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Indian Soldier Killed in Uri Sector

It's from your own defence ministry and ISPR

I never denied it. I just rejected your lies that you fabricate to feel good.

I already told you at year beginning we would kill around 40 Indian soldiers at LOC and there is nothing that can stop us from doing that. Remember??
Yup that is happening right now while you fabricate lies to hide your embarrassment on these deaths.

No porters are included in civilian casualties as defined by 1996 DGMO talks between both sides. Anyways hardly 1-2 porters die on each side in a year.

More lies. We consider porter deaths as military deaths. What are you going to do about it??

Anyways no where military said that 34 Pakistani soldiers died. It is just your manipulation to keep yourself satisfied and feel good.

While I don't celebrate deaths, data shows casualties are higher on Pakistani side in 2016 & 17.

No where any kind of official or even unofficial data says that if we are talking about military deaths. It is all your manipulation and misinterpretation.

So no difference in 2018 either.

Only in your misinterpretation and manipulations. Not on ground. And that's all that matters for us.

Make it two boys


Both Indian army and BSF got equal thrashing. We Pakistanis believe so much in justice and equality. :lol:
I never denied it. I just rejected your lies that you fabricate to feel good.

I already told you at year beginning we would kill around 40 Indian soldiers at LOC and there is nothing that can stop us from doing that. Remember??
Yup that is happening right now while you fabricate lies to hide your embarrassment on these deaths.

More lies. We consider porter deaths as military deaths. What are you going to do about it??

Anyways no where military said that 34 Pakistani soldiers died. It is just your manipulation to keep yourself satisfied and feel good.
I never denied it. I just rejected your lies that you fabricate to feel good.

I already told you at year beginning we would kill around 40 Indian soldiers at LOC and there is nothing that can stop us from doing that. Remember??
Yup that is happening right now while you fabricate lies to hide your embarrassment on these deaths.

More lies. We consider porter deaths as military deaths. What are you going to do about it??

Anyways no where military said that 34 Pakistani soldiers died. It is just your manipulation to keep yourself satisfied and feel good.
I also told you that irrespective of the number on the Indian side, casualties on the Pakistani side will 100% be higher.

As for porter deaths. Stop lying. There is Not a single report of any porter dying ever on the Pakistani side in 15 years. Pakistani side has very few porters compared to India.
So stop calling your soldiers porters
I also told you that irrespective of the number on the Indian side, casualties on the Pakistani side will 100% be higher.

Your assumptions and misinterpretations to feel good rat. Nothing else.

As for porter deaths. Stop lying. There is Not a single report of any porter dying ever on the Pakistani side in 15 years. Pakistani side has very few porters compared to India.
So stop calling your soldiers porters

Well we have porters and labors too. And they get hit too. Just few weeks two labors working on bunkers were arrested by BSF after they strayed into Indian territory.

Any case, there is simply no clear proof that Pakistan has higher casualties. It is all your assumptions. And nobody here is interested in your assumptions multiple ID rat.

You failed doing the same drama with previous dozens of IDs. And you would fail this time too.

thats great news for the pakis.

Only the Pakistani army can kill and uses snipers in the world, the Indian army is still fighting with their swords and hence the high number of casualties.

additionally the Allah has blessed all of the Pakistani soldiers to be immortals and hence no casualties from their side.

The paskistani soldiers were all immortals during all the years since 1971, and thats why they had to surrender with their pants down to save the Indian soldiers the agony of trying to kill the immortals.

and more importantly, with all the snipping and killing of Indian Soldiers, India will lose all its army by year 4047 and by then Pakistan can start the Ghazwa-i - Hind, with the alien as the backups.

Cheers to all my pakistani brothers and their army.

Stop crying yaar

You killed hundreds of thousands for Pakistani soldiers. Happy??

now don't whine. :lol:
Your assumptions and misinterpretations to feel good rat. Nothing else.

Well we have porters and labors too. And they get hit too. Just few weeks two labors working on bunkers were arrested by BSF after they strayed into Indian territory.

Any case, there is simply no clear proof that Pakistan has higher casualties. It is all your assumptions. And nobody here is interested in your assumptions multiple ID rat.

You failed doing the same drama with previous dozens of IDs. And you would fail this time too.

Stop crying yaar

You killed hundreds of thousands for Pakistani soldiers. Happy??

now don't whine. :lol:
no ... not a single one, as per your ISPR ..

we can't kill immortals, the feared and the great pakistani army..
no ... not a single one, as per your ISPR ..

we can't kill immortals, the feared and the great pakistani army..

Nah you killed hundreds of thousands of Pakistani soldiers. :D

But still your soldiers would be killed. There is nothing in this world that can silence our guns.

Sad reality. You guys would have to live with it. :)
Your assumptions and misinterpretations to feel good rat. Nothing else.

Well we have porters and labors too. And they get hit too. Just few weeks two labors working on bunkers were arrested by BSF after they strayed into Indian territory.

Any case, there is simply no clear proof that Pakistan has higher casualties. It is all your assumptions. And nobody here is interested in your assumptions multiple ID rat.

You failed doing the same drama with previous dozens of IDs. And you would fail this time too.

