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Indian Special Forces

IA 21 PARA (SF):





.In the Indra excercise those guys are not NAGA regt Ghataks with Tavors for the simple reason that they dont look like NAGA guys.Naga regtt only has NAGA guys whereas the TAvor guys look to be from all over India from their facial features.

Actually Naga regt comprises of 50% ethnic Nagas and the rest are from the hill tribes in Kumaon,Garwhal regions and also Gorkhas.
No Sir,there is Kumoan regtt for that.Gorkha regtt has only Gorkhas(India and Nepal) and Naga regtt is only for Naga tribes.

No buddy...I'm pretty sure that the Naga regiment not only comprises Nagas but also Kumaonis, Garwhalis and Gorkhas.

Infact the 1 and 2 battalion of Naga regt are affliated with the Kumaon regiment.

Naga Regiment

Still it held the Tri-colour aloft, it should be attributed jointly to the natural instincts of the Naga warriors and to the inherent valour of Kumaunis, Garhwalis and Gorkhas, the other hill tribes to be drawn into the Naga Regiment.

From BR ,

However, the Regiment was to comprise 50% Nagas and 50% of an equal number of Kumaoni, Garhwali and Gorkhas.
No buddy...I'm pretty sure that the Naga regiment not only comprises Nagas but also Kumaonis, Garwhalis and Gorkhas.

Infact the 1 and 2 battalion of Naga regt are affliated with the Kumaon regiment.

Naga Regiment

From BR ,

Ya right..my bad.I used to think that Naga regtt has only Nagas but i guess early on they recruited Garwhalis and Kumoanis to fill the number.Moreover the regtt centre is not also in Nagaland.I hope more Nagas join the Army so that the NAga regtt is represented properly like the Sikh Light Infantry or the Dogra regtt.
I don't get a chance to log on too often but I am always impressed by what I see when I come to this thread- you guys are doing an incredible job of keeping this thread alive and up to date.
I don't get a chance to log on too often but I am always impressed by what I see when I come to this thread- you guys are doing an incredible job of keeping this thread alive and up to date.

I miss some of my friends in this thread specially "boris" and now "abingdonboy" has also got banned..hope they return soon.
I was reading throu this thread and I liked this contrast,

From back in 2011:

Man, look all the way back to the first page, you can see SPG. Thats not IA special forces or IAF or IN. NSG is relevant then.

And I bet you I wasnt the first to post NSG pics.

Look this is what I seen so far of their special forces. I think it looks better then most of Indian SP. How ever in 10-20 years this will def change.




Now a few weeks ago:

Seems like it only took a year mr Sirlurkalot!!
Ya man,a lot has changed in an year and now after the letter leaked in which the Chief was complaining about the lack of equipments for SFs i think a lot more stuff is gonna come in.

1 more year and i think the Indian Special forces will be equally or very close to the best equipped SFs in the world.In the old days the SFs had to fill the technology gap with their training but i am glad now not only do we have a well trained brave Special Force but a "hi-tech' one too.
Ya man,a lot has changed in an year and now after the letter leaked in which the Chief was complaining about the lack of equipments for SFs i think a lot more stuff is gonna come in.

1 more year and i think the Indian Special forces will be equally or very close to the best equipped SFs in the world.In the old days the SFs had to fill the technology gap with their training but i am glad now not only do we have a well trained brave Special Force but a "hi-tech' one too.

Man I can't wait!! Also looking forward to the fruits of the MARCOS future combat system RFI where they will be getting their own SOF-customised F-INSAS-like gear. I have always thought Indian SOF arguable the best trained and one of the most experienced SOFs on earth but lacked the gear to meet their high levels of proficiency but now the situation, for some reason, is changing at unbelievably quick rate. I literally cannot believe it when looking back on this thread how ar Indian SOFs have come in the span of not very long at all. I wonder if this is all because of 26/11, whatever it seems that somewhere in the MoD there is something going on because this isn't a fluke, this is targeted and deliberate- cant say I'm complaining though!!!!
COLDHEARTEDAVIATOR could you share some of the stories you seems to have plenty of regarding SOFs (of any branch) on this thread, it would really and some meat to this thread. Thanks so much in advance, BIG fan of yours (you, Boris,SirLurkalot and Abingdonboy keep this thread alive and worth reading).
I was reading throu this thread and I liked this contrast,

From back in 2011:

Now a few weeks ago:

Seems like it only took a year mr Sirlurkalot!!

