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Indian woman is stripped naked and has her eyes gouged out before being beaten to death and incinera

You never had the guts to hear me out ......... your target was Islam, but upon my asking you again and again you kept deflecting. You yourself admitted that you are here only to post pictures that would satisfy your hate for anything and anyone non sanghi, whereas my argument was these non sanghis are not doing anything that is unique to them ......... but guess what you have difficulty accepting that. You kept proving yourself to be a hypocrite bigot cuckoo sanghi ......... So yes there is no point having a discussion with you.

Islam might mean something to you, it means nothing to me. I love it or hate it as much as I love or hate a random stone on the road.

I know you want to feel important by being a subject of my hate, but reality is you mean nothing to me. Deal with it .......or don't. I really don't care.

now western media run by jews is a oracle on islam.....wake up my urine drinking friend.

I am not your urine drinking friend. You must have mistaken me for some pakistani or chinese.

Don't bother to reply.
Islam might mean something to you, it means nothing to me. I love it or hate it as much as I love or hate a random stone on the road.

I know you want to feel important by being a subject of my hate, but reality is you mean nothing to me. Deal with it .......or don't. I really don't care.

Okay so what was the point of coming to this forum and posting all those random images.

A rational person won't hate a stone on the road by the way and neither he would start kissing it. Unless a mental case.

I don't want to feel important to a random cuckoo sanghi ........ naaah I have better taste, however, I do enjoy showing a random sanghi his true place.
Islam might mean something to you, it means nothing to me. I love it or hate it as much as I love or hate a random stone on the road.

I know you want to feel important by being a subject of my hate, but reality is you mean nothing to me. Deal with it .......or don't. I really don't care.

I am not your urine drinking friend. You must have mistaken me for some pakistani or chinese.

Don't bother to reply.
f you here is a reply

all indian drink cow urine. part of your faith. don't deny it. just embrace it.
we all know you also apply cow poo on your face and all over your house as it protects you from nuclear radiation and use it in medicines. there is no need to ashamed. its who you are .... be proud. you people are also in rape and many other weird things like genital worship (before you deny it I have been to temples where hindus worship them). I could go on but I think you get the point.
f you here is a reply

all indian drink cow urine. part of your faith. don't deny it. just embrace it.
we all know you also apply cow poo on your face and all over your house as it protects you from nuclear radiation and use it in medicines. there is no need to ashamed. its who you are .... be proud. you people are also in rape and many other weird things like genital worship (before you deny it I have been to temples where hindus worship them). I could go on but I think you get the point.

Hey whatever helps you sleep at night and escape your miserable existence.

Okay so what was the point of coming to this forum and posting all those random images.

A rational person won't hate a stone on the road by the way and neither he would start kissing it. Unless a mental case.

I don't want to feel important to a random cuckoo sanghi ........ naaah I have better taste, however, I do enjoy showing a random sanghi his true place.

Those images proved a point. Most people got it. if you didn't get it, not my problem.
Those images proved a point. Most people got it. if you didn't get it, not my problem.

Suppose those images were authentic ........ but is this unique to community you are targeting? Don't you have it in your society?
Pakistanis taking pot shot over horrible tragedy on a woman. They have no conscience. Thats why people hate them around the world.
In case you are confused, these girls are their WIVES, not their daughters. This is Islamic Turkey.



Will you please not post bs news from agenda driven christian blogs?

These pictures are years old and were quickly debunked as soon as they started surfacing with claims that these children were the brides. In reality (which is a whole different thing from what goes on in an islam-envious Indian and/or an Islamophobic christian cum hate preacher's mind) these little girls were the counterparts of ring bearers/flower girls (in the west) and surbalas (in Pakistan). They were sisters or cousins or nieces of either the bride or the groom. Below is the picture from this same event of these little girls with the actual brides.


Further pictures of the actual brides,

Oh and this was held in Palestine not Turkey.

In fact, search any mass wedding video from Palestine and you'll see these little girls dressed like brides besides the grooms and then you'll also see the actual brides.

You must understand that this is not an Indian forum where whatever excreta you spew would be accepted as anything but. There is a reason why this picture was never run by any news agency worth a penny. We do not take kindly to refuse such as this nor to the one spewing it.


