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Indian shelling in tatta pani.Pakistani Soldier Havaldar Mohyudin martyred

You guys are really funny.

You don't believe entire Indian Media, Indian Govt. IA but you believe Hindu which said that the post was built as there was continuous breach of LOC. Pakistan did same in Punjab border.

You guys now believe DAWN, ET while every other day you blame them for false reporting.

You all say Pakistani Media is sold out to Ameerikans, but today you believe what they say.

You guys ask us for UN probe and don't believe IA but you easily blame India for backing TTP without any proof. Why don't you ask UN probe to expose India if you think you are right.

You guys say, India breached LOC first but does that give you to do things which aren't allowed by Geneva Convention, Beheading and Mutilation of body.

We believed official words of ISPR and media reports was based on these official words.

We believed official words of ISPR where they said that India violated LoC and raided Pakistani post and killed one soldier and left their weapons while retreating. Your official can ask for proves and will be furnished. So, there is no accusation without backing evidences. On other hand, India backed off from proving accusation and there are contradictory reports in your media and stories have flaws.

There is no coverage of this in our sellout media, so i have given reference of "The Hindu" and also previously i gave reference of Reuters where your IA official denied beheading.

When ISPR officially will talk about RAW's hand in TTP & BLA than i assure you the will release the evidence as well. Or probably they are waiting for right time for payback.

Last part of your post is same you are repeating like parrot when your IA Official has denied beheading - so i will not bother to repeat same which has been said 1000s time.
@MatrixTMN you do not know sht. Okay so you are telling me your dumass heard about Obama getting briefed about attacking Pakistan in 2009 yet my cousin who has been in US army since he got out of high school and has friends who outrank him all the way up to General would not know?? Let me guess, tell me if I am spot on. You are an immigrant who joined the US army and your rank is either E-2 or E-3 but you got connects all the way up to the POTUS. :lol:

So If we find a Taliban fighter with an HK rifle, that means Germany is financing the Taliban? You are either lying to being lied to. No disrespect, this is honestly what I believe.

I never said the country financing anybody, according to him the weapons was payed by a American company owner not America itself. How old the weapon was, what year, how did it end up where they found it he never said and he probably did not know but they do try to trace the weapons when they capture them. Also like I said I was just giving you one example of what happened to a soldier who was fighting in Afghanistan, other soldiers have other stories.
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@MatrixTMN you do not know sht. Okay so you are telling me your dumass heard about Obama getting briefed about attacking Pakistan in 2009 yet my cousin who has been in US army since he got out of high school and has friends who outrank him all the way up to General would not know?? Let me guess, tell me if I am spot on. You are an immigrant who joined the US army and your rank is either E-2 or E-3 but you got connects all the way up to the POTUS. :lol:

Yes, I am an immigrant who joined, moved here when I was 4. Here is how I know you are full of crap.

Your cousin would never call his superior ranks "friends" unless he wanted to be ran into the ground and made to do enough push ups until his chest tore. Call a general a friend and you might as well get 40 ice packs ready.

How do I know about Obama getting briefed on Pakistan? His DAMN national security advisor went on record and said so.
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We believed official words of ISPR and media reports was based on these official words.

We believed official words of ISPR where they said that India violated LoC and raided Pakistani post and killed one soldier and left their weapons while retreating. Your official can ask for proves and will be furnished. So, there is no accusation without backing evidences. On other hand, India backed off from proving accusation and there are contradictory reports in your media and stories have flaws.

There is no coverage of this in our sellout media, so i have given reference of "The Hindu" and also previously i gave reference of Reuters where your IA official denied beheading.

When ISPR officially will talk about RAW's hand in TTP & BLA than i assure you the will release the evidence as well. Or probably they are waiting for right time for payback.

Last part of your post is same you are repeating like parrot when your IA Official has denied beheading - so i will not bother to repeat same which has been said 1000s time.
ISPR you trust, we trust IA.

As for IA Official, it was cleared that he was misquoted. Check the news again.

About TTP link, why are you waiting and for what. Don't blame us when you haven't presented the proof. Why should I believe you or ISPR. Let the evidence be checked by UN probe. You don't believe in proof provided us by HS, why should we, about the proof which haven't been given at all.

