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Indian space scientists praise Chinese space feat

Actually i m kind of pro india after reading mainly positive comments on TOI comment page with regard on this space mission>

Must give credit to indians for mainly positive comments on this mission so thank you india

You're more than welcome.
To have a large payload rocket is just the first step, then you need to master the re-entry technology and the reliability must be extremely high.

China also wants to speed up the development, but these things you can't really rush though, one mistake would cost you dearly.

The Chinese scientists always believe that Rome is not built in a single day, you have really to build up the strong foundation step by step. :coffee:

as i said man, this is what u need:
a rocket like gslv mk3: india has it but not tested neither man rated :hitwall:
reentry and deboost of a capsule test: already done and mastered and safely ended in sea.
a human space capsule: already made and displayed.
crew life support system: under development.
crew escape: to be tested soon.
communication and data satellites: already in place.

rest are just small techs that just go with the mission. india doest have a rocket for manned missions and will take a long time to get one. this rocket needs to be proven before it takes in man into space.
^^^^ It will be useful to build technologies. But so far, nobody has made any money by manned flights.

That's why EU and Japan never tried (not because they are less on technology).

India should use it like a technology booster .. but no hurries, since it needs sinking money with no immediate returns.

Proof ???????????
Actually i m kind of pro india after reading mainly positive comments on TOI comment page with regard on this space mission>

Must give credit to indians for mainly positive comments on this mission so thank you india

Buddy PDF is different type of platform .. mainly for India vs Pakistan
Indian space scientists praise Chinese space feat
Indian space scientists praise Chinese space feat | Business Standard

India's top space scientists praised China's maiden mission of manned docking of its space lab even as New Delhi's own human space flight programme seems to have lost momentum.

"It's a wonderful thing that has happened," ex-Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation, U R Rao told PTI here. "Essentially, they are making sure that they are going ahead systematically with manned mission programme".

China today launched its longest and heaviest rocket to sent its first woman astronaut in space as part of a three- member team to conduct its maiden manned docking of its space lab being built to rival Russia's Mir International Space Station.

Another former ISRO Chairman, G Madhavan Nair said China is marching forward in manned space programme with a lot of aggression.

ISRO first formally mooted the proposal on human space flight programme after about 80 senior scientists from across the country participated in a meeting to discuss the issues related to Indian manned space mission in 2006.

The country's premier space agency had carried studies for four years before that to examine the technological challenges of a manned space mission and its capability to undertake such a mission, estimated to cost around Rs 12,000 crore spread over eight years.

Back-to-back failure of India's Geosynchronous Space Launch Vehicle (GSLV) -- one with home-grown cryogenic engine and another Russian one -- in 2010, put brakes on India's proposed human space flight, which ISRO was eyeing in 2008-09 to undertake it in the 2015-16 time-frame.

So ...............what???...Indian public opinion always admires China's growth....nothing new to it...But funny thing is why you are excited dude????... Any thing pakistani need to celebrate that has been done by Pakistan????.....Oh yes..I know....
Pakistan doesn't like to show off like India DOES !

Dude ...this is joke of the century....Do you have any thing to show off???? I mean are you really serious????....
Last time i heard every one talks about Pakistan about some specific issue?????...Of course i donot want to put it here....But everyone knows....Rather than creating people to create so called Jihad..anything is there to show off to world???

@to all...My reply is to this specid person Hafiz...as his remarks are really in troll mode....So i am really sorry to other friends who thinks it otherwise...
CD whats up with your account bro I was trying to post a link on it before ?

It's a bug with the website, if you click on my profile, it links you to the "Chinese Dragon" account (without the hyphen) which is not my account. That account only has 10 posts.

My username is "Chinese-Dragon" with the hyphen (-).

Actually I can't even get to my own profile page... lol. :woot: I'll send a message to one of the moderators, hopefully they can fix it.
It's a bug with the website, if you click on my profile, it links you to the "Chinese Dragon" account (without the hyphen) which is not my account. That account only has 10 posts.

My username is "Chinese-Dragon" with the hyphen (-).

Actually I can't even get to my own profile page... lol. :woot: I'll send a message to one of the moderators, hopefully they can fix it.

I was wondering what you did to your account, so this is why you didn't respond to the many post I

left 6 months ago. :rolleyes:
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