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Indians arrested for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown

Crazy religious and all kinds of retards are EVERYWHERE, including India. Thakerey was one of them. Wasn't this the guy who wanted to 'wipe Pakistan off the map', never accepted the divide of India and wanted to take the other land by force and torture? He's the one who threatened to attack the cricket teams, planned masacres against the muslim community.....

Baal Thakerey, OBL, Norweigan killer, the Oklahoma City bomber....are ALL a result of the twisted ideology that comes with every religion and belief. These past two years have been great, OBL gone and now Thakerey gone too. More peace to come !
You should not put bal thakrey into that list. He just used communal polarization to capture votes, but like bhai of MQM. He was not as much anti muslim as he shows off (his granddaughter married to a gujrati muslim it seems, with his blessings).
I am not saying he is a good guy, just saying not that bad guy. :)
Facebook post on Thackeray: Maharashtra CM Prithviraj Chavan under pressure to sack cops

MUMBAI/NEW DELHI: The furore over the arrests of two Palghar girls, who had lamented on an internet post the shutdown due to Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray's funeral, snowballed into a larger national controversy on Tuesday with the Union home ministry seeking a report from the Maharashtra government. The Information Technology ministry is also looking into whether it was proper to charge the girls under the IT Act.

In Mumbai, the Maharashtra government said on Tuesday that the inspector-general of the Konkan was expected to complete his inquiry into the arrests and submit his report by today. Both chief minister Prithviraj Chavan and home minister R R Patil said that unless they received the I-G's report, it would be wrong to take action against erring police officers. "Give us some time, we are waiting for the report of the Konkan I-G. We will take such action against the erring officials that the entire police will remember it for a long time," Patil promised.
"The inquiry will look into whether the arrests were warranted and whether the sections applied were correct," said Patil. Chavan said, "We will take stern action against the erring police officials. No one will be spared." However, both Patil and Chavan stopped short of saying if any police official would be suspended. There have been calls from several sections of society for action against the cops for arresting the Palghar girls Shaheen Dhada and Rinu Shrinivasan, both 21. Shaheen had uploaded the post, while Rinu 'liked' it.

Chavan has also assured former SC justice and Press Council of India chairman Justice Markandey Katju that strict action would be taken against those responsible for arresting Shaheen and Rinu. The Palghar police charged them with attempting to promote hatred between groups and using a communication device to send a grossly offensive message.

Katju had on Monday written to Chavan asking for action against the police.

While the police arrested the girls within hours of the facebook post being uploaded, it was only on Tuesday that they arrested 10 men for vandalizing Shaheen's uncle's hospital. Dr Abdul Dhada's hospital was vandalised at around 9.30pm on Sunday night. The police levelled several IPC charges against the 10, including rioting and endangering the life of others, and also pressed charges under the Criminal Law Amendment Act and Maharashtra Medical Act. Patil said, "The IG's probe will also investigate the vandalism."

Palghar Shiv Sainiks denied on Tuesday that the 10 alleged vandals were members of the party. However, the Sainiks were present during the court proceedings and took the accused away in vehicles after they got bail. The vandalism led to Rs 10 lakh in property being destroyed.

After the girls' arrests, people across India took to internet and other fora to decry the "death of democracy". There were calls for the men who ransacked the hospital to be prosecuted, the girls to be compensated for their mental agony and for the policemen who effected the arrests to be punished.

Both the CM and Patil said it was time to take a fresh look at the IT Act. "We have to study if the comments on facebook are private or public. When the IT Act came into force, the concept of facebook was not in existence," Chavan said. However, minister of state for communications and IT Milind Deora said the issue was not about amending the IT Act, but preventing its misuse by the police. Deora said, "If I had been 22 years old, I would be afraid to live in this city. What city are they building in Mumbai? Is it a society built on fear or do they want it to be liberal? The police should act without fear and not buckle under pressure from any politician." He called for an independent inquiry into the girls' arrests.

Both girls Shaheen and Rinu have been frightened by the entire episode. "I have apologized because I want peace and harmony," said Shaheen, who took down her post on Sunday itself and apologized on Facebook. "But this has been a nightmare," she added. "The treatment meted out to us was unfair." She added that somebody from California had hacked her Facebook account. "I have registered a police complaint mentioning that I will not be responsible for whatever is posted through the fake account," she said.

When chief minister Chavan was asked why he was waiting for the I-G's report when DGP Sanjeev Dayal had already submitted a preliminary report to the home department saying the arrests were uncalled for, Chavan reiterated that action would be taken only after the I-G gave his report. "My government has taken serious note of the entire incident. Those Shiv Sena workers who vandalized a local clinic have been arrested and stern action will taken against those who take the law into their own hands," Chavan said.

Chavan did express surprise over the manner in which the Palghar police invoked the IT Act, particularly Section 66A. "I have no specific information, but I was told that a senior IPS official did caution the Palghar police against invoking the provisions of the IT Act," he said.

