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'Indian Space Program is much developed and more advanced than Chinese' says veteran space scientist Prof. R.S.Vasagam

That is why I always love watching the discussion in India military forum.
Unlike those boring Chinese scientists who only talk about their R&D work, Indian scientists clearly have a big edge on entertainment side. I guess most of them must have taken the courses in Bollywood.
China got a whole space station and a man in space along with a rover on Mars while India couldn't even land a rover on the Moon and their manned mission " Gagayann " is still delayed to 2024

Better than the Chinese - Said a WILD PAJEET :sarcastic:

Keep dreaming India keep dreaming , eventually the world will end before India becomes anything remotely to be taken serious of.
I dont know how can you guys type so much without knowing anything.

The scientist is saying exactly opp.

He's is saying " For India to be successfully, the young Indians have to go into Space research as Chinese Young generation is doing ."🙃
With delusional degenerates like this as space scientists no wonder India is many decades behind China .
With a country holding the largest population of poor people on the planet (700 million indians), don't think indians have a grain of salt worth in credibility when they bark such things. They insult themselves and contribute toward being the laughing stock of the world.
can anyone guess, who did first surgical strike in this universe???

please support your claim with evidence.

Delusional PDF Indians is one thing, but delusional "veteran space scientist" is totally another.

What the heck, they even had a delusional president. It might have something to do with their diet.
it sure is! if it was not this advance how would Siri Modi g be building Mandir on Mars!!

mars ki jameen may ram mandir keh remains milay hain- wah Modi g wah wahhhhh!!;
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