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Indian special forces carry out cross border operation into Myanmar. Several militants Killed


These militants always attack the soft targets like those leaving for vacations, not their first or last time.
Now what happens to AFSPA?

I think Tripura lifted AFSPA, did Manipur have it at all??
Special Forces operatives struck early in the morning when large numbers of militants had gathered to listen to a speech by one of their commander.

Myanmar was informed of the ops beforehand but they did not directly take part in op but provided indirect support (airspace clearance).
indians shamlessly violated the international law and invaded myanmar? It it time for PLA to advance into miyanmar and help them defend those dirty and weak-bullying indians.

lolz, India didnt invaded burma. ? we are not bandits to bully on small nations. myanmar has accepted our request to carry this operation
Personally this is bullshit

India has a habit of making up stories and made up operations to try and save face

So 20 indian soldiers get killed

Then india comes up with a story about some operation /encounter which kills the freedom fighters to sooth their own ego

Very obvious
Just because your Army doesn't have the guts to conduct ops inside Banana Republic of Afghanistan doesn't infers the same to our Army.
Task done by chaps from 21 Para SF; based in NE.


Congrats on the successful op...will surely not be the last...more such raids to follow.

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