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Indian slave wage maid is a CIA agent, claims diplomat's father

All this happened because India acted like a 3 year old kid.
There were better options to deal with such a case in a respectful manner.
One of them being, media should not have blown the news like they did.
Then you didn't understand the case.
Perfect reason for Declaration of war on US......It will be MAIDen war between two nations :tup:
All this happened because India acted like a 3 year old kid.

There were better options to deal with such a case in a respectful manner.

One of them being, media should not have blown the news like they did.

The way you dealt with Raymond Davis?
All this happened because India acted like a 3 year old kid.

There were better options to deal with such a case in a respectful manner.

One of them being, media should not have blown the news like they did.

How can you control media especially when the news is juicy and sensational?

Who will let go of such opportunity?? Not our liberal media.

The cat is out the box and it will be played out for its worth. Only time will tell if our relations will become hostile.
There is something fishy about maid's family being evacuated from India in a rush reserved only for spies. The maid and her husband had been working around the US embassy domestic help circuit. Embassies use people them to ferry important document and messages to the field agents. If he is caught and questioned he may spill the beans, hence had to be evacuated in a rush. Ten years ago an Indian Deputy Secretary in RAW - Ravinder Singh was evacuated from India, because he had been discovered that he was a CIA agent. Same situation is possible in case of the maid and maid's husband.

India has demanded the granting of urgent VISA to maid's husband be reversed. He is facing felony and blackmail charges in India. The US embassy was made aware of it way back last summer. In-spite of that US Embassy granted an urgent VISA to leave India and paid for his and his two children ticket.

Does it not appear fishy to you?

Right now the US propaganda is focused on that poor maid (may be a spy) who has been underpaid. Truth may be that in order to cover their tracks US devised this scheme of arresting an Indian diplomat on flimsy grounds.

Let us see how the situation unfolds. Indian diplomat are not the only one under paying. Reports have surfaced in Indian newspaper that US diplomats have routinely bringing domestic help back from their assignment abroad and under paying them.

This sound like a novel that will be made in to the movie. Who should star as the maid? They will probably find a hot babe to caste as the maid.
Really ?

Hopefully the CIA is paying her more than " SLAVE WAGES ".... :cheesy: :woot: :lol: :P
Take a look at this...

In espionage, what's the difference between a cover and a legend? - Curiosity
In espionage, what's the difference between a cover and a legend?

When a spy is sent to another country, he doesn't move around under his own name. He assumes a cover, a new identity, and has to memorize a completely fabricated life history. A legend refers to the documents and background story that back up the cover. Let's say an American is trying to pass as a Yemeni accountant. Aside from being able to write, read and speak fluent Arabic and know a lot about Yemeni financial laws, he'll have to "remember" where in Yemen he was born, where he went to school and where he worked. He'll have to have a Yemeni diploma and other documents to support his claims. If his legend says he is an enthusiastic surfer, he should make sure to have some surfing gear in his apartment.
It is actually more complicated than the answer given above.

If I am a CIA officer undercover, I will have a 'cover' and that identity can be several layers deep. But no matter how many layers there might be, diligence will eventually 'uncover' me.

If I am of the CIA but passed myself off as a plumber, even though I may have a plumber's license, business cards, thanks to my engineering background I can do plumber-speak, and even have a vehicle plastered with my business sign on it, the local plumbers union can 'out' me soon enough. They will be able to find not a single customer or at best few with very easy jobs that I completed. They can talk to the local tool supplier and will find out I have no purchases. And so on with anything related to plumbing and plumbers. Diligence will lead me back to the CIA.

On the other hand, if I am a 'legend' with the CIA and passed myself off as an engineer, there will be literally nothing physical that will trace me back to the CIA. Investigators can go straight to my company of employment and they will find colleagues who knows me and even socializes with me, they will find pay statements, profit sharing, employee stock options, all with my name attached, they will find my desk along with all the personal decorations that cubed workers generally have. In short, they can even know with %100 conviction that I am a CIA undercover agent but there is nothing they can find to tie me with the CIA and that is because there is literally nothing physical about my relationship with any clandestine intelligence service.

A 'legend' is the most difficult agent type to create and exercise. Legends are truly dedicated people with patriotism their highest calling in life. They are priests of the nation. They are not James/Jane Bond but they excels at reading people and situations and know how to play with minds.
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