Stop crying yaar

You killed hundreds of thousands for Pakistani soldiers. Happy??

now don't whine. :lol:
Your denials have been totally defeated. Your casualties have been revealed in your senate, by your own defence minister interview.
April 2018 GHQ ceremony also proved that ISPR does report many casualties to public.
Now you are making false and weak denials by saying they are porters when Pakistan has employ very few porters and those labourers were arrested in punjab.
There has been ZERO reports of any labourers or porters on Pakistani side of LoC ever.
Nah you killed hundreds of thousands of Pakistani soldiers. :D

But still your soldiers would be killed. There is nothing in this world that can silence our guns.

Sad reality. You guys would have to live with it. :)

See, As a matter of fact Both Sides have IMMENSE respect for each other. period.
Talk to any sensible Pakistani Army Personnel or for that matter any Indian , the Opinion will be the same.

We have a HOT border, So yes soldiers will be killed ( on both sides ).

The Reality is 10 Years ago I Joined this forum and I have seen the likes of "Insha Alla Pakistan will get Better" .. How.. No body knows in Pakistan.

10 Years is a good sample to talk about, Its Notable that in Last 10 Years, While BOTH nations were busy in Skirmishes on the Border, India raced from $1.5 T to almost $3 T economy. We are building Huge no of Toilets, Giving Free Gas Connections, Producing HUGE Electricity, Going to Max over Renewable Sources of Energy and so on.

We are NOT busy thinking that Since We killed a Soldier from Pakistan its an Achievement, Nope. It wont feed our Huge Population. We need Money for that, thats Precisely what we are doing.

And Where has Pakistan Reached in last 10 Years, Last 20 Years or 70 Years ?

I will be replied with lists of HARDSHIPS Pakistan faced. Leave India aside, where was China 40 Years Ago ? Where was S. Korea 40 Years Ago ? These countries too faced SAME issues like Pakistan... Like India and they are FAR FAR Better than BOTH of US. Cant we Learn Something ? Perhaps YES.

A Rape in India gets more attention here. Indian Toilets get attention here and Check @Windjammer he is busy in his Self Fellatio , Brainwashing his own country men over moronic bravado... with minor tweets .. a soldier killed... which yields nothing but an Ignorance that somehow Pakistan has an edge over India. and still @Windjammer Regularly getting annoyed over the reality when i post a STAMP showing Prisoners of Pakistan in 71 ... I mean, Why so narrow minded ? Why feel "Superman" when one soldier is killed while Ignoring the REAL STATE of AFFIRS in PAKISTAN ?

If there ONE India who would Dare say , India is Better than China , I would slap him and Say, we have a Hell Lot to do they are at $12T while we are Crawling at $3T, How can we address our Shortcomings unless we acknowledge them ?

It Applies to India... AND It Applies to Pakistan. You can Choose to Eat Grass.. for Nukes... But Neither you can feed a nation of 200 Million with Nukes nor Grass.

Food for thought : If Arch Rivals, India and China can Sustain a Border ( which has NO Firearms ) and Jointly Bid for Oil Blocks and Think Positive for Growth.. If South Korea can BEAT North Korea NOT by Nukes but Economy... Why cant Pakistan ?
Your denials have been totally defeated. Your casualties have been revealed in your senate, by your own defence minister interview.

Listen rat. You never defeated anything with your dozens of IDs on this forum. All you have done on this forum is getting humiliated again and again and again on this forum.

I knew from day one that you are the same multiple ID rat whom we have humiliated dozens of times in the past. Still I allowed you this time thinking you might have grown up and might have accepted the simple fact that we have thrashed you like a bitch on LOC

It is now time you should be banned for good. And not just this ID but any Id that you would create in future

I promise you that rat.

we aren't here to listen to your feel good justifications. I am personally here from now on to ensure that you don't get space on this forum ever again. That is a promise from me to you rat. Remember that.

@waz @Dubious @Arsalan

This guy is continuously spreading lies about death of Pakistani soldiers and you guys keep allowing him space.

We all know this guy is a multiole ID rat whose dozens of other Ids have been banned on this forum. Then why are you guys allowing him space with this ID? just because I didn't report it.

Wake up guys and do your duty. This guy is already a menace and a complete waste of space and time and is violating so many forum rules.

Ban him now. Ban him permanently.

See, As a matter of fact Both Sides have IMMENSE respect for each other. period.
Talk to any sensible Pakistani Army Personnel or for that matter any Indian , the Opinion will be the same.

We have a HOT border, So yes soldiers will be killed ( on both sides ).

The Reality is 10 Years ago I Joined this forum and I have seen the likes of "Insha Alla Pakistan will get Better" .. How.. No body knows in Pakistan.

10 Years is a good sample to talk about, Its Notable that in Last 10 Years, While BOTH nations were busy in Skirmishes on the Border, India raced from $1.5 T to almost $3 T economy. We are building Huge no of Toilets, Giving Free Gas Connections, Producing HUGE Electricity, Going to Max over Renewable Sources of Energy and so on.

We are NOT busy thinking that Since We killed a Soldier from Pakistan its an Achievement, Nope. It wont feed our Huge Population. We need Money for that, thats Precisely what we are doing.