Meanwhile, the adjectives flew freely Tuesday as Indians across all sectors expressed their outrage at the arrests of the two young women. "Dictatorship is what we witnessed over the last weekend... Can one not even express their feelings now? Are we in democracy or dictatorship," asked a young man.

Facebook post on Thackeray: Maharashtra CM Prithviraj Chavan under pressure to sack cops - The Times of India
This is called rule of law and accountability. If police did something wrong, they will face charges. People should rather look at this aspect than commenting on the incident alone.
I wish SC takes Suo Motu notice of this situation and make an example of these cops such that any cop in future should be very hesitant to move against common people and apply the laws aribitrarily.
What are you guys doing ganging up against the cops - in social media and the press?

Are you any different from any other mob?

Well I have news for you.

The sentiment is very clear.

Where there is one mob, there will be a counter mob.

Pressure can and will be applied from both sides.
aray yar bus kero,jub tk aap log discuss kerrahy hogay tb tk woh release bhi ho chuki hogi
for all the posters jumping here up and down .......this case has been booked as Non congnizable offence like all other earlier cases in freedom of expression....

non-cognizable offence is an offence in which police can neither register an FIR, investigate, nor effect arrest without the express permission or directions from the court. You cannot be be jailed for this offence...

you are liable to pay fine ...

You're wrong. AN FIR has been registered against both the girls and both have been released later on a bail. They're not supposed to even leave the city now. One girl has an interview later this month and now she can't attend it. And both the girls have decided to leave the town for a long vacation to avoid any further troubles from these goons.
It doesn't matter what she's posted or said. Indian constitution grants every one the Right to speech without any limitations. No one should be punished for exercising their rights or maybe it's time for shiv sainiks to form their own country with only Maha Hindus and make their own constitution and laws.
What are you guys doing ganging up against the cops - in social media and the press?

Are you any different from any other mob?

Well I have news for you.

The sentiment is very clear.

Where there is one mob, there will be a counter mob.

Pressure can and will be applied from both sides.

Doc - You see it as we vs them due to your soft-corner for Thackeray. For me, it does not matter who is on the other end. That is the reason why I left my personal opinions about Thackeray and Sainiks out of this thread's discussions and have requested a member to do the same as well.

Here is how I see it as

1. Alternate media is something which has given the opportunity for the common man in India to express his opinions and many a times bring in real facts to the table rather than the left dominated print media which has dished out biased report. Why should Indians compromise with the expression in that media due to the selective application of the law by the police? If this can be allowed, then the same excuse will be used by the police for some other situations when you and me will be on the same side opposing it. Replace Thackerey with say Geelani and think whether you will stick to the stated position what you have projected here.

2. If the cops can get hold of a 21 year old girl today with illegal interpretation of the laws, it can be anyone's sons and daughters tomorrow. There are incidents that ganja cases has been applied for political reasons which is non-bailance offense or innocent girls arrested under prostitution. With the social media use increasing among Indians, any innocent posts can be
interpreted differently for their convenience and the cops can act with impunity.

3. Why selective application of laws? Many politicans have said worse things and why not arrest them for bringing in enmity between two groups? I can give examples including some which might touch raw nerves here but I am refraining myself from to keep the arguments sane. Perfect example - Katju - why not touch Katju? He said it on Hindu the day Thackeray funeral was being held.

4. There is no timing to say anything. If the mourners might cause trouble and police can't contain it, get freaking help from central paramilitary forces.If still one can't, declare the areas as disturbed and bring in army. Protection of constitutional rights is paramount for a country. If excuses are given like "that is how we roll","the mourners are emotional" etc, then get rid of the constitution altogether and let some gunda with big lathi rule the land.

Again do not call us armed chair civil rightists or try to group us with the "other mob" - This is how improvements are made to the constitution. Rome is not built in a single day. If the "counter mob" has succeeded in resisting actions against the cops, then the Indian constitution is compromised and anyone will be afraid in future and think twice about posting something in social media and the only views projected will be from the print media and we all know what print media dishes out day in and day out.
Sashan bro, you make good points.

I am all for freedom of speech myself.

But the timing sucked.

And the girl should have had better sense.

Not only as a Mumbaikar, but as a Muslim Mumbaikar.

Please remember that India does not dwell in the Internet.

It dwells on the streets.

How many people are out on the streets is the best barometer of popular sentiment.

Popular sentiment is not with your side on this.

That is the fact.

I am not playing son of the soil vs elitist card here.

I live here. And I simply do not see it.

All the "anger" is in the newspaper, on TV, and on the Net.
Sashan bro, you make good points.

I am all for freedom of speech myself.

But the timing sucked.

And the girl should have had better sense.

Not only as a Mumbaikar, but as a Muslim Mumbaikar.

Please remember that India does not dwell in the Internet.

It dwells on the streets.