For the rest who replied to this guy, could you not have done a simple google search instead of entertaining an obviously agenda driven imbecile who is polluting the forum?
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We have moved away from child marriage as a society
to the degree it is followed it is dictated by economics and illiteracy
the most important thing is that it is declining

As a religion polygamy is not banned in Islam. any guess as to when you will get around to ban it ?
Why should polygamy be banned? In Islam is discouraged and vast majority of Muslim men are not polygamist.
Please explain why should polygamy be banned?
why is religion being discussed here ? hinduism is an ever evolving religion , we had sati , now we don't have it . and those suggesting ram also did it , yes he did and it was absolutely wrong . anyways those are stories written by people thousands of years ago . they don't hold any relevance now . most hindus will eventually become atheists in future
Difference is that child marriage is Banned by LAW in India.

In fact, its also banned by Hindu religious practices in India.

"Child marriage" are you try to put it is not banned in Hindu Religious practices (I gather that you mean by Hindu Religious Laws); Please do provide references from scriptures.

Below references negate your claim, reproduced from my earlier post;

---Manu 9:94. A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner.

--- Mahabharata XLIV (p.18)A person of thirty years of age should wed a girl of ten years of age called a Nagnika. Or, a person of one and twenty years of age should wed a girl of seven years of age

--- Sacred Laws of Arya: Gautama 18:21. A girl should be given in marriage before (she attains the age of) puberty
22.He who neglects it, commits sin
23.Some (declare, that a girl shall be given in marriage) before she wears clothes.
Why should polygamy be banned? In Islam is discouraged and vast majority of Muslim men are not polygamist.
Please explain why should polygamy be banned?

Because its creepy for a wife to "share" her husband with another woman.

Nothing too complex or hi-fi philosophical about it.

Ask any woman here ...

Cheers, Doc
"Child marriage" are you try to put it is not banned in Hindu Religious practices (I gather that you mean by Hindu Religious Laws); Please do provide references from scriptures.

Below references negate your claim, reproduced from my earlier post;

---Manu 9:94. A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner.

--- Mahabharata XLIV (p.18)A person of thirty years of age should wed a girl of ten years of age called a Nagnika. Or, a person of one and twenty years of age should wed a girl of seven years of age

--- Sacred Laws of Arya: Gautama 18:21. A girl should be given in marriage before (she attains the age of) puberty
22.He who neglects it, commits sin
23.Some (declare, that a girl shall be given in marriage) before she wears clothes.

I have already negated your reference to Manusmriti, Mahabharat and Gautama smirit in my earlier post

Unlike islam, Hindu religious practices is not enslaved to its scriptures. A Hindu is free to adapt new practices as long as it is in line with Dharma.

A Smriti is a text that changes with time based on the relevant social, cultural and religious needs. Current smriti is the constitution of India.

Its a concept islamist like you will find it impossible to understand. That is your problem, not a Hindu problem.
agni preksha , source are available in hindu scared text.

here also

"Child marriage" are you try to put it is not banned in Hindu Religious practices (I gather that you mean by Hindu Religious Laws); Please do provide references from scriptures.

Below references negate your claim, reproduced from my earlier post;

---Manu 9:94. A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner.

--- Mahabharata XLIV (p.18)A person of thirty years of age should wed a girl of ten years of age called a Nagnika. Or, a person of one and twenty years of age should wed a girl of seven years of age

--- Sacred Laws of Arya: Gautama 18:21. A girl should be given in marriage before (she attains the age of) puberty
22.He who neglects it, commits sin
23.Some (declare, that a girl shall be given in marriage) before she wears clothes.

dude you are missing one thing here ,that 99% of the hindus (including me) don't know about what is there in our books and what not . i personally have never even seen "gita" , me and even my parent's knowledge about ramayana and mahabharata is (mostly)only limited to whatever they showed in the tv series . sati was a very bad thing and it went away ! child marriage is a crime now in india ,it may still be practiced in remotest part of india(not sure) but soon it will be dead ,just like sati . honestly we hindus don't care / don't know what is written in our books , because 99% of us haven't even read 1 page of it . so quoting stuff is irrelevant
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