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Indians crying in Canada after India bans Visa

Has any report come that shows that all 5 have contributed? No formal announcement has come from any of these except Ottawa and many of you are demanding and hoping for something dramatic against India.

Good luck.

Haven’t seen more number of conjectures within one para.

The desperation displayed here by most members from Paksiatn is beyond hilarious to say the least. They are hoping - something drastic should be done against India. Evidence or no evidence. They have already launched a nuclear strike as of yesterday. They are quoting intelligence sharing by 5 eyes, as if they were sitting in the sit room when it was being shared.

Slow down guys. Let the evidence come out. This episode would be taken to a logical end.

Now “YOU” have become “EVERY” Canadian? Atleast read the comment before going ballistic and responding.
You are coping hard, like many other Indians on this forum.Don't let the door hit you on the way out.😁😁
Now “YOU” have become “EVERY” Canadian? Atleast read the comment before going ballistic and responding
I'm speaking for Canadians on this issue. I've had Canadians of completely different backgrounds tell me the exact same thing I just said here. Don't be shocked about it - pajeet stink has been a running gag for decades and you're now acting as if I'm a bigot who just magically came up with it.
I don't think very drastic will occur, even if it occurs it will be temporary.
People here are forgetting that It's all about Elections.

India and Canada are both acting because of coming up Elections. I guess after election all will be same old same old.
Sad to see. Indian, Hindus (as well as Sikhs and Muslims since they don't have a separate homeland) are crying in Visa centers across Canada after the Indian ban. Many of those crying may also be pro-Hindutva (the irony).


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lol, Indians don't need a visa to travel to India. These are just Canadians who didn't bother to get an OCI card or people of Pakistani/Bangladeshi origin.
Why would OCI holding Indians cry?

It definitely is going to cause temporary hardship for the average people in exceptional cases, especially those who needs to travel for family emergency. A friend of mine just barely made it. He didn't receive his OCI in hand yet, but fortunately got his visa before the ban and his flight was yesterday.
lol, Indians don't need a visa to travel to India. These are just Canadians who didn't bother to get an OCI card or people of Pakistani/Bangladeshi origin.
Pakistani origin? Are you talking out of your RSS brain again? India doesn't issue visas to Pakistanis and vice versa.
Pakistani origin? Are you talking out of your RSS brain again? India doesn't issue visas to Pakistanis and vice versa.
You are an ignorant retard. How do you think ordinary Pakistanis visit India ? And how do you think the Indian cricket team would have entered Pakistan if the Asia Cup had been held there ?
They are 1000x noisier, smellier, and uglier than every other immigrant group in Canada. People now talk very fondly of Chinese immigrants because they're quiet and keep to themselves unlike pajeets (even though Chinese money being parked here has played a much bigger role in the housing ctisis than Indians). They've got a host of antisocial traits but the smell thing every one of them has going is so unbearable and offensive, it drives me insane. Theyve singlehandedly turned the pro-immigration attitude of the average Canadian around so that many no longer want them here. They could probably reverse 25% of it by applying deodorant and eating a burger instead of filthy spicy veggie curries and gobar, but they refuse to do so.

Well a lot of the resentment against the Mainland Chinese immigrants were that they were buying up all of the houses with boatloads of cash, they weren't learning English, not integrating, very clannish and basically built foreign Chinese enclaves in Canadian territory instead of integrating. To be honest, as a Chinese American, I share similar grievances against many of the recent immigrants but that's to be expected when one large group of foreign people come into a space.

However, at least they were generally clean, the women were attractive, the men were respectful and they were well dressed.

Indians however bring a whole other set of issues and there is such a sudden horde of them in the middle of a cost of living and housing crisis in Canada that it is driving locals up the wall.
I'm speaking for Canadians on this issue.
No one appointed you for a task that needs a level head.
A person like you, who keeps posting hateful comments against other religions, has no business of even thinking of representing anything sane.

You are coping hard, like many other Indians on this forum.Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
What a useless post.
Anyone can write a comment like this when there is nothing useful to say.

How is your campaign of prosecuting India going? You must be privy to 5 eyes plan, since they keep you in the loop as claimed by you.
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Pakistanis are hoping that the West will take action against India. They are trying really hard to cope with the India's retaliatory actions. This has loosened some screws of their brain. They are the shits who would throw their PM to Jail or bomb their own people with drones if the West threaten them. They can't digest that India is not bowing down in the same way. Their myopic vision of India is seen in their own image of their slave country. Unfortunately for them, India has always been independent and fiercely safeguards its interests. India under Modi is playing masterful game of diplomacy. These shrills will cry for sometime and move on to something else to cry on India about. I just pity them.

And oh, the lungis are like jokers in this context and are only here for our entertainment. Lol.

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Why would OCI holding Indians cry?
So Indians with foreign passport can still come to India, after they surrender their Indian citizenship?

If that's the case then "Godiji" is just puffing up to look big. Because why a non Indian Canadian will want to come to India? And visa ban is meaningless?
So Indians with foreign passport can still come to India, after they surrender their Indian citizenship?

If that's the case then "Godiji" is just puffing up to look big. Because why a non Indian Canadian will want to come to India? And visa ban is meaningless?
They have to apply for Visa. Some didn't apply for OCI card after relinquishing their Indian passport. They will face some problems.
Canadians complain a lot more about Indians than they do Chinese, even though both are similar in population overall. It may be because the Indian diaspora is very noisy and disturbing in their view.

That's because Chinese people keep to themselves. Chinese diaspora in Canada own a lot of property in the British Columbia area.

In Canada, the desis there are all pendus. A lot of them have a complex where they have to create a scene wherever they go. That's why you'll see people blasting really loud and annoying music disturbing the peace of the neighborhood. You'll see donkey behavior like crazy house parties, gang violence, drug dealing, and wild car races putting children and mothers into danger. This only applies to the Indian ones, Pakistanis keep to themselves too over there.

Pendus made Canadians, the least racist group and stereotyped as the most polite in the Western World, into hating them and calling for them to be kicked out 😂😂
They have to apply for Visa. Some didn't apply for OCI card after relinquishing their Indian passport. They will face some problems.
PCI card is for non resident Indians?
What rights it gives other than travel to India?
That's because Chinese people keep to themselves. Chinese diaspora in Canada own a lot of property in the British Columbia area.

In Canada, the desis there are all pendus. A lot of them have a complex where they have to create a scene wherever they go. That's why you'll see people blasting really loud and annoying music disturbing the peace of the neighborhood. You'll see donkey behavior like crazy house parties, gang violence, drug dealing, and wild car races putting children and mothers into danger. This only applies to the Indian ones, Pakistanis keep to themselves too over there.

Pendus made Canadians, the least racist group and stereotyped as the most polite in the Western World, into hating them and calling for them to be kicked out 😂😂
Not to mention the men leer and undress Canadian women with their eyes LOL

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