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Indian Three-Star General Planned Suicide Attacks in Peshawar: Gabol

Pakistan was very much party to 1971 Present BD was its own alnd and its own people why blame India ?

If Odds are stacked against Pakistan India cannot be blamed for it.

India is already attacked by non state actors from unknown country.

Probably the sayin was " Jiski lathi uski bhense" but India does not have Lathi.

Or I did not understand your point.

so who created and armed mukti bhani? why didnt indra gandhi went straight away and said that she is not supportin movement in east pakistan when she was asked with that question in an interview? i do accept our own hand in creatin that mess but shut this bull **** of innocent india.

secondly these attacks are not new to us. we were facin a similar situation in 80s when soviets were in afghanistan and under their shadow, u were aidin all the insurgency in balochistan and else where. i wonder wat happened to it when soviets left. how come it disappeared till 9/11.

now lets wait and see what happens to these terror activities in pak when US leaves.
Why don't you Pakistani people tell your GOP to table all the evidence if they have it. If they are manufacturing it I understand it will take time.

The PA is demotivated force killing their own people in the WOT operation and so all this BS of Indian involment to motivated the army. As there is no motivation like Indian kuffar for you guys. I think the Pakistani people are smart enough to see thru this drama.

Brainwashed suicide bombers are sprouting and exploding all over Pakistan like mushrooms and GOP is waiting for the right time. Who are they trying to sell it to.

I as a Indian taxpayer will not allow my money to be involved in such operations if one exists. For that I need tangible evidence to take on my government. The present PM will never allow or encourage such overt or covert operations.

Pakistan has long been trying to bracket India in the same bracket as them and we are not fools to be seen like you. It is better for you guys to get all Sh** in public and debate openly as there is no point in putting all the blame on your neighbors doorsteps.
Pakistan was very much party to 1971, Present BD was its own land and its own people why blame India ?

If Odds are stacked against Pakistan India cannot be blamed for it.

India is already attacked by non state actors from unknown country.

Probably the sayin was " Jiski lathi uski bhense" but India does not have Lathi.

Or I did not understand your point.

I did mean laathi. Sorry.

Aside from that, you ask why blame India? For the very same reason that you have blamed Pakistan for being attacked by non-state actors in Kashmir and elsewhere. Point being, your government and security apparatus is fairly active against Pakistan and given the fact that such covert exercises are not easy to prove is the reason that its not a straight forward sort of a task to prove.

The precedence is there, and now the motivation and desire to do such things is there as well given how things are playing out in Afghanistan.
Nabeel Gabol said Indian High Commission in Kabul has turned into RAW headquarters.
Somebody should remind this idiot that India doesn't have a High Commission in Kabul.
What difference did evidence of Indian interference and support for insurgents make in 1971?
It didn't make any difference because your tin pot dictator and his sidekicks were taking too much pleasure in the orgy of 'genocide'.
Why don't you Pakistani people tell your GOP to table all the evidence if they have it. If they are manufacturing it I understand it will take time.

Pakistan people are asking plenty of questions. You should not worry about that.

The PA is demotivated force killing their own people in the WOT operation and so all this BS of Indian involment to motivated the army. As there is no motivation like Indian kuffar for you guys. I think the Pakistani people are smart enough to see thru this drama.
Really? demotivated you say? Last I checked, on your good days, you folks have more suicides and fratricide amongst your service members than in an entire year in Pakistan. You folks can plead innocence day and night citing the entire world's opinion, but the ones who have dealt with you guys (us) over the past 60 years know what your government has been able to do to subvert the Pakistani state. And please do not take this as the recently discovered and coined Western media's assertion about "Pakistan's India paranoia". Most of those in the West who talk about this have no idea how long Pakistanis have dealt with your side and what machinations your side comes up with in every situation. So please chuck the "Indian Kafir" motivational line out the door. There are plenty of other reasons for us to be on our guard and talk about the concerns vis-a-vis Indian moves.

Brainwashed suicide bombers are sprouting and exploding all over Pakistan like mushrooms and GOP is waiting for the right time. Who are they trying to sell it to.

We certainly have a problem. However the suicide bombers are not the only ones operating. Pakistanis are dying in Balochistan due to terrorist attacks, Pakistanis are dying in remote-controlled bombings (the easiest and simplest way to keep Pakistani attention focused on the FATA militancy as there is no way of finding out who is behind them..).
Funny that these suicide bombers are suddemly only attacking Pakistan....what happened to the hundreds and thousands of crazy fundos crossing over to IoK that your Army chiefs and formations commanders cry over every year? When was the last time there was suicide bombing in India? It is certainly not the Indian security which is keeping this issue at bay. The way to get the Kashmir genie off India's back is to dump it on Pakistan by allowing covert orchestration and support of militant attacks in Pakistan.
I as a Indian taxpayer will not allow my money to be involved in such operations if one exists. For that I need tangible evidence to take on my government. The present PM will never allow or encourage such overt or covert operations.

Really? Since when do they care about what you will allow and not allow?

Pakistan has long been trying to bracket India in the same bracket as them and we are not fools to be seen like you. It is better for you guys to get all Sh** in public and debate openly as there is no point in putting all the blame on your neighbors doorsteps.

