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Indians claim 114 Indian jawans killed 1300 PLA soldiers in Rezang La

Tall Indian claims as usual to boost their depleting egos, meanwhile a PLA soldier poses in front of a captured Stuart tank in Ladakh.
Indians so shameless, they can spin any humiliating defeat into a big victory,

so 114 Indians dead vs 1300 PLA dead, more than 1:10? :cheesy: Indians did so much better in 1962 than Galwan, which modest Indians only claim 1: 2? wow so modest

I am sure they will claim killed 20000 PLA in Galwan in near future, like one single young Sikh snapped 12 PLA neck, then dragged down another 6 with him down the cliff

Major Shaitan Singh wat this guy is called satan singh
Nobody trust these snake charmer words... They yet to respond to Indian soldiers beg, kneel and pull ears in front of PLA photo and still dare to spew rubbish. Maybe more video and photo are needed from China. :enjoy:

If they deny these pictures, they will also deny any future released pictures. They have uncanny ability because of Bollywood movies to live in the fantasy. It’s like their Supra Powa videos are their reality and the reality itself is a nightmare they are refusing to accept.
actually china medical army circumised all indian soldiers with a bread knife.

It doesn’t matter what those jokers think. This other day I was surfing a Russian forum where a Bhakt was debating some Russians about the experience level of PLAAF when all of a sudden one of the Russian guys just posted the infamous “ear holding” photograph. Ruskies All had a great laugh and the Indians were no where to be seen. These photos truly are the gifts that keep on giving.
It doesn’t matter what those jokers think. This other day I was surfing a Russian forum where a Bhakt was debating some Russians about the experience level of PLAAF when all of a sudden one of the Russian guys just posted the infamous “ear holding” photograph. Ruskies All had a great laugh and the Indians were no where to be seen. These photos truly are the gifts that keep on giving.

if you cant convince them smashem with spike bat.
It doesn’t matter what those jokers think. This other day I was surfing a Russian forum where a Bhakt was debating some Russians about the experience level of PLAAF when all of a sudden one of the Russian guys just posted the infamous “ear holding” photograph. Ruskies All had a great laugh and the Indians were no where to be seen. These photos truly are the gifts that keep on giving.
I surprised that Indian didn't threathen to nuke that Russian for posting that photo. He will usually brag and ask the Russian or others to kneel in front of mighty Supapowa indian. :enjoy:
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