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Indians boycotting 'Made in China' wares for Beijing's support to Pak

Stop kidding yourself, you have a huge overcapacity it is you who need need new markets to export that overcapacity not us.
India is a minor insignificant country in global trade and China herself is a fast growing market, India's share in our trade is negligible, a trade war will hurt India more for sure. You can just bring it on.

As they say: God created the world, rest is made in China ...:P

So what are they gonna boycott then? :lol:
India is a minor insignificant country in global trade and China herself is a fast growing market, India's share in our trade is negligible, a trade war will hurt India more for sure. You can just bring it on.

Exports to India makes up just 2.6 % of the total exports from China
You can ignore :D
India is a minor insignificant country in global trade and China herself is a fast growing market, India's share in our trade is negligible, a trade war will hurt India more for sure. You can just bring it on.


So what is Modi gonna do with his Selfie-Craze? All those cell phones are "Made in China" too.

And as long as we are on it, it might happen that even the Lungi of Modi is made in China, :lol:
Out of like USD 70 billion trade in Chinese favor, even if this step impacts like 1-2%, it will be the cost of Chinese putting technical hold on terrorist in UN. Impact will be minimal but at least China will pay some amount to support terrorist in UN.
So many people in the west have been calling for boycotting Chinese goods for a decade on a daily basis, the result shows that they just can't get enough Chinese goods.
You seem to be under the impression that it's because of something inexplicable that's only found in China i.e. cheap labor. At least when it comes to India, so long as we have hi tech companies willing to come here, Indians can enjoy made in India (probably) with a little bit of markup, since economies of scale would still tilt the balance in China's favor.

Take the likes of IBM, GE, Intel, Qualcomm, Boeing et al out & you have nothing left in China, well except the stolen tech from these western nations :o:
You seem to be under the impression that it's because of something inexplicable that's only found in China i.e. cheap labor. At least when it comes to India, so long as we have hi tech companies willing to come here, Indians can enjoy made in India probably with a little bit of markup, since economies of scale would still tilt the balance in China's favor.

Take the likes of IBM, GE, Intel, Qualcomm, Boeing et al out & you have nothing left in China, well except the stolen tech from these western nations :o:
Look at what happened in Bangalore.
We use the excess capacity to suppress your price:D
Hurry to sanction China

Learn to speak properly & then come back here

India is a minor insignificant country in global trade and China herself is a fast growing market, India's share in our trade is negligible, a trade war will hurt India more for sure. You can just bring it on.

LOL, name 1 strategic export of China to India which we cannot make ourselves or buy from other countries
You seem to be under the impression that it's because of something inexplicable that's only found in China i.e. cheap labor. At least when it comes to India, so long as we have hi tech companies willing to come here, Indians can enjoy made in India (probably) with a little bit of markup, since economies of scale would still tilt the balance in China's favor.

Take the likes of IBM, GE, Intel, Qualcomm, Boeing et al out & you have nothing left in China, well except the stolen tech from these western nations :o:
We bought IBM and maybe we will buy them all in the future, besides, all Top companies and brands now in China are newly emerged Chinese domestic giants, Huawei, Lenovo, Alibaba, Tencent, Haier..... What does India have?
We bought IBM and maybe we will buy them all in the future, besides, all Top companies and brands now in China are newly emerged Chinese domestic giants, Huawei, Lenovo, Alibaba, Tencent, Haier..... What does India have?
You bought IBM's PC division & not IBM itself, big difference & that probably is the only thing keeping Lenovo affloat since their mobile division ins't doing so well.

Like I said borrowed or stolen tech.

The latter are as big as they are because the Chinese state has effectively banned the entry of Facebook, Google et al & even Amazon was discriminated against IIRC.

Well TATA group for one & the likes of Infy, Wipro et al. I know nothing nothing substantial, except TATA, but hey we don't thump our chests over screwing foreign JV partners. Besides India has been far more liberal & open when it comes to imports, one of the main reasons why Huawei, ZTE were able to win telecom contracts here.

Nobody can boycott China
Yeah well that's your opinion & you're entitled to it.
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