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Indian troops’ vehicle ‘deliberately’ mows down man hurling stones in occupied Kashmir (Video) Three

Thanks for the non solicited history lesson. Now please stop wailing and get a spine.
It’s embarassing to watch you people grovel.

Don't make inaccurate claims about historical figures and expect nothing less than a lecture.

Why don't you monkeys grow a spine and stop bitching about the fact that we owned Hindustan for a thousand years?

Every time I ever bring up the Islamic conquests of Hindustan, there's always one of you whining how their great-great grandfather or something got beheaded and his wife had to commit sati.

And what on earth are we wailing or groveling about? We simply find it sad that this brave freedom fighter had to die, but none the less he died a Mujahid, paradise is promise for him. Can't say the same about the monkeys in your "army".
Don't make inaccurate claims about historical figures and expect nothing less than a lecture.

Why don't you monkeys grow a spine and stop bitching about the fact that we owned Hindustan for a thousand years?

Who the **** is “we”? You didn’t own shit! You’re a Pakistani. Literally your land and people were the first to be trampled and pillaged by the same people you claim to be referencing here.
The fact that most of you are mutts of everything from Persians, Greeks, huns, mongols, Turks, central Asians and anyone with a penchant for an easy victory should tell you how many daddy’s you have lol.

No “son of the soil” from the lands of present day Pakistan ever ruled delhi or India.
If anything, Indian Muslims can make that claim. But not you, A Pakistani. Don’t make me laugh.

Besides, just being Muslim doesn’t give you the right to claim the achievements of some other people that had nothing to do with you. So again, stop being so pathetic and accept that your land and people were nothing more than a cum bucket for invaders, Period!

And what on earth are we wailing or groveling about? We simply find it sad that this brave freedom fighter had to die, but none the less he died a Mujahid, paradise is promise for him. Can't say the same about the monkeys in your "army".

Hell if that makes you stop crying and whining, sure.
Though it seems paradise is now fast being filled with half wits who instead of using their brains are just eating bullets and rubber. The allure of paradise is diluted with such a poor show of new entrants.
But at least now there’s no shortage of Virgins in paradise. the Indian army is making sure to send them all to paradise lol
Pakistan must only Arm them ,
but Give them deadly Weapons like FSA , Hezbollah have .

not just some Machine guns, & rocket launchers & toyotas.

Give them MRLs , Canons ,Snipers , IED, Armored Vehicles ,Short Range Missles,
ATGMs, Helicopters ,

And Most Importantly give them , a shit load of deadly & dangerous Drones .
And Guide them every step of the way.


Pak Army must do to Hindus ,
what Hindus did to Jammu & Kashmir Muslims.

Give them a taste of their own medicine.

People like you are basically the reason who have a good life out of India but provoke all people from different faith to get your desired wishes...Nothing unusual..

Why do you think and still under delusion that Pakistan as a nation is not discriminating to Hindus?? Pakistan constantly supported elements which are agianst Indian state..But they failed miserably in their effort till now...
Why do you think and still under delusion that Pakistan as a nation is not discriminating to Hindus??
Why should Hindus be not discriminated?
Who is forcing them to worship idols? ISI?

Who the **** is “we”? You didn’t own shit! You’re a Pakistani. Literally your land and people were the first to be trampled and pillaged by the same people you claim to be referencing here.
The fact that most of you are mutts of everything from Persians, Greeks, huns, mongols, Turks, central Asians and anyone with a penchant for an easy victory should tell you how many daddy’s you have lol.

No “son of the soil” from the lands of present day Pakistan ever ruled delhi or India.
If anything, Indian Muslims can make that claim. But not you, A Pakistani. Don’t make me laugh.

Besides, just being Muslim doesn’t give you the right to claim the achievements of some other people that had nothing to do with you. So again, stop being so pathetic and accept that your land and people were nothing more than a cum bucket for invaders, Period!

Hell if that makes you stop crying and whining, sure.
Though it seems paradise is now fast being filled with half wits who instead of using their brains are just eating bullets and rubber. The allure of paradise is diluted with such a poor show of new entrants.
But at least now there’s no shortage of Virgins in paradise. the Indian army is making sure to send them all to paradise lol
Though most of it may be true, this is a fact that till now Hindus have not been able to build a single Ram Mandir in their own country. :D
Why should Hindus be not discriminated?
Who is forcing them to worship idols? ISI?

