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Indian special forces carry out cross border operation into Myanmar. Several militants Killed

didnt expect padosis to get so buthurt :bunny:

Obviously their entire lies revolve on how many Inidans are killed in terror attacks. When their sadistic pleasures are being put to an end, obviously they are gonna get butt hurt, and the more butt hurt they get more the merrier for us. :lol: I hope more news come out like these so we can see more butt hurted padosis . :P
Be careful baby India, Myanmar doesn't have this:

Are nt you a doctor? Is this the standard of doctors in Pakistan?
@levina sadly I understand what you mean to say. However we had excellent intel sharing operations with Mayanmar. Dont know where it failed and how it failed. I know this coz we have done numerous activities inside Burma!..and this was Army which was at forefront of it and not Manipur home officials.

Anyway gone is gone, this could become our biggest problem, more dangerous than before if not handled properly.
Intelligence failure or not following the SOP are just textbook excuses

They are good for talk shows

Your soldiers' honour is avenged by killing the enemies

It was a question of morale and motivation ;
Morale and motivation are the biggest weapons of a soldier

There must be A lot of happiness in the Army today
There must be a sense of achievement for sure.
But it came at the cost of 18charred bodies, if intelligence units were on alert then Chandel could have been avoided.
Though our intelligence units have so far been able to thwart attacks after Mumbai 2008.
yes yes yes
aur Khalistan kesa hay aaj kul?

If you go back in history and read what happened and what India ended up doing to the khalistani and to its outside supporter...a sane pakistani wouldn't desire the repeat of that. ..and this time ten fold..because things are much much more favourable right now.

Start with reading up on what turn of events compelled benezir bhutto to hand over all the top khalistani leaders operating out of pakistan and what compelled her to pull the plug on isi support to Khalistan.

Kargil, wot, 71, khalistani support - each misadventure pushed pakistan back by a decade. Sane advice would be to not mess with us again.
Personally this is bullshit

India has a habit of making up stories and made up operations to try and save face

So 20 indian soldiers get killed

Then india comes up with a story about some operation /encounter which kills the freedom fighters to sooth their own ego

Very obvious
ummm lol everyone doing their thing to save national interest unlike few. :P
Now confirmed: Indian special forces carry out cross border operation into Myanmar. Several militants who carried out Manipur attack killed.

The best part about the cross border operation into Myanmar? All our boys are back safe. Militant casualty high.

More News coming !!
So when you are sending them in Pakistan to get Hafiz Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim and Hafiz Salahuddin and Masood Azhar ?
picnikse yaad aaya humud ur rehman commission report ka kya bana ? :haha:

aur GHQ attack aur mehran aur minhas base attackkee report firkab tak aaraheehai :sarcastic:

Mumbai ke samney sub bachey thay yeh. that was something to :omghaha: about

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