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Indian Sergical strike exposed || discussion

Is India capable of "surgical strike? Yes.

That's exactly the point.

Even if we assume the surgical strike was fake, PA could have used the story to their advantage by calling it an attack on their army and launch a counter strike.

Now by going overdrive to prove it as fake, PA has given up the option to strike back.

why would PA want to strike you in the first place? you need to understand that from our perspective, this whole thing from the Uri attack to the "surgical strike' event were both unusual, the former was not supporter by PA and the latter is false, so PA have no reason to strike your side. this entire time, its just Indian media that have been hyping up war scenario, not us
Again here is factors. Any answer of these questtion.

1. 4 hours ( giving hour extra, Indian media claim is 3 hours)
2. 15 km radius
3. on foot , not helicopter.
5. Each soldier atleast carry 30 pounds backpack.
4. Target achieved , killed all terrorist and came back unhurt. Not even single casualty.
6. Eenemy engagement time. ( or when they reach the spot , enemy already voluntarily standing inline to get shot to save Indian army time).

Generally on flat terrain approximately take 15 to 20 minutes cover 1 km in perfect conditions. Imagine its steep forest walking with weight at night. Also covering themselves from enemy.

I agree. The LOC is literally crawling with regular army. This special ops squad comes in, on foot, and wipes out however many they said they did, and not a single casualty.
It's a load of rubbish, that only they believe.
@Windjammer @MastanKhan

I want to be impartial and just understand the true events that took place concerning the claimed Indian surgical attacks.

  1. Granted the Indians do have a well equipped and well special forces that can undertake special ops and strikes, which were proven last year in Myanmar. My difficulty is why would India claim a strike if it did not carry one out. The Indians are very media savvy and understand how to manipulate the media for the best results. Therefore why would India make up a story with the consequent loss of face if it was proven that they were lying.
  2. However, the Indians can prove their claims by providing evidence to the world, why is India refusing to do so, considering how good they are with providing the necessary resources for the independent media to use and hence verify the truth of the claims.
  3. Similarly ISPR has also failed to provide any evidence we can rely on to confirm PA's claim that India is lying.
  4. India claims at least 35 men were killed at 7 launch pads, this should have created a great deal of forensic evidence including noise from families who have lost their sons, a clamor for revenge and a lot of photos by third party witnesses within the vicinity of the launch pads. Why is this missing?
  5. The details being provided by the Indians are very sketchy and are not precise. The raids took place at 12:30 along a 15KM arc along the LOC and upto 3KM deep into AJK. The raid involved 7-8 helicopters who flew undetected across the LOC and flew back. Then this was changed to state no helicopters took place but the SFs trekked for upto 10 hours there and back and killed upto 40 people. There for 70-120 troopers involved, and after creating an almighty fire fight were able to snuck back past the PA jawans who did not raise an alarm during this 10 hours excursion.
  6. Was the PA asleep during this period (possible and not discounting this) and hence can someone explain how this is possible.
  7. Both PA and IA maintain a 24x7x52 vigil across the LOC, did the IA find gaps in the PA's vigil and if so should heads be rolling for this dereliction of duty.
I wish somone would step up and explain to me the truth of these claims and counter claims. And for God sake provide some verifiable evidence.
India’s surgical strike: An insider’s look at how the LoC operation was carried out Published October 1, 2016 SOURCE: DNA INDIA It was a scene reminiscent from the past, where President Barack Obama stood with the top brass of the American military and political leadership, to watch the operation as Navy Seals shot and killed Osama bin Laden. Yes, something similar was palpable at the Indian Army’s war room on Thursday night, when the Special Forces (SF) were conducting a cross-border raid across the Line of Control (LoC). A live feed of SF troopers conducting the operation was relayed at two places in the Tactical Headquarters Northern Command in Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir, and the War Room in South Block, Delhi. Sources said the NSA Ajit Doval had joined the Director General Military Operations (DGMO) Lt Gen Ranbir Singh and watched the entire night, as the operation unfolded around 800 kms away in Azad Kashmir’s Lepa Valley, Tatta Pani and Bimber areas across the LoC. “The whole operation was filmed and the situation was being monitored from Delhi. In the wee hours, the PM was personally shown the captured feed,” said a source privy to the events. To avoid any suspicion, both officers arrived separately. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar is also stated to have spent the night in his office and stayed there almost till dawn. Around three SF troopers had installed body worn video cameras on their helmets, which captured the moments from the time the soldiers crossed into Azad Kashmir territory. The transmission of the captured feed by the video cameras in Delhi and Jammu was done through satellites. Sources added that the video footage is evidence of the attack on the terrorists’ launch pads in Azad Kashmir and is likely to be released to the public. Earlier on September 18, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and Army Chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag, while returning from Srinagar on a military aircraft, had taken stock of the aftermath of the attack on the Uri brigade and discussed options. It is believed that Parrikar asked the army chief to give him three options that would involve demonstrable action against Pakistan. He wanted these options before he could report to the Cabinet Committee Security meeting (CCS). Armed with the options, the defence minister went to the CCS meeting, which took inputs from various agencies — the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) the Intelligence Bureau (IB), the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval. The NTRO and RAW were tasked to get an accurate assessment of the camps and launch pads, the strength of terrorists present there, along with Pakistani army regulars. The Indian Army’s Northern Command also had local intelligence through their Humint (human intelligence) about what was happening across the LoC. Finally, the chosen targets were across the areas under the jurisdiction of 19 Division (in Uri), 28 Division (in Kupwara) and 25 Division (in Rajouri). The Pakistan military has denied that any cross-border raid was conducted by the Indian Army. It has claimed that it lost two soldiers due to shelling. “The video, if and when, released will confirm the reality of the scale of destruction and casualties on the Pakistan side,” an Army source said. While there were no casualties on the Indian side, two Special Forces troopers suffered injuries when they were returning from the LoC. Anti Personnel Mines are there around 5 km from the LoC to prevent any human/animal movement. “The soldiers have suffered some injuries. One is discharged and another is recovering in hospital in Jammu. Pakstani media had reported that eight soldiers were killed in the raids in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) and one was captured alive. But the Army denied it vehemently, saying the images played out on Pakistan TV channels claiming to show Indian casualties are doctored or morphed clips and ‘absolutely fake’.” Details, trickling in from the Army, also said that to avoid any suspicion, and to distract attention of Pakistani security, helicopters flew in pairs from various bases. “Sortie after sortie in sectors like Uri on the Indian side of the Line of Control were used to lure Pakistan into concentrating on those areas. The army also used heavy-calibre weapons in Uri to draw Pakistan’s attention there — allowing the commandos to move through other areas to trek to the targets, which had been placed under surveillance for a week,” they said. A section in the security establishment here believe that Pakistan may have closed its option for escalation by denying that Indian troops carried out “surgical strikes” in its territory, but there are others who are expecting a retaliation in the form of militants backed by its inflicting raids on Indian installations near the Line of Control. Sources also said that even though there is no mobilisation like the one in 2001 following the attack on the Indian Parliament (Operation Parakram), officers and soldiers of crucial formations have been asked not to take leave. Though, Thursday operations have broken a long-standing taboo in the minds of India’s strategic decision-makers, many still believe that covert operations do punish but may not deter enough to change behaviour unless they escalate to a decisive war. Former Director-General Perspective Planning of the Indian Army Ghanshyam Katoch believes that measures like restricting water and trade may take time but will give more tangible results for the application of Lex talionis (the law of retaliation, whereby a punishment resembles the offence committed in kind and degree) than covert operations. Posted in India

