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Indian soldier commits suicide after killing 5 fellow soldiers in IOK.

And your point is??

Its not the first time such incident happened.

My point is that when your govt had conducted studies/surveys and pointed out reasons then why you still failed to address this suicide, and killing own colleagues tendency in Indian armed forces in Occupied Kashmir.

Our army is fighting the most dangerous terror outfits still we do NOT have a single incident of this nature so far.

You need to focus.
In any conflict zone, the cases of mental depression and stress are common phenomena, but in case of the controlled Kashmir, the trend has increased. It is because of this fact that that Indian armed forces have been so demoralized by fighting with the freedom fighters that either they commit suicide or kill their own colleagues and seniors. They completely lack ‘will to fight’ or ‘moral force.’

The ongoing different war between the Indian state terrorists and the Kashmiri people has proved without any doubt that such elements like ‘will to fight’ and ‘moral force’ have been more noted in the latter who have exerted psychological impact of causing fear, shock, mental depression and stress, resulting in demoralization of the Indian military and paramilitary troops.

In this regard, numerous cases of suicides among Indian troops—opening fire on their colleagues and several other tense reactions have been reported in respect of Indian forces in the controlled territories of Kashmir.

In the past, Lt. Col. Pankaj Jha shot himself with a service revolver, while Maj Sobha Rani, Capt Sunit Kohli, Lt Sushmita Chatterjee and a number of other officers of the Indian army also did the same in one or the other way.

Indian defence analysts and psychologists have indicated various causes of suicides and fratricides, found in the Indian military, stationed in the Jammu and Kashmir. They have attributed these trends to “continuous work under extreme hostile conditions, perpetual threat to life, absence of ideal living conditions, lack of recreational avenues, and of course; the home sickness due to long separation from families.”
i still dont understand why? i mean in Pakistan there are suicide bombers, stress of being hunted(highest no. of suicide bombing in world) but in kashmir there is quiet peace full situation. very few attacks happen if any, that two in very limited areas. so why such high stress among soldiers?
in pakistan on other hand all type of demoralization tactics including on video beheading of soldiers has been done by TTP but suicide and killing of comrades has not been seen so much

more soldiers have died in Kashmir recently by suicide then in combact
My point is that when your govt had conducted studies/surveys and pointed out reasons then why you still failed to address this suicide, and killing own colleagues tendency in Indian armed forces in Occupied Kashmir..
Because idenifying the problem does not mean you have the solution

sometimes its about the kind of hatred you feel around you 24*7 . . . . makes you sick . . . :(
Nice logic and I guess Indian think tanks needs to ponder why after decades of occupation and many futile attempts to normalize things in 97% muslim populated Kashmir the local population hate everything thats indian even remotely . Having a strong 7 Lac army for a population of 3-4 million adult males will never earn them love in that region on the other hand Indian Govt is afraid if they reduce troops the freedom fighters will become stronger.
I guess its time Kashmiries should be given their right of self determination otherwise things will only get worst with time . History has proven repeatedly people cant be denied their rights with force and sooner India learn this its better for her.
Nice logic and I guess Indian think tanks needs to ponder why after decades of occupation and many futile attempts to normalize things in 97% muslim populated Kashmir the local population hate
everything thats indian even remotely .
Any proof for this??
Having a strong 7 Lac army for a population of 3-4 million adult males will never earn them love in that region on the other hand Indian Govt is afraid if they reduce troops the freedom fighters will become stronger.
Source for the claims??
I guess its time Kashmiries should be given their right of self determination otherwise things will only get worst with time . History has proven repeatedly people cant be denied their rights with force and sooner India learn this its better for her.
its time to wake from your dream and seee the reality.
Nice logic and I guess Indian think tanks needs to ponder why after decades of occupation and many futile attempts to normalize things in 97% muslim populated Kashmir the local population hate everything thats indian even remotely . Having a strong 7 Lac army for a population of 3-4 million adult males will never earn them love in that region on the other hand Indian Govt is afraid if they reduce troops the freedom fighters will become stronger.
I guess its time Kashmiries should be given their right of self determination otherwise things will only get worst with time . History has proven repeatedly people cant be denied their rights with force and sooner India learn this its better for her
Do tell me where you get your information ?
Kashmir is in India. We dont need pakistan's acceptance . We all know what world calls it . We supporting ttp? Well u should know better than any of us.
Same here dear. No change. Just change india with Pakistan.

The comment which you initially posted also had nothing to do with the thread.
I am still on it. Good for Kashmir and for Kashmiri people.

It means the ones whom you support for the so called kashmiri freedom struggle is also responsible for killing of Pakistani people .

I hope you support him still for the latter act also.
Again what it has to do with Kashmiri freedom struggle?.
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Again what it has to do with Kashmiri freedom struggle?.

It has got every thing to with it .

The ones whom you have trained to create havoc in kashmir is creating more havoc in your own country .

But the question is do you still support these terrorists , are they still freedom fighters for you ??
And bad for india too isn't it?

Don't worry, at present they are doing more harm to your country and your people. In long run, they can't do much harm to India, as they won't find terrorist sympathizers like you in India. We'll just keep on dumping the state and non state actors in the same unmarked graves where their predecessors were dumped into. :crazy_pilot:
Due to the shear size of second largest standing army in the world which is actively engaged in combat, the cases of suicides will stand out in Indian armed forces.
US army still has higher rate of suicides than indian army, I dont know about pakistan army, as most of it's statistics are never revealed.

Thats because the PA never really had to face a proper hostile force for such a long time. Even the ten year insurgency has had regular rotations of units rather than permanently stationed folks. Rotations that usually take a a day at maximum to complete. Moreover, the hatred levels in the population vary a lot. Although the tribal areas have turned out to be more taxing than Balochistan as the irony goes.

On the other hand.. the mental tax for a fellow from Calcutta missing his sweetheart for two years in kashmir.. having to trundle around constantly with everyone hating you.. does not bore well. Additionally, a PA officer/jawan is usually less than a days travel away from his family.. the same cannot be said for many IA troops. In some case, religion has helped the cause of the PA with Cantt mosques acting as morale "regulators" . That being said, there are suicides in the PA but are mostly individuals succumbing to pressure and VERY VERY rarely involve a trooper taking it out on his fellow soldiers.
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