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Indian student brutally attacked in Germany

talking of rape.. who were on the recieving end in '71 :lol:

Actually I can acknowledge a certain degree of empathy towards the rape victim from you.. since the delhi victim had to slug out for a couple of hours whereas you guys scored an ace man.. slugged it out for couple of years :rofl:

Dont stoop to his low levels. Just because he takes a cheap shot at rapes happening in India doesnt mean you have to take cheap shots at the 71 rapes that happened in BD...
There has to more details to this story. May be something personal is also involved here.

Its unfortunate incident nonetheless. I dont know who the attackers were. But dragging Islam into everything smacks of bias and discrimination towards Islam. Germany is not a Muslim country. It just seems impossible for a group, no matter how extremist, to force convert someone at gunpoint.

There has to more details to this story. May be something personal is also involved here.

Its unfortunate incident nonetheless. I dont know who the attackers were. But dragging Islam into everything smacks of bias and discrimination towards Islam. Germany is not a Muslim country. It just seems impossible for a group, no matter how extremist, to force convert someone at gunpoint in a non-Muslim country.

If there is anything to do with Muslim, I know the authorities will be ruthless and media will be even more.
There has to more details to this story. May be something personal is also involved here.

Its unfortunate incident nonetheless. I dont know who the attackers were. But dragging Islam into everything smacks of bias and discrimination towards Islam. Germany is not a Muslim country. It just seems impossible for a group, no matter how extremist, to force convert someone at gunpoint.

There has to more details to this story. May be something personal is also involved here.

Its unfortunate incident nonetheless. I dont know who the attackers were. But dragging Islam into everything smacks of bias and discrimination towards Islam. Germany is not a Muslim country. It just seems impossible for a group, no matter how extremist, to force convert someone at gunpoint in a non-Muslim country.

If there is anything to do with Muslim, I know the authorities will be ruthless and media will be even more.

no one is generalizing it but sure was perpetrated by an islamic nut job !!
Nice way of doing Dawah,eh? :disagree:

Hope they get their a$$ whooopppppppedddddddd
www .spiegel.de slash internationalslash germanyslashindian-student-in-bonn-has-tongue-cut-in-possible-religious-attack-a-874842.html
It was reported in all media parts, but mainly because it could have a political/religious background, that's why the state security is investigating as well, not only police. However, it might have more to do that there were some islamist bomb attempts at train stations as well, otherwise the rape case and the protest in Delhi made more news in the the media here.

Any evidence that this guy's story checks out?

Indian Student in Bonn Has Tongue Cut in Possible Religious Attack - SPIEGEL ONLINE

He described the perpetrators as having long beards but no moustaches, a style often preferred by Salafists. There were, however, no witnesses to the attack and police are currently searching for suspects.

Anyone can buy a fake, clip-on beard and make up excuses to attack random victims (immigrants). The nonsense about police believing his story is bullcrap: the police have absolutely no evidence other than his statements with NO witnesses.

Most probably Turks or North African arabs..

Or neo-Nazis with a fake, clip-on beard.
If there is anything to do with Muslim, I know the authorities will be ruthless and media will be even more.

It doesn't even have to do with Muslims. Just an allegation without evidence is enough for the media to milk it to maximum.
Any evidence that this guy's story checks out?

Indian Student in Bonn Has Tongue Cut in Possible Religious Attack - SPIEGEL ONLINE

He described the perpetrators as having long beards but no moustaches, a style often preferred by Salafists. There were, however, no witnesses to the attack and police are currently searching for suspects.

Anyone can buy a fake, clip-on beard and make up excuses to attack random victims (immigrants). The nonsense about police believing his story is bullcrap: the police have absolutely no evidence other than his statements with NO witnesses.

Or neo-Nazis with a fake, clip-on beard.

But did you read further? There is a pattern here. So hold off on passing your judgement mate.

It is not the first time this year that Bonn has hit the headlines as a result of possible Islamist activity. In May, a Salafist was arrested after stabbing two police officers during a counter-demonstration against a display of Muhammad caricatures by a local right-wing populist party. Earlier this month, another member of the orthodox Muslim group threatened to take a hostage in order to force the perpetrator's release from prison.

Also in Dember, a bag full of explosives was found on a platform in Bonn's main train station in an apparent attempted bomb attack. While no charges have been filed in that case, clues reportedly lead to the Salafist community.
And your proof ?
Come on yaar at least you shouldn't come up with conspiracy theories.

Thats their reflex defence mechanism..sort of going into the shell, refusing to acknowledge the truth and blaming all and sundry..
Any evidence that this guy's story checks out?

Indian Student in Bonn Has Tongue Cut in Possible Religious Attack - SPIEGEL ONLINE

He described the perpetrators as having long beards but no moustaches, a style often preferred by Salafists. There were, however, no witnesses to the attack and police are currently searching for suspects.

Anyone can buy a fake, clip-on beard and make up excuses to attack random victims (immigrants). The nonsense about police believing his story is bullcrap: the police have absolutely no evidence other than his statements with NO witnesses.

Or neo-Nazis with a fake, clip-on beard.

neo-nazis asking him to convert to Islam :woot: :lol:
U seem to amaze me with every single post !!
Oh yeah..could be Martians too who were collecting Indian gene samples. Really where do you Pakistanis get these fertile "ideas" from ?

Don't strain yourself: people wallowing in anti-Muslim hatred can't be expected to think rationally.

Rise of neo-Nazis in Germany seven decades after the downfall of the Third Reich - Mirror Online

NeoNazi attacks on migrants have been on the rise throughout Europe, especially Germany,

Once again, there is ZERO evidence for this guy's allegations.

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