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Indians arrested for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown

What is the truth?

Do you know? Does she know?

Does a confused desi American know?

As for the girl, I have said my piece in my reply to Sashan on another thread. As I did to Asim during the NE troubles.

Turns out, the same Pakistanis who were dissing us then, all came around later when something similar hit you.

Its nice being an armchair idealist.

Very different living in the land and sinking or swimming together as one people.

i think you are confused here. you want to support unjust arrest of the young girl at the same want want to look neutral. Well thats something funny. swimming and drowning together does not mean one has to support wrong deeds just to make him of herself feel among the crowd.
Firstly- India was used, in the context, as a country and I don't live in it - so it's 'you India' ( as in you India the country)
Secondly- I'm of Indian heritage but I'm an american . I did not come land here a few years ago, I've been an american since early childhood. I lived here longer than my few years of childhood in India.

Now back to the topic at hand.

Now let me see u commenting on Indian Topics ... & i am Watching u ... i have saved this link to quote u in future... Please Remove the Indian flag from ur Profile u sold out India...
You are getting confused about the topic at hand. are the Pakistanis here commenting two faced ? absolutely no doubt about it. But does that absolve the utter rubbish of arresting the girls under the constitution I knew of India and what it's founding fathers intended it to be . 100%

No Indian has the right to put other Indians in jeopardy by word or action.

This female did. She was arrested.

Good for the Mumbai Police I say. More power to them.

Man you are an ABCD. Sad. I thought different when I saw you taking on Abu Zolfikar.

He has more pride in Pakistan than you in India sorry to say.

What do you know about our Constitution and our Founding Fathers?
Now let me see u commenting on Indian Topics ... & i am Watching u ... i have saved this link to quote u in future... Please Remove the Indian flag from ur Profile u sold out India...

you are now Taliban Omar selling edicts of who is sell out and who can wear flags? How can one sell out India when it never belonged to me. I 'm more for Indian advancement over supporting rubbish, backward , anti democratic principles it was originally founded upon. Brits used to muzzle you guys and you fought for your freedom. You have a free press that is cherished but if this stupidity is allowed - what happens to that? It's you who is ultimately detrimental to India, not I. I don't obfuscate my comments and opinions to push for India or anyone. I call it as I see it.
No Indian has the right to put other Indians in jeopardy by word or action.

This female did. She was arrested.

Good for the Mumbai Police I say. More power to them.
Man you are an ABCD. Sad. I thought different when I saw you taking on Abu Zolfikar.

He has more pride in Pakistan than you in India sorry to say.

What do you know about our Constitution and our Founding Fathers?

Doc you need some rest :) i feel frustration in your responses.

You should not form standards for having pride by someone viz a viz their country :) thats something the individuals form.
Doc you need some rest :) i feel frustration in your responses.

You should not form standards for having pride by someone viz a viz their country :) thats something the individuals form.

Yeah you are right.

Sorry for losing it.

All I want to say is that there are a number of very good Indian posters who have disappointed by their posts on this occasion.

But to be fair, I do not blame them. It is our ball-less, spine-less, eeman-less media.

As a Bihari in Maharashtra, though I am a Mumbai born boy, I used to initially feel the same sense of unfairness at the Sena first and then the MNS and their actions and words.

Till I got to make friends with many of them. Did some unbiased reading of my own.

And most importantly - opened my blinkered elitist eyes to how the other half lives.

It is not rich vs poor, hindu vs muslim, or son of the soil vs outsider here - Balasaheb himself said There are only two religions/castes - rich and poor - do something to make the poor rich, not the rich poor.

It is simply about being honest, being fair, and speaking from the heart.

Things which I respect about the man.
No Indian has the right to put other Indians in jeopardy by word or action.

This female did. She was arrested.

Good for the Mumbai Police I say. More power to them.

Man you are an ABCD. Sad. I thought different when I saw you taking on Abu Zolfikar.

He has more pride in Pakistan than you in India sorry to say.

What do you know about our Constitution and our Founding Fathers?

You think I take on that Abu guy here because I hate Pakistan or for my love for India? I take on the points of contention not what country they come from. I'm an intellect not a sheep.

what would I know about your constitution and founding fathers? A hell lot more than you. My grandfather fought alongside Gandhi and the rest for the independence you enjoy, to not want to give away in the name of thuggery the very freedoms they died for. Our family tree has sacrificed more for such freedoms for India than you could ever imagine.
What the girl said was wrong? No - It is not.

A pragmatic approach required - yes considering the morons use these kinds of situations to cause trouble.

At the end of the day, it reflects badly on India as what we feel proud for - freedom of speech is compromised.

Let these cops try touching Katju who said something worse today(though personally I do not believe so) than what the girl said

What is Bal Thackeray’s legacy?