Tht SSG pic from 2010........ Il still say tht Pak special forces are the best equiped SF in South asia aswell as central asia.
Tht SSG pic from 2010........ Il still say tht Pak special forces are the best equiped SF in South asia aswell as central asia.

Go to page 30 and look onwards, I think you'll see this isn't quite correct. But it is pretty subjective I suppose especially when you through in egos and pride. But in a few years Indian SOFs will be clearly the best equipped by light years in this part of the world.
COLDHEARTEDAVIATOR could you share some of the stories you seems to have plenty of regarding SOFs (of any branch) on this thread, it would really and some meat to this thread. Thanks so much in advance, BIG fan of yours (you, Boris,SirLurkalot and Abingdonboy keep this thread alive and worth reading).

Thanks for liking my posts.Well i have a few stories but not all are related to Special forces.So let me post the one in which my cousin was involved.

My cousin joined the Police(Jammu and Kashmir armed Police) in 2000.In our state we have an armed police force which is equipped like an infantry.So my cousin soon opted for the Special operation Group which is like The Special force of J&K Police.

They are very well trained and are trained by the Army.Plus they know all the regional languages which makes them deadly.Theres almost no way you can know if the are a terrorist or the good guys from the way they dress.Mostly infact only undercover ops.

So once they were searching for a terrorist for days and couldnt find him.So they decided to take a break in a small village after hours of walking.He was dressed exactly like a terrorist wearing khan suit and leather shoes carrying his ak47 but a berreta as a side arm which terrorists dont carry...they usually have the chinese pistol.

So he went to a house asking for water and also trying to get info on the terrorists as he was dressed like one and this village was known for supporting terrorists.As he knockedd the door a guy came out and without saying a word askedhim to come in.

He was alone at that time and without his buddies who were sitting at another home in the same village asking for info on the terrorists movement but that didnt stop him from going in alone maybe also because he wasnt expecting anything.

As soon as he went in there came a loud voice greeeting "Asalamalaikum".He was shocked to see the same terrorist they were looking for sitting on the bed with his buddies having lunch.He replied "walaikumasalam" and there came another question asking for his health.

The chat continued and then the terrorist leader asked him to join for a meal.He also agreed and started having food with them.There is hardly he could have done also as he was sorrunded by terrorists..some having food and other just sitting and having tea..total number was 5.

So while having his meal the leader saw his berreta and thought that if he is not a Indian soldier undercover and asked "Kahin tu hindustani ***** toh nahi' pointing his pistol towards him.He smiling replied and was succesful in defending himself.

Now while having his meal he was thinking as to how he is gonna kill all these terrorists and then came another question asking for his identity but he again managed to save himself.

He reaslised that there is not much time left before they realise he is an Indian dog( ;) ) So he decided that he needs to escape soon and contact his buddies.He said that he is going to wash his hands outside and didnt pick up his AK so as to not make them further believe that he is an Indian soldier and fire at him from his back.

He was wearing his magazine pouch which also had grenaded and his pistol with him.As soon as he got out of the room he threw a grenade which hit the door and didnt cause the damage which he wanted it to cause.But still injuring a few of them and then he jumped for cover behind a tree while firing from his pistol and not letting thim leave the room.Soon his buddies came hearing the noises of bullets and they manged to kill all of them.

5 terrorist killed without any injury to SOG guys...he killed 2 and got a medal.

But most importantly what i liked was he got a lifetime experience and a tale worth sharing with his family and friends...not everyone gets to have lunch with terrorists :lol: specially those who were going to die in a few minutes.
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