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Indian Special Forces

Not really what you want but PARA SF with Patkas:


They do have Kevlar helmets but I can't seem to find the pics right now.

These "Patkas" are'nt a villager's headgear (Pagri)!
They have a Kevlar lining and are resistant to Small Arms and splinter impact, while being light to boot. Plus they are less of an impediment to all-round vision. That is the reason why they are so popular. India is a largely tropical country where heat, sweat and dust can cause discomfort.
Not sure about NVG but i think Patkas look hot on our SF especially in the above pics. Patkas can withstand AK rounds and its also light, i don't see anything better than this.
lol, INSAS and AKs

- costume is not water proof
- No eye gear
- No tavor

a ill-equipped, poorly supported and step motherly treated But kick-***.

This is just a photo op for Shiv Aroor, we can't really judge them by this alone. As we saw from recent NDTV doc @ ANC where MARCOs (probobly same guys as pic was taken at A&N) had Tavor eye gear, Helemts and much more. Lets wait for the full vid on the weekend before judging.
Why does our army / special forces / police have to "display" the bodies of militants or enemies of our nation after they have killed them. That is barbaric to me. If they kill them, just cremate or bury the bodies. They fought for a cause which we do not agree with but a cause nonetheless. To display their dead bodies is disrespectful IMO.
brother killing civilians cant be justified as a cause, if they have a cause they can fight the state by fighting state forces if maoist were only killing police and army guys ,i would have called them soilder and would have agreed with you and even probably supported them. but killing of civilian of the same region and who are innocent , is nothing but barbaric ,vandalism and nothing else, so they dont deserve respect, but after dead even a dog should be treated well, i agree, and they are after all human and most of them are misguided so i have sympathy.but i dont agree about the cause of killing your own people especially innocent 1cn, (killing of outsiders on regional issue could be justifed if injustice is done on the locals intentionaly or otherwise)
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