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Indian troops killed in Kashmir clash with militants

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As some one mentioned above the troopers killed include local Kashmiris fighting to defend their land. The Para trooper was from Shopian district.

The militants if the usual pattern applies here, are most likely misguided youth from across the border rather than local kashmiris.

Jihad, is not about grabbing other people's land. If the majority of the locals are not involved in militancy and infact are fighting against them as shown in this case. Moreover, there is freedom to practice and/or preach Islam so there is no Jihad applicable here. Indian Muslims also have the Muslim Personal Law where they can follow Islamic rules related to them such as marriage, inheritance e.t.c.

Also note that it was the local Kashmirs who tipped of the army and J&K police about the presence of these militants.

Here is a report from a local news portal

Police believes killing of 3 to 5 militants
Capt, 2 jawans killed in Sopore encounter

Shabir Ibn Yusuf

SRINAGAR, Feb 23: An army captain and two troopers were killed while three security men and a civilian injured in a day-long encounter in Sopore today.
Police did not confirm the killing of any militant. However, the police said that they believe that three to five militants were killed.

On a specific information about the presence of militants, troops of 22 Rashtriya Rifles (RR), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Special Operations Group (SOG) of the police surrounded two houses belonging to Abdul Khaliq Ganie and Nazir Ahmad Ganie at Chankipora locality of Sopore town this morning.

Police said that the area was cordoned off after the information about presence of Lashker-e-Taiba (LeT), Hizbul Mujahedeen (HM) and Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM) militants in the houseswas received.

He added that as they were about to start the search around 7.00 AM, the militants hurled at least 13 grenades and fired with automatic weapons killing a RR trooper and injuring three others.

After the initial shoot-out more reinforcement was sent to area and a party of special Para troopers of army led captain Devinder Singh Jass zeroed in on the houses. "The hiding militants lobbed grenades and killed the body guard of captain and later the officer also," a police officer said. "He was killed by the militants inside the house and his weapon was used by them during gun-fight," added the police officer.

The police officer said, initially they thought that Captain and his body guard have taken position somewhere around the houses. But the call on his cell phone was responded by the militants. "Even we offered them safe passage, however, the militants said that they strangulated the Captain and they had come Kashmir to die," he said adding that they were not in position to retrieve the bodies of the Captain Jass and his body guard Imtiyaz till late in the evening.

Late in the evening both the houses were mortar shelled and then blasted and police said that they cannot say how many militants have been killed.

Deputy Inspector General of police North Kashmir Qayoom Manhas, who was supervising the operation admitted the houses were blasted. "We cannot say how many militants were killed. It will be clear only after the debris is cleared," Manhas said.
Local news agency KNS said that three militants were killed. A senior police officer in Srinagar said that it is believed that three to five militants have been killed.
Defence spokesman in Srinagar confirmed the death of captain and two troopers however refused to comment about the number of militants killed in the encounter. "We cannot say yet how many killed," defence spokesman Lt Col JS Barar told KTNS.

He identified the killed troopers as Captain Devinder Singh Jass, Naik Selva Kumar and Paratrooper Imtiyaz Ahmad Thokar of 1 PARA. Paratrooper Imtiyaz belonged to Shopian district.

Reports reaching here said that the area around the encounter site looks like a battlefield as a strong contingent of army, para-military troopers, police and armoured vehicles are guarding the area.

A 17-year old boy received a bullet in his arm during the encounter. He said, he was hit by the bullet while he was coming out of the mosque. The injured boy was admitted to Bone and Joint Hospital here.

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Guys , suggest the gloating troll be ignored.

In a military forum a fallen soldier who dies for his motherland should be respected.

Unfortunately , few of us here have worn a uniform and served under a flag. Those who haven't will never know.
This is the cheapest comment yet on PDF by far. Commenting this way on the death of a soldier is the cheapest troll till date. Its attitude like this that has not only made the life of every Muslim tough but also ruined Pakistan. The sacrifice of these soldiers will not go in vain and all culprits will pay in due time. Jai Hind.

