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Indians, Don't Expect Rafales to be the Saviours ! IAF Chief

@Windjammer @SIPRA @StormBreaker @Rafi @PakSword @DESERT FIGHTER


This Indian chief is more deadly than Mr. BS
.... while we might be killing ourselves with laughter... remember Tejas!

They are building..and are going to deploy 100 Tejas against us! Tejas is 4.5+++GenFighter!!!

And their AMCA is already 5.5Gen fighter..with special skin developed by Indian scientists.... and let us not forget BraMouse!

I fear the new found confidence of Indians is because now they have operational Ancient Indian SpaceTravel Technology @Path-Finder

That is the reason they are now discarding F35 and Rafale too...

What have Indians built???

Sir what I have heard about him that if we forget about his belly for a moment, he is a professional.. much better than BS.
Sir what I have heard about him that if we forget about his belly for a moment, he is a professional.. much better than BS.

If that is correct, then, in order to establish his credentials, he shall go through a Feb 26/27.:lol:
Brother mine,

Indeed, we don't underestimate them...neither can we afford to!

It could be argued that IAF turned tail to save the region from all out TotalWar on 27thFeb last year.

And it was their firm refusal to the FacistRegime to not come back the time after OurSurprise ... which forced Modi's hand to go for missiles locked on our cities including MyKarachi!!!

In an environment where following the partyline is the key to advancement in career... it would be mighty courageous of this IAF chief to try to convey a sense of truism/realism into public discourse...

However, this might be something very new...given till now Indians chiefs have continued to perpetuate the fantastic lies.... repeated ad infinitrum to dovetail their political masters...and this not limited to current Indian regime...

What I try to underline here... for us...it should be of no concern whatever statements made by any of these Indians... we must keep our vigil and benchmark our readiness/capabilities with the powers that matter...for we are not just fighting against the Indians....

I find it rather amusing that the TwoFrontWar has dropped from their vocabulary of late... what about dominance of IndoPacificRegion... Concert of Democracies to bring 'freedom' to China...

The way I see it...rather I believe it..that Indians have gone back to drawing board and doing overtime...

27thFeb did something fundamental
...which is actually extremely dangerous...

OurSupriseDay actually laid bare the terrifying truth: There is NO Regional Hegemon in our part of the world.

This is something to worry about...because it leaves the room..a rather large room... for miscalculations... it certainly, forces Indians, political and military, to regain the myth of IndianHegemony in the region.

Drop in the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan and their nasty habit of not allowing the HindutvaLynchMob to kill them without resistence... we are actually in danger zone...

Now if IndiaPhrand has given green light to his good friend CheeWala...then it becomes irrelevant whether this IAF chief is professional or yes-man...

Anyone, who thinks that after investing $billions in Kabulistan bazar to harm Pakistan and sabotage CPEC Indians will just pack their bags and leave from Kabuli bazar.. is fool ...to be generous!


May be, this current IAF Chief is not getting any cut on the purchase of the Rafales and he is indirectly demanding his share.:p:

Brother mine,

Indeed, we don't underestimate them...neither can we afford to!

It could be argued that IAF turned tail to save the region from all out TotalWar on 27thFeb last year.

And it was their firm refusal to the FacistRegime to not come back the time after OurSurprise ... which forced Modi's hand to go for missiles locked on our cities including MyKarachi!!!

In an environment where following the partyline is the key to advancement in career... it would be mighty courageous of this IAF chief to try to convey a sense of truism/realism into public discourse...

However, this might be something very new...given till now Indians chiefs have continued to perpetuate the fantastic lies.... repeated ad infinitrum to dovetail their political masters...and this not limited to current Indian regime...

What I try to underline here... for us...it should be of no concern whatever statements made by any of these Indians... we must keep our vigil and benchmark our readiness/capabilities with the powers that matter...for we are not just fighting against the Indians....

I find it rather amusing that the TwoFrontWar has dropped from their vocabulary of late... what about dominance of IndoPacificRegion... Concert of Democracies to bring 'freedom' to China...

The way I see it...rather I believe it..that Indians have gone back to drawing board and doing overtime...

27thFeb did something fundamental
...which is actually extremely dangerous...

OurSupriseDay actually laid bare the terrifying truth: There is NO Regional Hegemon in our part of the world.

