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Indian Soldier Slips on Snow and Reaches Pakistan

Whats the deal with these Indian soldiers slipping (all the time)...

Did he really slip, or did he intentionally come over for some Fantastic Tea?
I think he should receive the Col. Gaddafi treatment, from our civilians
As long as the Indian Army don't do a head count when he is returned we can return him.
LOL talk about humiliation.

Don't return him. This is a cover-up story. He tried infiltrating our side, but was caught with his pants down. First beat him up blue and don't serve any tea.

Secondly negotiate for exchange. Let it get very far where the Indians have to beg master US for intervention.
Failed to grasp, how a person can slip from one country to another.
it happens in snow covered mountains... if u slip from the beaten track u slide down the nullah/gully...and you may cross LOC if you are not blown up by land mines.
Can we not ask for an exchange with our retired Col. abducted from Nepal?
That's a fantasy story created by your media. There is no retired ISI colonel in Nepal came looking for job. Sounds stupid.
that Indian solider loves Pakistan and he should be given a good treat as such fantastic tea :)
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