If in your point of views, Hindus should be persecuted for religious belief, then what is wrong when Muslims are being on discriminated by Non Muslims...

Man..people like you and your mentality, are simply creating such bad name for Muslims..

Why should Hindus be not discriminated?
Who is forcing them to worship idols? ISI?

Though most of it may be true, this is a fact that till now Hindus have not been able to build a single Ram Mandir in their own country. :D

Why are you under delusion that Hindus are desperate to build a Hindu temple ...Babri masjit demolition was a political correctness that was long overdue in Indian politics...But normal people do not really care wheather Ram Mandir is built or not...
What was the guy doing in front of Army jeep? Planning to pelt stones and hurl granades to Army convoy??

Will you mow down if someone throws a stone?

The job of soldiers is to protect citizens not kill them.
Why should Hindus be not discriminated?
Who is forcing them to worship idols? ISI?

Though most of it may be true, this is a fact that till now Hindus have not been able to build a single Ram Mandir in their own country. :D

I really don’t give a shit about being a hindu.
I’m indian first by birth.
Couldn’t care less if a ram mandir is ever built. Hell I’ll be happier if it never gets built TBH, it’s a fucking waste of money. Religion is the opiate of the masses and only for those that cannot think for themselves ie. Sheep
So you’re barking up the wrong tree compadre.
If in your point of views, Hindus should be persecuted for religious belief, then what is wrong when Muslims are being on discriminated by Non Muslims...

Man..people like you and your mentality, are simply creating such bad name for Muslims..

Why are you under delusion that Hindus are desperate to build a Hindu temple ...Babri masjit demolition was a political correctness that was long overdue in Indian politics...But normal people do not really care wheather Ram Mandir is built or not...
It's not persecution. It is called showing the right path. Giving the right medicine.

But what did you do?

Kick Zakir Naik out.
Kashmiri forums are currently sky high with anti indian anger:lol::lol::lol:

Gone are the days of discussion where some Kashmiris thought we should all live in peace with india..

Kashmiris on indian side are enraged against india at the moment
Will you mow down if someone throws a stone?

The job of soldiers is to protect citizens not kill them.

If i am a soldier and i am in a conflict zone where even sane person would like to throw a bomb to me, then my attitude to be human will be different in conflict zone than for normal people....

It's not persecution. It is called showing the right path. Giving the right medicine.

But what did you do?

Lick Zakir Naik out.

Ohh come on..Who is Zakir Naik...any economist or a fanatics...??
BTW, good luck with your mindset, it is nothing surprising from people like you...
I really don’t give a shit about being a hindu.
I’m indian first by birth.
Couldn’t care less if a ram mandir is ever built. Hell I’ll be happier if it never gets built TBH, it’s a fucking waste of money. Religion is the opiate of the masses and only for those that cannot think for themselves ie. Sheep
So you’re barking up the wrong tree compadre.
The only reason you don't want it is because you know deep down the Hindu religion is actually apartheid in disguise. The reason why your most cherished places will forever remain in dispute. :D
Till of course we rule again.
Will you mow down if someone throws a stone?

The job of soldiers is to protect citizens not kill them.

Yes i would protect anyone in my vehicle first. I would care little who about terrorists throwing stones. If he comes under my vehicle, his loss.
Kashmiri forums are currently sky high with anti indian anger:lol::lol::lol:

Gone are the days of discussion where some Kashmiris thought we should all live in peace with india..

Kashmiris on indian side are enraged against india at the moment

Trust me...if Pakistan can not do anything in 1990 when Kashmir insurgenct at its peak, then nothing will happen even if the entire valley comes to the street shouting anti India protest...Come to the real world...Without backing from strong nations, nothing happens in international politics...

Think about Palestine issue...In spite of backing of Muslims, Non Muslims and many other nations, if Muslim ruler can not do anything for Palestine people...then just compare that situation with Kashmir issue where even all powerful Muslim nations even do not antagonize India in Kashmir issue...

If you would like to keep playing games with India at the cost of Kashmir valley people, it is your choice...But freedom is an illusion that has to be realized by those unfortunate misguided people of the valley...
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