The employees are paid by the employer...
Y pay them more..they are paid for the service they provide....
This is the general perception of most Indians...its in our blood....
But with time and new culture influencing we may become better tippers in future....
Not giving a tip doesnot mean indians are cheap....
Its just not in out culture....
Being generous and giving tip are 2 different things....
when in india in my home state kerala there is no culture of tipping..
U pay for what u get....The employees are paid by the employer...
Y pay them more..they are paid for the service they provide....
This is the general perception of most Indians...its in our blood....
But with time and new culture influencing we may become better tippers in future....
i agree !!! it's not our culture ....
If its not your culture its not your culture,but you should respect the culture of the country you are visiting.
In those countries people depend on these tips to get by(exclusive restaurants not included),because they normaly only get minimum wage.
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