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Indian Three-Star General Planned Suicide Attacks in Peshawar: Gabol

It is important to make the distinction between TTP and Afghan Taliban. If you put the same basket, your strategy against them will be flawed. Afghan Taliban and TTP are in many ways enemies of each others. TTP mainly are in SWA (well at least were) and Afghan Taliban are in NWA. They are independent from each other for the most part. Destroying one won't destroy the other.

Well two armed groups ruling over large areas will always have sparks flying between them, but that cant be termed as enmity. They also cooperate with each other on a large scale...

Destroying one is not possible without destroying the other. The roots are inter-connected and one will easily transform itself into another.
Incorrect there. The groups in NW (Bahadur and some Nazir) are what you may call Afghan Taliban. The SW group - the mehsuds - are where majority of TTP come from. The mehsuds are rivals of Bahadur and Nazir. They are independent and destroying one won't destroy the other, or even come close to destroying the other.
The 'logic' is humanitarian grounds, since that is what indians say when referring to supporting mukhti bahni.
...and the humanitarian crisis in Kashmir, during '87-'89 was...
What a stupid question that is. Indian oppression of Kashmiris. That doesn't ring a bell? And why are you setting a specific time era. It's been over a long period of time.
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