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Indians arrested for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown

She was a 21 year old (2 years older than me) so i guess she very well knew what would have have been potential consequences for posting such stuffs

Parents are to blame man.

In a fancy Muslim wedding once, there were these Manipuri hostesses.

My sweet little innocent elder daughter (I have two) was teasing her elder brother about ogling the "chinkis" in their short dresses.

I never use the term and I know my wife does not, and she said it pretty loud, so I was embarrassed and sat all 3 of them down and gave them a stern lecture on how they are Indian, respect, political correctness, the works.

Obviously this girl's parents did nothing of the sort while she was growing up.
International declared terrorist with no evidence against him...Period

Still enough evidence for UN to declare him so .

Even if saed acknowledges it in the open , pakistanis will again asks for more proof.
Its a general comment. not anything bad or specific against his death

also she carried on n said ''why this bandh'' which this guy didnt bother to mention.
Also she is a Muslim too her name is Shaheen according to Geo news
Parents are to blame man.

In a fancy Muslim wedding once, there were these Manipuri hostesses.

My sweet little innocent elder daughter (I have two) was teasing her elder brother about ogling the "chinkis" in their short dresses.

I never use the term and I know my wife does not, and she said it pretty loud, so I was embarrassed and sat all 3 of them down and gave them a stern lecture on how they are Indian, respect, political correctness, the works.

Obviously this girl's parents did nothing of the sort while she was growing up.

Did this girl use a racial slur in her post? All she said was what many people thought - that a city shouldn't be held hostage over a man's death. If anybody wants to not work for that reason, that's their right. But the entire city shutdown because they feared shiv sena goons. You yourself have made it amply clear that you live in fear of them and what they can do, and what will happen to people who speak against them.

Her parents have done an excellent job in making sure that she speaks her mind. I hope there are more people like her, so that Indians will not be cowed down by implied or real threats. Its the parents of the shiv sainiks who should hang their heads in shame for breeding people who rule through fear.

Bravo to the girl, bravo to her parents, shame on the people who have made a society that fears them so much that they dare not speak their minds or ply their daily trade.

And I agree with you that people like thakerey are not born everyday - she was wrong about that. There are not too many politicians in India who make people afraid to speak anything against them. Not the gandhis, not advani, not prakash karat. Only the likes of thakerey and the sainiks have the distinction of controlling people through fear. Thugs like him are not born everyday, and that is good for India.

Sorry if it upsets you, but there - I have said what deserves to be said, and guess what? That's my right as an Indian citizen. You may disagree with me and sing the praises of thakerey or any other thug - but you cant take away my freedom to say what comes to my mind.

also she carried on n said ''why this bandh'' which this guy didnt bother to mention.
Also she is a Muslim too her name is Shaheen according to Geo news

Under Indian law, it doesn't matter if she is a muslim or hindu or Shinto. She has the same rights and freedoms as anybody else. This arrest was a violation of basic rights, and the policemen who did it are under investigation. Thousands of people have offered to pay for her bail, and for all her legal expenses. And the charges against her will be dropped, wont hold water in any court of law in India.

And by the way, the other girl who was arrested was a hindu, if it matters to you. It doesn't matter at all under Indian law.
also she carried on n said ''why this bandh'' which this guy didnt bother to mention.
Also she is a Muslim too her name is Shaheen according to Geo news

The offending part was about thousands of people like this living and dying everyday.
Now let me see u commenting on Indian Topics ... & i am Watching u ... i have saved this link to quote u in future... Please Remove the Indian flag from ur Profile u sold out India...

AAAAAH!!!!!! here comes a Shev Sehna mental Case with its photo as his avatar:rofl:
He is a Hindu Taliban he talks the same way n does the same like those radical Taliban do n this artical again sheds a light over that!!!
So Mr Nair Saab urff Hindu Taliban Welcome to Pakistan Military Forum:lol:
The two girls were booked under section 295(a) of the IPC for hurting religious sentiments and section 66(a) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and arrested for posting anti-Thackeray comments under the section 505(2) (statements creating or promoting enmity, hatred or ill-will between classes) .

Both were produced in court and granted bail on surety of Rs 15,000.

