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Indian stock market regains $1 trillion mark

MMS deserve another term, he is the only man who can save bharat from economical crisis

its our new rbi governor
Raghuram Govinda Rajan (born 3 February 1963) is the current and the 23rd Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, having taken charge of India's central banking institution on 5 September 2013, and succeeding Duvvuri Subbarao. Rajan was chief economic adviser to India's Ministry of Finance during the previous year and chief economist at the International Monetary Fund from 2003 to 2007. He is on leave of absence as a professor of finance at the graduate business school at the University of Chicago.[2]

Raghuram Rajan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
its our new rbi governor
Raghuram Govinda Rajan (born 3 February 1963) is the current and the 23rd Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, having taken charge of India's central banking institution on 5 September 2013, and succeeding Duvvuri Subbarao. Rajan was chief economic adviser to India's Ministry of Finance during the previous year and chief economist at the International Monetary Fund from 2003 to 2007. He is on leave of absence as a professor of finance at the graduate business school at the University of Chicago.[2]

Raghuram Rajan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When it comes to blame than it's MMS and when there is something good than other names pop out, quite your jealousy with innocent man
When it comes to blame than it's MMS and when there is something good than other names pop out, quite your jealousy with innocent man

i'm not jealousy of anybody buddy.statesmanship is different from politics.and congress pushed a number of populist bills in the parliament inorder to gain the leverage nxt year.and the markets have spoken
Markets give UPA's Food Security Bill a thumbs down, fear its impact on economy - Indian Express
Rupee nears 66 per dollar on fears that Food Bill will fuel deficit - NDTVProfit.com

raghuram rajan is known to be a liberal and a market friendly person.he started reforms the day he entered the office and the markets have again spoken.rupee has risen from 68 to 63.
How long can Raghuram Rajan keep the bears at bay? - Economic Times
Euphoria in markets post Raghuram Rajan's appointment may be 'short lived' - Economic Times
Raghuram Rajan effect on Indian rupee to continue this week as well: Analysts
look at the banking sector shares after he took the reigns
but this is just temporary if this needs to be lasted govt has to consider seriously some structural reforms and not populist schemes.credit has to be given to those who deserve it.
From moneycontrol

Capital markets have funded wars for centuries. Now China's military is turning to the stock market to help propel its ambitious naval expansion plans. Beijing's military spend, at USD 166 bn last year, is second only to the US. The country has been ramping up its naval prowess amid territorial disputes in the South China Sea and other surrounding waters. But with its largest defence contractors still predominantly state-owned, China wants to push them closer to the private sector and on to public markets to foster their growth. More News From Financial Times Short view: Bolton hit his limit Bolton to step down at Fidelity China fund Bolton retires after failing to crack China Citi and HSBC to sell mutual funds in China China injects funds into money markets, quelling fears Launching what it described as the start of a new push to use capital markets to fund China's defence industry, state-controlled China Shipbuilding Industry Co, the country's biggest shipbuilder, said it would raise Rmb8.5bn (USD 1.4bn) through a private placement of shares to buy production facilities and equipment to make warships. Chinese investors cheered the prospect of being able to invest in their country's military-industrial complex, driving the Shanghai-listed shares of China Shipbuilding up by the daily limit of 10 percent. Shares of other companies expected to benefit, such as Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries, a maker of large steel structures, also surged. The company itself was quick to tout the lucrative nature of military assets to investors. "This will expand the range of investable assets in our capital market and will allow investors to enjoy the returns generated by high-end military products," it said in a statement to the stock exchange. Other Chinese defence groups have injected assets in their listed subsidiaries over the past year, but China Shipbuilding's move is one of the biggest to date. It added: "Given our national strategy to protect our maritime rights, our company's military-related duties will continue to expand quickly. To satisfy the need for the development and manufacture of a new generation of weapons and equipment, we urgently need large-scale technological improvements and need to expand our financing channels." China has ramped up its military spending since the 1980s, with its official defence budget increasing at a double-digit pace every year but one over the past two decades. China's spending is still less than a quarter of the US, which spent USD 682bn, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. In recent years, China has placed extra emphasis on building up its blue-water navy - a force capable of operating far from the country's shores. Mired in territorial disputes in the East China Sea with Japan and in the South China Sea with countries including the Philippines and Vietnam, China has started to deploy naval ships more regularly to patrol what it defines as its sovereign waters. In 2011, China launched its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, though it was built on an unfinished hull acquired from Ukraine. Analysts believe it is only a matter of time before China produces its first indigenous carrier. The China Securities Journal, a leading government-run financial newspaper, said the stock market penetration by companies in China's military industry was very low. While about 80 per cent of the assets of the world's top 100 military companies are publicly listed, only 30 per cent of the assets of China's top 10 military companies have been listed, it said. For China's beleaguered shipbuilding industry, hit hard by overcapacity and slowing economic growth, the start of more military projects offers some consolation. "Military spending is classic counter-cyclical support in a downturn," said Jon Windham, head of Asia transport research at Barclays. "It's simply a more stable part of the business and one they want to talk about more because the commercial side is in free fall." China Shipbuilding's private placement structure is complex. It is issuing shares to two sibling companies, Wuchang Shipbuilding and Dalian Shipbuilding, to raise the funds, and is then using that money to acquire some of those two company's military assets. Initially, these assets had been stripped out of the listed company when China Shipbuilding went public.

This is how capital markets should be used not talking about 1 trillion where the average
indian does not even hold 1%
I respect honest Indians they are rare

i wonder where are such honest pakistanis??

Pakistanis should empathize with us.

The way the Indian rupee was headed, the day was not far it would soon have reached the level of the Pakistani rupee.

Reminds me of the story of the basket with crabs (or was it lobsters?) inside.

Please let at least one of us climb out. Who knows, once out, we might just lend you a hand ....... (don't hold you breath on that one though)
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