How do you know India is behind TTP. Kindly give me the news link.

I will repeat 10,000 times that he is misquoted. Banana journalism. Are you telling mother of a dead soldier will say lie or his family will tell lies ?

I am just asking same questions you all asked yesterday.People are blaming India for today's blast. Check the threads.

If you ask for neutral probe, then apply it on yourself. Ask same question to yourself, why should you believe ISPR but you say we shouldn't believe our Army.

I am just asking your questions to you all. Apply same logic on your media, your ISPR, your proofs.

As for waiting for correct time, let me know, till then I don't accept India is behind TTP or BLA. Period.
Yes, I am an immigrant who joined, moved here when I was 4. Here is how I know you are full of crap.

Your cousin would never call his superior ranks "friends" unless he wanted to be ran into the ground and made to do enough push ups until his chest tore. Call a general a friend and you might as well get 40 ice packs ready.

How do I know about Obama getting briefed on Pakistan? His DAMN national security advisor went on record and said so.

Okay go and read up on some of the briefings from 2011 after the OBL incident and you will see how close Pakistan was to getting smacked, second of all yes he has generals who are friends. Generals are human beings too not some demonic beings who only boss people around. Third generals do not make soldiers do pushups etc those duties are for lower ranking officers they do whatever the higher ups are paid to do. Fourth he does have friends who outrank him and I would tell you why that is fact but quite frankly it is personal.
yes there is a difference. But even building bunkers close to IB shows the aggression. Plus bunkers at LOC which IF were built by IA, followed Simla Agreement!

Ok you can consider building bunkers on IB as aggression but it's not violation like if India increase troops on IB will be considered aggression not violation of IB. As per 2003 cease fire both sides agreed not to build permanent structure on LoC, so building concrete bunkers is violation of agreement.
ISPR you trust, we trust IA.

As for IA Official, it was cleared that he was misquoted. Check the news again.

About TTP link, why are you waiting and for what. Don't blame us when you haven't presented the proof. Why should I believe you or ISPR. Let the evidence be checked by UN probe. You don't believe in proof provided us by HS, why should we, about the proof which haven't been given at all.

How do you know India is behind TTP. Kindly give me the news link.

I will repeat 10,000 times that he is misquoted. Banana journalism. Are you telling mother of a dead soldier will say lie or his family will tell lies ?

I am just asking same questions you all asked yesterday.People are blaming India for today's blast. Check the threads.

If you ask for neutral probe, then apply it on yourself. Ask same question to yourself, why should you believe ISPR but you say we shouldn't believe our Army.

I am just asking your questions to you all. Apply same logic on your media, your ISPR, your proofs.

As for waiting for correct time, let me know, till then I don't accept India is behind TTP or BLA. Period.

Pakistan officially asked for UN Probe. Did India asked?........... period

Actually I will tell you why, his little brother also joined the army but he never reached officer rank after his 4 years were up he left but signed up for the reserves. Anyway he was called back for another tour in Afghanistan but did not go for whatever reason. Anyway when we were acting like idiots in new jersey racing our cars we got pulled over by state troopers and I was given a ticket but he was arrested because the military put out a warrant for him. So my cousin who was a Captain called his friend who was a general and he made some phones calls for his brother whose charges were dropped and his name was taken off the reserves, so that is how I know he has friends who are generals because he would not have that type of pull through his own rank but Generals do, now believe me or not whatever. You never answered me what is your rank in US military??
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Okay go and read up on some of the briefings from 2011 after the OBL incident and you will see how close Pakistan was to getting smacked, second of all yes he has generals who are friends. Generals are human beings too not some demonic beings who only boss people around. Third generals do not make soldiers do pushups etc those duties are for lower ranking officers they do whatever the higher ups are paid to do. Fourth he does have friends who outrank him and I would tell you why that is fact but quite frankly it is personal.

