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Indian Sergical strike exposed || discussion

I am sure sometime after watching a heroic military movie and you go to bed you tend to imagine yourself as the hero of that movie. This was that kind of surgical strike where Ajit Doval dreamed he was Tom hanks in Saving Private Ryan.
When you imagine a heroic mission, no one can see you, no one can kill you, just remember its your imagination and you have full control over who shoots and who dies.

This could have been a perfect imagination mission if it wasnt for that idiot who thought they were crossing into Pakistan for real and just went for it :rofl::rofl::rofl:
They believe in conjectures not in the truth. Reality to them is like cartoon figures with zero life span..
India has provided few details of the operation but sources indicate that the “surgical strikes

A surgical strike operation by Indian forces begs the question of whether Indian forces have the capability to launch such a sophisticated and coordinated attack.

Says it all really.
One thing is clear even to a novice and naive like me - Indians are badly seeking a closure for this episode and move on to the next one. I can assure the Pak folks that their next one will be even more ridiculous and a better comedy show..
I think they better close this chaper , because technically its getting very hard to prove this surgical story. Covering 15 km , walking , covering launching pad , gun fight , kill the enemy , comeback unhurt.........................Imagine if you go for daily running to cover 4 km distance how much time it takes. If you carry minimum 25 pound backpack ( which is very less, military standard is 30 pound back pack minimum in daily drills) can you god damnnnn do the job and come back in 4 hours. Actually Indian media claim job complete in 3 hours. ....I am giving 1 hour extra.
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If the surgical strikes never took place

1) Why did Pakistan go to UN?

2) Why was PA put on high alert ?

3) If the 2 Pakistan soldiers died in cross LOC firing why did UNMOGIP say that “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

Now why can't PA accept that surgical strikes took place

1) The surgical strikes come at a time when PA should have been at its highest alert as it comes on the back of Uri attack

2) If PA accepts, then questions would be raised about PA's incompetency at best and PA's support to terrorism at worst
Such an amateurish article. Just giving one example, we have scores of Israeli drones, don't they provide the same capability as the Rustom's. Why is that ignored by the writer. Secondly we don't yet have hell fire, another mistake by the writer. A school boy article at best
India has provided few details of the operation but sources indicate that the “surgical strikes

A surgical strike operation by Indian forces begs the question of whether Indian forces have the capability to launch such a sophisticated and coordinated attack.

Says it all really.

Again here is factors. Any answer of these questtion.

1. 4 hours ( giving hour extra, Indian media claim is 3 hours)
2. 15 km radius
3. on foot , not helicopter.
5. Each soldier atleast carry 30 pounds backpack.
4. Target achieved , killed all terrorist and came back unhurt. Not even single casualty.
6. Eenemy engagement time. ( or when they reach the spot , enemy already voluntarily standing inline to get shot to save Indian army time).

Generally on flat terrain approximately take 15 to 20 minutes cover 1 km in perfect conditions. Imagine its steep forest walking with weight at night. Also covering themselves from enemy.
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If the surgical strikes never took place

1) Why did Pakistan go to UN?

2) Why was PA put on high alert ?

3) If the 2 Pakistan soldiers died in cross LOC firing why did UNMOGIP say that “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

Now why can't PA accept that surgical strikes took place

1) The surgical strikes come at a time when PA should have been at its highest alert as it comes on the back of Uri attack

2) If PA accepts, then questions would be raised about PA's incompetency at best and PA's support to terrorism at worst
Pakistan response is confused, they don't admit the surgical strike. Nawaz Sharif say one thing, ISI say another thing. They gone crying to United States who sent them back
when did ISI issues comments.
There is no point in this self explainjng attitude .
Because we did what we claimed.
In my opinion, Cross border raid more accurately describe Indian Operation than Surgical Strike.

With the advantage of Night, element of surprise, intelligence, time for preparation and distracting shelling, this can be done by Para-SF.

Since Indian forces only ingressed 500m-3KM inside, there is huge chance of success.

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