India is inserting herself in regions where she will be bracketed with Pakistan. Afghanistan is a case in point. When the world talks about the country, more and more its being looked at through the prism of continued Pakistan-Indian rivalry. Trying to encircle Pakistan will lead to even more instability in the region as our side will start exploiting India's soft underbelly. Both sides know that they can't beat each other into submission, but by hurting each other they may be able to reach a detente.
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Things get a lot trickier. Do you really think that Indian officers are sitting there telling these Afghans to carry out these attacks? All this type of work is done through multiple tiers of handlers and agents. To the cannon fodder, the immediate handler gives the motivation they want, beyond and above that, its a different type of a game being played out. I am not even convinced that its the suicide bombers who are being sent by the Indians, there are things going on at multiple levels with different players. India certainly has blood on her hand for the recent carnages in Pakistan and as many of the Indians feel it is payback time, given the history of the two, I do not think this one-sided game will go on for long.

Also lets not forget how Indian agencies had played a part in hosting, training, motivating and supporting anti-Pakistan elements in the past. They (Indian government and her agencies) are fully capable of doing so and currently have all the motivation and reason to do so. Your offered Indian benevolence not withstanding, I can assure you that someone will write a book 20-30 years down the line claiming ownership for at least part of this mess from your side.

I will not talk of the past, thats another collection of discussions in itself. However, looking at the specifics ur MoS gave out (three star general!), ur claiming ur govt has cracked all the layers and schemes which should logically exist as per urself. This is not the press, this is the govt itself giving out a statement. There has to be sure shot evidence for that, which is, well, missing/pending. The last thing one needs is a minister joining the zaid hamid clan.
I will not talk of the past, thats another collection of discussions in itself. However, looking at the specifics ur MoS gave out (three star general!), ur claiming ur govt has cracked all the layers and schemes which should logically exist as per urself. This is not the press, this is the govt itself giving out a statement. There has to be sure shot evidence for that, which is, well, missing/pending. The last thing one needs is a minister joining the zaid hamid clan.

Why is this any different than the multiple statements about Pakistan's so-called involvement by everyone from the Indian PM, Army Chief to Lalu Prasad and the secretary of BJP?

Pakistani elements are involved inside of Pakistan, without a doubt. However there are very many other situations which have an external linkages. I pointed out a few earlier.
Why is this any different than the multiple statements about Pakistan's so-called involvement by everyone from the Indian PM, Army Chief to Lalu Prasad and the secretary of BJP?

Pakistani elements are involved inside of Pakistan, without a doubt. However there are very many other situations which have an external linkages. I pointed out a few earlier.

So u accept those charges as legitimate ? If u consider them rubbish, this one is no different. India considers LeT the main threat, which is a banned terrorist organization. What ur govt is now claiming is that India's govt has a direct role in violence in Pakistan, which is pretty far fetched as of now.
Let me analayze what you guys are saying:

* Mumbai attacks was planned by foolish RAW with highly intelligent Mossad and more connected CIA. Since the stupid agents Amar Singh and Ram Singh of Orange Band from Hyderabadi Mujahadeen who speak Marathi and foolishly completed the carnage.

* Innocent Pakistan was blamed for it. Just like always, US pressure made them arrest LeT leader and JuD leader.

* TTP - a radical wing of Taliban in its plan to implement Sharia launches war on Pakistan and reaches till 60 kms to the capital.

* Their standing army is supported by India from consulates in Afghanistan that supply fertilizers and labels "Made in India".

* TTP aka Taliban which didnot have any means to make guns imported the guns on a large scale from construction workers of Indian origin.

* Pakistan was able to produce fertilizers saying that Made in Chennai, India as evidence of Indian support because at that time US was unavailable to reach. Their phone line was not functioning at time.

* Later a three star Indian general, mind you, not a RAW agent gets tired of foolish agents Ram Singh and Amar Singh of the Orange Band and gets into action himself.

* This time he advertises in Pakistani newspaper like one shown below because TTP was not available though India directly funds them.

* He organizes the Peshwar attacks and all similar misfortunes for Pakistan. It seems like always Zaid Hamid gets the dial before the attack happens.

* Pakistan has the proof that government has all evidence. But this time, US phone line worked and told Zardari not to show evidence or else.

* Pakistan like always being a well-wisher decides not to provide evidence so that India's good image is not tarnished.

Need we all Indians thank you for your gratitute.

The evil and stupid Indians are the problem but macho army also follows the Pakistani government words and frames the Rawalpindi attack on its soldiers rather to blame India.

Thanks PA for your gratitute. Without you, Taliban might not have survived after 1989. It's all because of US as well know. Because at that time too US phone line worked and they said keep it alive or else!
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It didn't make any difference because your tin pot dictator and his sidekicks were taking too much pleasure in the orgy of 'genocide'.

now look at that....
so your orgasm of supporting insurgency in East Pakistan is justified....
I did mean laathi. Sorry.

Aside from that, you ask why blame India? For the very same reason that you have blamed Pakistan for being attacked by non-state actors in Kashmir and elsewhere. Point being, your government and security apparatus is fairly active against Pakistan and given the fact that such covert exercises are not easy to prove is the reason that its not a straight forward sort of a task to prove.

The precedence is there, and now the motivation and desire to do such things is there as well given how things are playing out in Afghanistan.

Our Intelligence is pathetic compared to ISI as they do not have unlimited powers.

India has proof of so called non-state actor - Kasab.

There is no motivation and desire except for staying away from so called non-state actors for survival which is quite natural.

Taliban was creation of Pakistan it was one of the three countries recognizing Taliban rulle in Afghanistan even during 9/11.
Please use spell-check in replies nahin to Arth ka AnArth ho jata hai.

here comes Good person..
let me repeat, was Indian support to insurgents in East Pakistan justified?
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