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Indian War Hero Charged with Cowardice

Abu Zolfiqar

Rest in Peace
Feb 12, 2009
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LAHORE – A survivor of the sunk Indian Frigate I.N.S Kukri, which was torpedoed by the Pakistani submarine P.N.S Hangor, off the coast of Gujarat in the Arabian Sea on the night of December 9, 1971, has filed a petition in the Chandigarh Bench of the Armed Forces Tribunal, calling for withdrawal of gallantry award from Rear Admiral (Retd) Rishi Raj Sood.

The petitioner, Chanchal Singh Gill, a sailor on the I.N.S Kukri, who survived the sinking ship, has raised charges of cowardice, dereliction of duty and running away from the scene against Admiral Sood, who then as a naval commander commanded I.N.S Kirpan, which was accompanying Kukri on the hunt for the Pak submarine whose presence had been earlier reported close to the Indian coast.

Instead of launching a counter attack following the sinking of Kukri and rescuing the survivors, Kirpan left the site of engagement, returning 13 hours later when many wounded sailors from Kukri had succumbed to injuries in the cold waters of the sea.

According to Gill instead of holding Court Martial, a massive cover up by the higher-ups in the Indian navy led to Admiral Sood’s decoration with Vir Chakra for ‘bravery in the battle-field’.

The loss of Kukri took the lives of 194 crew members making it India’s single largest wartime loss of men.

Surprisingly, no court of inquiry was assembled by the Indian Navy brass to look into such a colossal loss, say analysts.

Indian war hero charged with cowardice | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
the whole india army should be charged with cowardice. just look how these dravidians behave in kashmir. :tdown:
This is sign of a sick organization. Instead of punishing cowardice, the brass is more concerned by how it would have made them all look bad in the eyes of the public so they give the bastard a medal.

When you reward the ultimate martial sin, you will reap what you sow.
This is sign of a sick organization. Instead of punishing cowardice, the brass is more concerned by how it would have made them all look bad in the eyes of the public so they give the bastard a medal.

When you reward the ultimate martial sin, you will reap what you sow.

Indeed if true, but it's just an allegation by another individual.
As they say, truth is the first casualty of war, you could hold on to your exaggerated reactions till the whole truth is revealed, or it is just another display of jumping to your desired conclusions because of your prejudices.
Indeed if true, but it's just an allegation by another individual.
As they say, truth is the first casualty of war, you could hold on to your exaggerated reactions till the whole truth is revealed, or it is just another display of jumping to your desired conclusions because of your prejudices.

I have no desired conclusions but given how selfishly some Indian brass has acted in the past (land deals, housing contraversy etc), I don't put it past them to cover a scandal up with a medal.

Can you really say this is implausible?
well yeah... we have been reaping what we have been sowing....

economic growth....

we are happy anyways... u can spout whatever u want.. it aint goin to change a thing though...
well yeah... we have been reaping what we have been sowing....

economic growth....

we are happy anyways... u can spout whatever u want.. it aint goin to change a thing though...

A big thumbs up for you and your prickly pride :tup:

btw when did economic growth absolve all sins? I will pass the news on to China.
Should still hurt to know 93000 brave Pakistani martial race surrendered to those veggie Dravidians...how did that happen to the brave Pakistanis... Any thoughts on that lil boy.

well... the magic syrup was diluted by cia raw and mossad... on that particular day...
A big thumbs up for you and your prickly pride :tup:

thank u... where ever it might have pricked u... u sow what u reap... check ur verdict...

btw when did economic growth absolve all sins? I will pass the news on to China.

uuuhh,... please dont pass the info... who is talking bout sins here,... it is just one mans opinion... in more than a billion or so...

I have no desired conclusions but given how selfishly some Indian brass has acted in the past (land deals, housing contraversy etc), I don't put it past them to cover a scandal up with a medal.

Can you really say this is implausible?

By that line of thought it is entirely plausible that the PLA is all riddled with scandals since corruption is rampant in it. Point is, enmity isn't supposed to cloud rational thought is it?
Paper: Widespread Corruption in Chinese Military

So Crooked They Have To Screw Their Pants On: New Trends in Chinese Military Corruption | Hoover Institution

Im on an iPhone and drunk, you could probably pull better links, point is the same, rational judgement
Gill, now 60, joined the frigate just two months before the outbreak of war as a shipwright artificer. The Khukri and Kirpan, two anti-submarine frigates, were dispatched from Mumbai to hunt for the Pakistani submarine Hangor that had been detected in the Arabian Sea, south of Diu. The submarine instead detected the warship first and attacked it. A torpedo fired at the frigate exploded under the frigate's ammunition store, triggering a huge blast and sinking the ship in three minutes. Gill, who was thrown into the sea by the force of the blast, rescued six of the 67 survivors by pulling them onto a life-raft. The Kirpan, Gill says, disappeared, returning only the following morning. "During the 13-hour wait in the cold sea, several of my severely injured shipmates died. They could have been saved if the Kirpan had returned sooner," Gill says.

Rear Admiral Sood's Vir Chakra citation credits him with repealing the submarine attack. "When INS Khukri received multiple torpedo hits from an enemy submarine, Commander Sood rushed his ship into a counter-attack, which was conducted so fiercely and relentlessly that the enemy submarine could not carry out any further attack and had to retreat." When contacted, Rear Admiral Sood said: "I cannot talk about this incident; I would not like to start a controversy." A Royal Navy-trained anti-submarine warfare (ASW) officer, Sood was virtually ostracised in the immediate aftermath of the Khukri's sinking. Naval officials believed he was guilty of abandoning his sinking shipmates. However, several months later, the navy found he had indeed followed the rulebook in saving his ship from attack. "The Kirpan did what was prescribed in the ASW drill. She increased speed, steered away and returned after sometime to pick up survivors," says Vice-Admiral (Retd) M.K. Roy, director (naval intelligence) during the 1971 war who played a key role in evaluating the incident

Commander Sood rushed his ship into a counter-attack, which was conducted so fiercely and relentlessly that the enemy submarine could not carry out any further attack and had to retreat

in his gallentry citation versus the later explanation

The Kirpan did what was prescribed in the ASW drill. She increased speed, steered away and returned after sometime to pick up survivors.

Cowardice or not, it sure as hell seems like a cover up

Hero on trial: LATEST HEADLINES : India Today
By that line of thought it is entirely plausible that the PLA is all riddled with scandals since corruption is rampant in it. Point is, enmity isn't supposed to cloud rational thought is it?
Paper: Widespread Corruption in Chinese Military

So Crooked They Have To Screw Their Pants On: New Trends in Chinese Military Corruption | Hoover Institution

Im on an iPhone and drunk, you could probably pull better links, point is the same, rational judgement

Yeah this is pretty tangential. What are you doing posting on PDF anyways? have a good time!.
well at the end of the day... we are still one... that is all what matters..

we can vote any prick we want...
we can have as many kids as we want... and plus they do have a lot of nephews and nieces....

rather than staying in a democratic country and supporting an authoritarian rule...

so get a life,,, yeah...
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