This is something to worry about...because it leaves the room..a rather large room... for miscalculations... it certainly, forces Indians, political and military, to regain the myth of IndianHegemony in the region.

Drop in the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan and their nasty habit of not allowing the HindutvaLynchMob to kill them without resistence... we are actually in danger zone...

Now if IndiaPhrand has given green light to his good friend CheeWala...then it becomes irrelevant whether this IAF chief is professional or yes-man...

Anyone, who thinks that after investing $billions in Kabulistan bazar to harm Pakistan and sabotage CPEC Indians will just pack their bags and leave from Kabuli bazar.. is fool ...to be generous!


Yes. India is going to respond, sooner or later, to the severe blow, they have received on Feb 27. They cannot forget or forego it.
Sir what I have heard about him that if we forget about his belly for a moment, he is a professional.. much better than BS.
All the banter aside, i have a lot of respect for captured IAF pilot Abhinandan for maintaining his professionalism....even after returning to India, the new IAF Airchief could have started a fresh chapter by comming out clean without towing the same line...and in due course, he will also continue to feed Indian sentiments.
Rafale Jets Not Enough for Force's Needs; Indigenous Weapons to be Game Changer: IAF Chief
Stressing on the need to develop indigenous weapons, Air Chief RKS Bhadauria said it would be a 'game changer' if in the next air skirmish, the weapons and missiles used by the Air Force are indigenously built.

Now they want a "JF-17" program jet???

The difference between PAF and IAF is that PAF works quietly with a small budget and maximises its bang for buck.

IAF on the other hand loves the tabla
They are doing same what they did after 1965 war and then they came up with 1971 war plan which included civil war in east Pakistan, so its time to upgrade our capacity of war fighting keep country united, boost economy and clean enemy assets from within Pakistan.
They are doing same what they did after 1965 war and then they came up with 1971 war plan which included civil war in east Pakistan, so its time to upgrade our capacity of war fighting keep country united, boost economy and clean enemy assets from within Pakistan.
71 was a unique situation. One of the biggest factor was geography. Which India lacks this time.
Respect to the Air Chief for saying this out loud. Only indigenous weapons that can be mass produced in bulk volumes can be relied upon in time of war. Such indigenous systems have to be reliable and have a minimum deterrence capability to match the enemy weapons.

Foreign made weapons can only be seen as emergency relief. Nothing more.
Respect to the Air Chief for saying this out loud. Only indigenous weapons that can be mass produced in bulk volumes can be relied upon in time of war. Such indigenous systems have to be reliable and have a minimum deterrence capability to match the enemy weapons.

Foreign made weapons can only be seen as emergency relief. Nothing more.

Right now your entire stock is foreign so does that mean you are running on Emergency fumes. Your argument is simply bogus and it is not as if you will have indigenous solution readily available to you in times of war. Considering previous instances india has not been able to achieve economy of scale it is also not cost effective. Who is to say once developed indian forces will simply decide not to opt for it as they did with tejas and arjun.

India is just trying to reinvent the wheel and should go for JV rather than going at it from scratch like Brahmos.
Right now your entire stock is foreign so does that mean you are running on Emergency fumes. Your argument is simply bogus and it is not as if you will have indigenous solution readily available to you in times of war. Considering previous instances india has not been able to achieve economy of scale it is also not cost effective. Who is to say once developed indian forces will simply decide not to opt for it as they did with tejas and arjun.

India is just trying to reinvent the wheel and should go for JV rather than going at it from scratch like Brahmos.

I do not consider foreign weapons as reliable for real wars. So yes, we have fought on emergency fumes all along even though we have prevailed. I’ve clearly measured my words in the previous post. India needs to be able to mass produce weapons without being subject to a foreign dependency of critical parts like engine etc.

I don’t care for scratch development or JV to be honest. The end result should be an acceptable platform that can be effectively mass produced without critical dependency on external suppliers. This should be the goal of Indian war machinery.
I do not consider foreign weapons as reliable for real wars. So yes, we have fought on emergency fumes all along even though we have prevailed. I’ve clearly measured my words in the previous post. India needs to be able to mass produce weapons without being subject to a foreign dependency of critical parts like engine etc.

I don’t care for scratch development or JV to be honest. The end result should be an acceptable platform that can be effectively mass produced without critical dependency on external suppliers. This should be the goal of Indian war machinery.

You are many decades away from this.

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