Here's is the sequence of events that led to the controversy:

Shaheen Dhada's Facebook comment (posted on Sunday 3 pm, shared by Rini Shrinivasan)....

"With all respect, every day, thousands of people die, but still the world moves on. Just due to one politician died a natural death, everyone just goes bonkers. They should know, we are resilient by force, not by choice. When was the last time did anyone showed some respect or even a two-minute silence for Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Azad, Sukhdev or any of the people because of whom we are free-living Indians. Respect is earned, given and definitely not forced. Today, Mumbai shuts down due to fear, not due to respect."

After the Facebook post, a mob of nearly 40 Shiv Sainiks allegedly barged into clinic of Shaheen's uncle Abdul Dhada at Palghar and forced him to ask her niece to remove the comment. Sankhe was reportedly quoted as saying: "We had called her and asked her to apologise, but Shaheen refused and said, 'do what you want to, but I will not apologise."

Angered over Shaheen's defiant attitude, the Shiv Sainiks ransacked Dhada's clinic. Thereafter, the agitated Shiv Sainiks lodged an FIR at Thane police station and threatened cops of violence if no action is taken against the girl.

Fearing any untoward incident that might have triggered communal violence in the city, the cops reportedly agreed to arrest the girls.

The two girls were arrested under section 505(2) for making public statements on Facebook which, in the opinion of the police, could lead to public unrest and create a law and order problem.

According to former Maharashtra Police Commissioner, YP Singh, "the case of arrest of two girls is often called 'accommodation cases' where police bargains peace from rioters in exchange of arrests.
The people who vandalized the clinic are behind bars right now. The policemen who arrested her are facing investigation, and will be punished. Eminent supreme court lawyers and high ranking police officers have all gone on record to say that this was a blatant misuse of power.

India does have a lot of freedoms, although many idiotic shiv sainiks and other fascists want to take those freedoms away.

I was replying to apology part...... when she apologized none of above were happening... and thanks to media that it happend... and i do agree with freedom part..credit must be given where due..
hahaha get real kiddo nobody dies everyday just by expressing yrself.
Yr country is secular right?
which means it doesnt differs in religion values right?
Yr country claims to be a Champion of Democracy right?
Even in that extent that it says n projects itself as example to us too right?
When in our Country where if a individual non muslim goes to yr country u call us bad n say that look ur own people r fleeing from yr country right?
When a non muslim abuses our religion in our country, where we arrest them under our LAW or makes cartoons,films in their country n we get upset n share our rightfull anger then u say us that we r two faced or intolerent right?

Now here is a reality a story which exposes yr true colours of secularism or democracy, then what do we get:lol:
The same educated native indian nations r all out defending it. LOLZ
Before pointing fingers at others look at yrself first.

There is no need to defend this act that too on a Radical facist religious fanatic's death, whose personality used to resember a joker at its best!
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Umair we can say anything we want to.

As long as it does not cross certain lines.

Who draws those lines?

The machinery of the law does.

No sense getting Pakistan involved here.

Just sit back and enjoy the fun for a change.
"With all respect, every day, thousands of people die, but still the world moves on. Just due to one politician died a natural death, everyone just goes bonkers. They should know, we are resilient by force, not by choice. When was the last time did anyone showed some respect or even a two-minute silence for Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Azad, Sukhdev or any of the people because of whom we are free-living Indians. Respect is earned, given and definitely not forced. Today, Mumbai shuts down due to fear, not due to respect."

She definitely earned my respect here..

Its high time the nation should react to this kind of nonsense.. Harthal and Bandh were forced up on people even if a politician sneezes..
Umair we can say anything we want to.

As long as it does not cross certain lines.

Who draws those lines?

The machinery of the law does.

No sense getting Pakistan involved here.

Just sit back and enjoy the fun for a change.
People around the world r bringing revolutions in their countries like Egypt,Tunisia etc for democracy n freedom of expression, even in our country too n u seems going backwords
this a very narrow thinking mr plz dont mind!

But when we do same under our LAW(when a non muslim abuses our religion) or them flee from our country to some other, then why u call us backword or intolerent??????
Answer me if u can
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