Relax bro, what can be expected from them when they refused to take back bodies of their dead soldiers or throw their injured/ Dead compatriots down the cliff so that they are not apprehended by InA or store them in cold storage to decrease head count.

Let him act according to his class.
No body want bloodshed , but you have to fight for your rights.

Where ever muslims are living it is their basic human right to spend their life as per Shariah law , If India Government provide them environment to spend their life as Shariah law , then their is no reason for any conflict.

Buddy I am a Muslim and I don’t want anything to do with you and your Sharia Law. The conventional Indian Muslim does not want or need law other than what currently exist in India. This so called "Conflict" is nothing but misguided youth being taught the wrong meaning of Islam. and it is due to such people who advocate such practices that Muslims are suffering all over the world. Stop pushing religion into everything, and using Islam as an excuse to satisfy your own needs.
These barbarians who have looted and pillaged us for last 1000 yrs should be made to taste their own medicine.High time for it but our shameless netas are busy pocketing money. Wish their children were in army too.
balochistan should free from pakistan those people are suffering there...........like we did for bangladesh(east pakistan)

first u see your area balochistan then talk about kashmir........
Has this so called Sharia Law ...been implemented in Pakistan...the Islamic State?

Shariah law need long term struggle in society and it is continues process.

But this process should be peacefull , GoP once signed deal for shariah law but TTP method of implementation was wrong that is reason it failed.
Ball is in your court , give Kashmiris their right of self determination as you promised in UNO and live in peace and let them live in peace.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

No where in the Koran or anywhere in Islam does it say that kill the other guy just because he does not agree with you or because justice is being denied. The meaning of Jihad, which now has become a grossly misunderstood phenomenon, is to strive to become a better person and to achieve a communal and cultural peace. Historically Islam has been one of the most tolerant religions, The Indian Mugal empire is testaments to that. But recently some countries that call themselves the so called guardians of the religion have totally screwed up what Islam stands for. Killing another human being is the gravest of sins in Islam and that fact does not change for whatever excuse one uses. Justice can be achieved peacefully and democratically, something one can learn from great human beings such as Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. Violence of any kind has never achieved anything and will never do so also.

why reply to a terrorist supporter instead of praying for the fallen soldier in this thread.

RIP to the brave son of India. 1.2 Billion prayers are with u.

My condolences to dead kashmiri soldier and other Indian army official.

5 swines confirmed dead so far.

In an encounter that ended after nearly 15 hours of fierce gunbattle, two Army jawans and five terrorists were also killed.

The deceased have been identified as Captain Devinder Singh Jass, Naik Selva Kumar and Paratrooper Imtiyaz Ahmad Thokar of 1 PARA. Paratrooper Imtiyaz belongs to the Shupiyan district of Kashmir.

War to the knife ; Knife to the hilt. No mercy, no quarter. Let the watchword be Extermination -total and complete.
Shariah law need long term struggle in society and it is continues process.

But this process should be peacefull , GoP once signed deal for shariah law but TTP method of implementation was wrong that is reason it failed.

The Shariah law does not apply anymore buddy, religion has to evolve just like ever other thing or it becomes part of history.
Shariah law need long term struggle in society and it is continues process.

But this process should be peacefull , GoP once signed deal for shariah law but TTP method of implementation was wrong that is reason it failed.

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Even pakistan, afghanistan etc are parts of akhand bharat whereas u have the temerity of talking about kashmir.shameless thumbs up sign

sorry quick correction, only till Khyber pass. Maurayan dynasty was uptill Khyber. Great Ashoka , stretched it till Burma border.
balochistan should free from pakistan those people are suffering there...........like we did for bangladesh(east pakistan)

first u see your area balochistan then talk about kashmir........
Are we talking about baluchistan here??? God these newbie trollers..... Cant even troll good.
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