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Indian women want mates who can cook, online survey says

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Thats you're opinion there are lots of men who aren't Joru ka Ghulam but aren't perverted sickos either. Most men here at least are just that considering their comments. If you think taking cheap shots at women, making fun of them by being disrespecful, not taking responsibility for your actions and to top it all off being tharki on a thread makes you a man then continue thinking so like i said thats the real threat to any society.
If you think men aren't tharki by nature than u don't know anything about guys.

If you think men aren't tharki by nature than u don't know anything about guys.

Being tharki doesn't mean you get on a forum and offend people by showing that off and take pleasure from that. Thats what i meant. And you only noticed the tharki part the rest is also applicable on men here.

Aamna ji is angry. Levina ji still maintaining calm.

Either Indian girls more sporting than Pakstani girls.

Or some girls are actually boys.

I'd rather not speak to you so i am telling you once don't bother mentioning or talking about me. Indian women might be really great i have no issues with that since i know some very nice women from there.
I'd rather not speak to you so i am telling you once don't bother mentioning or talking about me. Indian women might be really great i have no issues with that since i know some very nice women from there.

You need to stop taking yourself so seriously. I don't.
Whether i do or not its none of you're business i won't take you comments on me lightly just because thats how you treat women. Keep them to yourself.

I actually treat women very nice. Never found one not happy with how I made her feel.
I actually treat women very nice. Never found one not happy with how I made her feel.

Stop twisting my words. I don't want you passing comments on how i am conducting myself or anything else for that matter i haven't done that with you so stay in you're limits.
Stop twisting my words. I don't want you passing comments on how i am conducting myself or anything else for that matter i haven't done that with you so stay in you're limits.

Don't fight aamna. I don't like fighting with girls. I simply said I know how to treat a girl. What was twisting in it?
Don't fight aamna. I don't like fighting with girls. I simply said I know how to treat a girl. What was twisting in it?

I have seen how well you treat women when you resort to name calling and i am not fighting i am just telling you to not pass you're comments on me or not mention me because i won't take insults which you always resort to in order to prove a point.
I have seen how well you treat women when you resort to name calling and i am not fighting i am just telling you to not pass you're comments on me or not mention me because i won't take insults which you always resort to in order to prove a point.

What name calling or comments or insults have I done ? To women in general or you in particular ?

I cannot recall me insulting you or even calling you anything besides aamna. I have already apologized for calling you bearded mulla after you apologized for caling sari clad Indian women soft **** actresses.

I thought we had gotten past that unpleasantness aamna. Can't we please start afresh?
What name calling or comments or insults have I done ? To women in general or you in particular ?

I cannot recall me insulting you or even calling you anything besides aamna. I have already apologized for calling you bearded mulla after you apologized for caling sari clad Indian women soft **** actresses.

I thought we had gotten past that unpleasantness aamna. Can't we please start afresh?

Yeah so if people differ from you're opinion and they accidently offend you you resort to name calling and its justified in you're sight while you deliberately pass comments and insult women and you are not at fault and people are not supposed to feel bad about it either.
Yeah so if people differ from you're opinion and they accidently offend you you resort to name calling and its justified in you're sight while you deliberately pass comments and insult women and you are not at fault and people are not supposed to feel bad about it either.

No there is no excuse for insulting anyone aamna. Definitely not a girl. You know my views on girls.

I was reacting to what you said and gladly apologized once you clarified and apologized.

But after that what have i said that you have taken as an insult? Either to you in particular or women in general? Are you not holding a grudge for that past incident?
No there is no excuse for insulting anyone aamna. Definitely not a girl. You know my views on girls.

I was reacting to what you said and gladly apologized once you clarified and apologized.

But after that what have i said that you have taken as an insult? Either to you in particular or women in general? Are you not holding a grudge for that past incident?

Maybe i am and even if i am its because even then i didn't point you out and say nasty things i gave my opinion to which you were deliberately mean and insulting to the point where i left even explaining what i meant. If an offensive opinion, which wasn't meant to offend in the least, makes you justified in insulting and belittling women then i'd rather not wish to repeat that incident.
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