How many people are out on the streets is the best barometer of popular sentiment.

Popular sentiment is not with your side on this.

That is the fact.

I am not playing son of the soil vs elitist card here.

I live here. And I simply do not see it.

All the "anger" is in the newspaper, on TV, and on the Net.

Doc why wasn't Raj Thackrey arrested for threatening fellow Indians? Was Mumbai Police sleeping then? Forget about the Girl who wrote the post, the other girl got arrested for liking the post, are you kidding me? It's height of moron-ism and you are supporting it, strange?
Sashan bro, you make good points.

I am all for freedom of speech myself.

But the timing sucked.

And the girl should have had better sense.

Not only as a Mumbaikar, but as a Muslim Mumbaikar.
Why? Does being a muslim or being a Mumbaikar strip you of your rights??

Please remember that India does not dwell in the Internet.

It dwells on the streets.

How many people are out on the streets is the best barometer of popular sentiment.

Popular sentiment is not with your side on this.

That is the fact.

I am not playing son of the soil vs elitist card here.

I live here. And I simply do not see it.

All the "anger" is in the newspaper, on TV, and on the Net.
And that's how a civilized world is supposed to work. Are you seriously suggesting that the only way that a sentiment(popular or not) is to take to the streets?
Just because someone's a different opinion than your's doesn't mean they're wrong and even if they're, no one should be punished for an opinion. How hard is that to comprehend.
Doc why wasn't Raj Thackrey arrested for threatening fellow Indians? Was Mumbai Police sleeping then? Forget about the Girl who wrote the post, the other girl got arrested for liking the post, are you kidding me? It's height of moron-ism and you are supporting it, strange?

Yaar you still do not get it?

When Raj indulges in rhetoric (that's all it is - political rhetoric - no different from that done by local/regional leaders of many other states), there is no law and order problem or the chance of a conflagration.

And yes - there have been umpteen number of cases against both Balasaheb and Raj. Please remember we have the Congress at the head of the state.

If the danger inherent to the situation were not so close to the surface you can bet that the Congress would have whipped up a frenzy and made political mileage out of the situation.

Days or weeks or months from now they still will

You think what's happening in the media is spontaneous? Please ......

Bottom line is that the public is not a fool.

And the public's heart is not in this.

That much is clear even to you guys who continue to display indignation at the rampant trampling of the state on our fundamental rights.

And that's how a civilized world is supposed to work. Are you seriously suggesting that the only way that a sentiment(popular or not) is to take to the streets?
Just because someone's a different opinion than your's doesn't mean they're wrong and even if they're, no one should be punished for an opinion. How hard is that to comprehend.

I did not say that. Please re-read what I said.
Why? Does being a muslim or being a Mumbaikar strip you of your rights??

Not at all. But it comes with added understanding and inherent social responsibilities.

You do not have the right to say something that can endanger the lives and well-being of others.

That is part of our Constitution.

That has been upheld by our highest court.

You can debate this if you must.

The Police are not the Courts.

They do not have the luxury of comfortably hearing both sides before passing learned judgment.

They are there to do a job. To take calls.

And they did.

What you lot are doing is ensuring that tomorrow no honest police officer will stick his neck out and be pro-active.

Let people die. Let the city burn.

Dokala traas kashala?
Yaar you still do not get it?

When Raj indulges in rhetoric (that's all it is - political rhetoric - no different from that done by local/regional leaders of many other states), there is no law and order problem or the chance of a conflagration.

And yes - there have been umpteen number of cases against both Balasaheb and Raj. Please remember we have the Congress at the head of the state.

If the danger inherent to the situation were not so close to the surface you can bet that the Congress would have whipped up a frenzy and made political mileage out of the situation.

Days or weeks or months from now they still will

You think what's happening in the media is spontaneous? Please ......

Bottom line is that the public is not a fool.

And the public's heart is not in this.

That much is clear even to you guys who continue to display indignation at the rampant trampling of the state on our fundamental rights.

I did not say that. Please re-read what I said.

Are you kidding me Doc? Don't you remember how people where harassed and beaten up? If someone can walk in to a police station and say arrest somebody for liking a comment on FB or else we will take law in our own hands and the police obliges then the only conclusion is that the police is doing it's job all wrong and the said cops should be sacked period
Not at all. But it comes with added understanding and inherent social responsibilities.

You do not have the right to say something that can endanger the lives and well-being of others.

That is part of our Constitution.

That has been upheld by our highest court.

You can debate this if you must.

The Police are not the Courts.

They do not have the luxury of comfortably hearing both sides before passing learned judgment.

They are there to do a job. To take calls.

And they did.

What you lot are doing is ensuring that tomorrow no honest police officer will stick his neck out and be pro-active.

Let people die. Let the city burn.

Dokala traas kashala?

The police should have done there job and at the max register a NC or have given a warning or something, instead of abusing their powers and harassing innocents

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