And Where has Pakistan Reached in last 10 Years, Last 20 Years or 70 Years ?

I will be replied with lists of HARDSHIPS Pakistan faced. Leave India aside, where was China 40 Years Ago ? Where was S. Korea 40 Years Ago ? These countries too faced SAME issues like Pakistan... Like India and they are FAR FAR Better than BOTH of US. Cant we Learn Something ? Perhaps YES.

A Rape in India gets more attention here. Indian Toilets get attention here and Check @Windjammer he is busy in his Self Fellatio , Brainwashing his own country men over moronic bravado... with minor tweets .. a soldier killed... which yields nothing but an Ignorance that somehow Pakistan has an edge over India. and still @Windjammer Regularly getting annoyed over the reality when i post a STAMP showing Prisoners of Pakistan in 71 ... I mean, Why so narrow minded ? Why feel "Superman" when one soldier is killed while Ignoring the REAL STATE of AFFIRS in PAKISTAN ?

If there ONE India who would Dare say , India is Better than China , I would slap him and Say, we have a Hell Lot to do they are at $12T while we are Crawling at $3T, How can we address our Shortcomings unless we acknowledge them ?

It Applies to India... AND It Applies to Pakistan. You can Choose to Eat Grass.. for Nukes... But Neither you can feed a nation of 200 Million with Nukes nor Grass.

Food for thought : If Arch Rivals, India and China can Sustain a Border ( which has NO Firearms ) and Jointly Bid for Oil Blocks and Think Positive for Growth.. If South Korea can BEAT North Korea NOT by Nukes but Economy... Why cant Pakistan ?

No friendship is possible with your ilk.

That is the perfect answer to your long rant. Enough said.
See, As a matter of fact Both Sides have IMMENSE respect for each other. period.
Talk to any sensible Pakistani Army Personnel or for that matter any Indian , the Opinion will be the same.

We have a HOT border, So yes soldiers will be killed ( on both sides ).

The Reality is 10 Years ago I Joined this forum and I have seen the likes of "Insha Alla Pakistan will get Better" .. How.. No body knows in Pakistan.

10 Years is a good sample to talk about, Its Notable that in Last 10 Years, While BOTH nations were busy in Skirmishes on the Border, India raced from $1.5 T to almost $3 T economy. We are building Huge no of Toilets, Giving Free Gas Connections, Producing HUGE Electricity, Going to Max over Renewable Sources of Energy and so on.

We are NOT busy thinking that Since We killed a Soldier from Pakistan its an Achievement, Nope. It wont feed our Huge Population. We need Money for that, thats Precisely what we are doing.

And Where has Pakistan Reached in last 10 Years, Last 20 Years or 70 Years ?

I will be replied with lists of HARDSHIPS Pakistan faced. Leave India aside, where was China 40 Years Ago ? Where was S. Korea 40 Years Ago ? These countries too faced SAME issues like Pakistan... Like India and they are FAR FAR Better than BOTH of US. Cant we Learn Something ? Perhaps YES.

A Rape in India gets more attention here. Indian Toilets get attention here and Check @Windjammer he is busy in his Self Fellatio , Brainwashing his own country men over moronic bravado... with minor tweets .. a soldier killed... which yields nothing but an Ignorance that somehow Pakistan has an edge over India. and still @Windjammer Regularly getting annoyed over the reality when i post a STAMP showing Prisoners of Pakistan in 71 ... I mean, Why so narrow minded ? Why feel "Superman" when one soldier is killed while Ignoring the REAL STATE of AFFIRS in PAKISTAN ?

If there ONE India who would Dare say , India is Better than China , I would slap him and Say, we have a Hell Lot to do they are at $12T while we are Crawling at $3T, How can we address our Shortcomings unless we acknowledge them ?

It Applies to India... AND It Applies to Pakistan. You can Choose to Eat Grass.. for Nukes... But Neither you can feed a nation of 200 Million with Nukes nor Grass.

Food for thought : If Arch Rivals, India and China can Sustain a Border ( which has NO Firearms ) and Jointly Bid for Oil Blocks and Think Positive for Growth.. If South Korea can BEAT North Korea NOT by Nukes but Economy... Why cant Pakistan ?
Go ahead build your toilets right up to Mars, we don't care what you do in your own country so likewise we also don't need you to tell us about our affairs.
When soldiers die on LOC, it's an issue that concerns both countries hence the news gets reported, tweet or otherwise besides this is a defence forum thus mainly inclined to discuss military matters.
The term of eating grass to have nukes is like you crouching in open fields and admiring the Rafales or space rockets flying overhead. And as you admit to repeatedly posting the 1971 war stamp, let me ask you, what's your purpose other than satisfying your tiny ego by repeatedly running back to events that happened some 50 years earlier. At least me or others are posting and addressing current scenarios.
For us Pakistan is a passion and for you it's an obsession, any wonder Pakistan bashing thus becomes a vote winner in India.....There's a saying in our part of the world, ''Prostitutes may have a lot of money but they have no respect or character.......sadly your so called $3T economy hasn't changed your mindset.
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