Look, I know about the situation post OBL raid, that was never in dispute. As for your cousin, if he is on good terms with some of our 230 generals, then good for him. But please don't go telling people they are his friends, it might be true in the human sense, but wrong in every other sense. Take care and god bless.
Ok you can consider building bunkers on IB as aggression but it's not violation like if India increase troops on IB will be considered aggression not violation of IB. As per 2003 cease fire both sides agreed not to build permanent structure on LoC, so building concrete bunkers is violation of agreement.

and you also violate it by building tunnels and watch tower very close to IB and LoC . And there is no army on IB. it is the BSF

Actually I will tell you why, his little brother also joined the army but he never reached officer rank after his 4 years were up he left but signed up for the reserves. Anyway he was called back for another tour in Afghanistan but did not go for whatever reason. Anyway when we were acting like idiots in new jersey racing our cars we got pulled over by state troopers and I was given a ticket but he was arrested because the military put out a warrant for him. So my cousin who was a Captain called his friend who was a general and he made some phones calls for his brother whose charges were dropped and his name was taken off the reserves, so that is how I know he has friends who are generals because he would not have that type of pull through his own rank but Generals do, now believe me or not whatever. You never answered me what is your rank in US military??

So basically your cousin used his connections to get some one who should have been thrown in jail off easy?
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India media fuels outrage over ‘beheading’ but real story may be more complex
NEW DELHI – The news that two Indian soldiers were killed by their Pakistani counterparts along a disputed border in the Himalayan region of Kashmir turned into a national media outrage this week, after un-named military sources said one of the dead men’s bodies had been beheaded, and his head carried back to Pakistan.

Over menacing music, Indian television anchors fanned the flames during news reports Tuesday. What were India’s options to punish Pakistan, they asked?. Was there any point in continuing the peace process — or even playing cricket against them?

With details of the skirmish released just in time for the evening news, the story dominated the evening talk shows here as retired Indian generals queued up to take potshots at their old foe. The government spoke of the “barbaric and inhuman mutilation” of the corpses, and denounced the “ghastly” and “dastardly” act.

But the full story of the recent violence along the disputed border in Kashmir may reveal a more complex and less one-sided picture.

For a start, both sides’ armies may have beheaded rival soldiers’ corpses in tit-for-tat exchanges last year, according to a report, sourced to highly-placed military and government officials, by respected journalist and editor Praveen Swami in The Hindu newspaper..

Tuesday’s attack by Pakistani troops also appears to have come in retaliation for a similar attack by Indian troops a few days before, in which one Pakistani soldier was killed, a senior security official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media.

Indeed, the tension along this particular stretch of border began in September when a Kashmiri grandmother sneaked across the border to join her sons who were already living on the Pakistani side, The Hindu story said.

Indian troops, concerned about the ease with which the woman seemed to have crossed, started building bunkers around her village to keep a closer eye on residents.

Pakistan viewed the construction of the bunkers, so close to the frontier, as a violation of a ceasefire agreement and tried to stop it from going forward by shelling and firing on the area. In October, three villagers were killed by Pakistani shelling, and on Jan. 6, an Indian brigadier struck back by raiding Pakistani positions, the report said.

In a statement issued Thursday, the Indian army said “certain aspects” of The Hindu story were incorrect, specifically denying that their troops had crossed the Line of Control on Jan. 6, but instead had carried out “controlled retaliation” to Pakistani violations of the ceasefire agreement. The army also said the grandmother crossed the frontline in September 2011, and denied that incident had any link with recent events.

Amid the outrage, some journalists on both sides of the border took to Twitter on Thursday to ask whether the Indian media had taken things too far.

India media fuels outrage over ‘beheading’ but real story may be more complex - The Washington Post
So basically your cousin used his connections to get some one who should have been thrown in jail off easy?

Well he was his brother, so you can hardly blame him. He did not want to go back to Afghanistan like most soldiers don't, he was there when the fighting was heavy he don't even like talking about it anymore. Some people can handle war some cannot, it really is that simple. What is your rank, I am curious? If you do not want to tell me just say so but don't just dodge my question. :coffee:
Well he was his brother, so you can hardly blame him. He did not want to go back to Afghanistan like most soldiers don't, he was there when the fighting was heavy he don't even like talking about it anymore. Some people can handle war some cannot, it really is that simple. What is your rank, I am curious? If you do not want to tell me just say so but don't just dodge my question. :coffee:

Was not dodging, just more occupied with answering your other points.

Private First Class
Cavalry Scout
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