It is the anti-national ‘sons of the soil’ (bhumiputra) theory

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Why I can
You think I take on that Abu guy here because I hate Pakistan or for my love for India? I take on the points of contention not what country they come from. I'm an intellect not a sheep.

what would I know about your constitution and founding fathers? A hell lot more than you. My grandfather fought alongside Gandhi and the rest for the independence you enjoy, to not want to give away in the name of thuggery the very freedoms they died for. Our family tree has sacrificed more for such freedoms for India than you could ever imagine.

You are not an intellect. You are actually a blowhard.

What your grandfather did is no credit to you.

There are millions of us here whose grandfathers also fought in the freedom struggle.

And we continue the fight. Everyday.

Not fart from the US of A as if our shi.t don't stink.
Yeah you are right.

Sorry for losing it.

All I want to say is that there are a number of very good Indian posters who have disappointed by their posts on this occasion.

But to be fair, I do not blame them. It is our ball-less, spine-less, eeman-less media.

As a Bihari in Maharashtra, though I am a Mumbai born boy, I used to initially feel the same sense of unfairness at the Sena first and then the MNS and their actions and words.

Till I got to make friends with many of them. Did some unbiased reading of my own.

And most importantly - opened my blinkered elitist eyes to how the other half lives.

It is not rich vs poor, hindu vs muslim, or son of the soil vs outsider here - Balasaheb himself said There are only two religions/castes - rich and poor - do something to make the poor rich, not the rich poor.

It is simply about being honest, being fair, and speaking from the heart.

Things which I respect about the man.

Doc your detailed response does not in anyway address the topic at hands. fairor or unfair that man was is another debate.

Here we are talking about unjust arrest of a girl just beacuse supporters of hardliner leader did not like her comments.

If you feel the implication of this law in this case is fair then all those Indians who call even a respected figure like Gandhi as "gan--" here should be booked under this law, all those Indians who come to newspapers' site in comment sections and abuse MM Singh/ Sonia gandhi, Rahul and many more should be booked under this law? right?
Doc your detailed response does not in anyway address the topic at hands. fairor or unfair that man was is another debate.

Here we are talking about unjust arrest of a girl just beacuse supporters of hardliner leader did not like her comments.

If you feel the implication of this law in this case is fair then all those Indians who call even a respected figure like Gandhi as "gan--" here should be booked under this law, all those Indians who come to newspapers' site in comment sections and abuse MM Singh/ Sonia gandhi, Rahul and many more should be booked under this law? right?

Yes I agree this was over the top and unfair.

As would have been the reaction of a mob that would have gone on rampage at this sensitive time.

How fair would it have been for the family of those who would have been killed? For kids losing their dads? Parents their sons?

For what? Because some twit wants to feel cool on friggin Face friggin Book?
What the girl said was wrong? No - It is not.

A pragmatic approach required - yes considering the morons use these kinds of situations to cause trouble.

At the end of the day, it reflects badly on India as what we feel proud for - freedom of speech is compromised.

Let these cops try touching Katju who said something worse today(though personally I do not believe so) than what the girl said

What is Bal Thackeray’s legacy?

It is the anti-national ‘sons of the soil’ (bhumiputra) theory

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Why I can

What's more shocking is - more people voted for MMS party and his leadership to be continued than Bal thackery. Even if the guy was a saint, which he is not. what does it tells us? you can't any longer in india have free press or people to criticize them?

Same goes for arundhati roy- disagree vehemently on most of her opinions. But I will always be on the side for her freedom of speech to state her opinions.
"Hence if the facts reported are correct, I request you to immediately order the suspension, arrest, chargesheeting and criminal prosecution of the police personnel (however high they may be) who ordered as well as implemented the arrest of that woman, failing which I will deem it that you as chief minister are unable to run the state in a democratic manner as envisaged by the Constitution to which you have taken oath, and then the legal consequences will follow," he added.

Justice Katju reacts to TOI report, asks Prithviraj Chavan to probe Facebook user's arrest - The Times of India

Though not a fan of Katju I am with him on this one. I wish there is suing culture like it is there in US. These cops will be paying their salaries like alimonies throughout their entire career. Bunch of overenthusiastic sychophants.
you are now Taliban Omar selling edicts of who is sell out and who can wear flags? How can one sell out India when it never belonged to me. I 'm more for Indian advancement over supporting rubbish, backward , anti democratic principles it was originally founded upon. Brits used to muzzle you guys and you fought for your freedom. You have a free press that is cherished but if this stupidity is allowed - what happens to that? It's you who is ultimately detrimental to India, not I. I don't obfuscate my comments and opinions to push for India or anyone. I call it as I see it.

that is what i said ... U see it as a American ... & we Indians dont wanna like taking opinions of Americans
for all the posters jumping here up and down .......this case has been booked as Non congnizable offence like all other earlier cases in freedom of expression....

non-cognizable offence is an offence in which police can neither register an FIR, investigate, nor effect arrest without the express permission or directions from the court. You cannot be be jailed for this offence...

you are liable to pay fine ...
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