idrw.org . Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website , Kindly don't paste our work in other websites http://idrw.org/indias-surgical-strike-an-insiders-look-at-how-the-loc-operation-was-carried-out/ .
Pak took media to LOC ... indians are not even telling an exact location... which by the way is in their own interest so international community can see terrorist dead bodies and infrastructure...
Case closed
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Perhaps they edit footage from Saif movie phantom:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: the Chinese must be laughing at you, the Americans and Russians too, your artificial nations argument has been up until now, just because their is an absence of evidence their is not evidence of absence lol, basic military logic precludes this imaginary raid from ever coming to fruition, the latest Hindian claim according too charlatan Maroof Raza is why did Pakistan move 5 battalions to the LOC lol, his source is probably some 120lb raam laal blogging on bharat rahksaak lol.
@Zibago @The Sandman @Moonlight @PaklovesTurkiye
Bro i am getting tired of this BS :hitwall:
@Windjammer @MastanKhan

I want to be impartial and just understand the true events that took place concerning the claimed Indian surgical attacks.

  1. Granted the Indians do have a well equipped and well special forces that can undertake special ops and strikes, which were proven last year in Myanmar. My difficulty is why would India claim a strike if it did not carry one out. The Indians are very media savvy and understand how to manipulate the media for the best results. Therefore why would India make up a story with the consequent loss of face if it was proven that they were lying.
  2. However, the Indians can prove their claims by providing evidence to the world, why is India refusing to do so, considering how good they are with providing the necessary resources for the independent media to use and hence verify the truth of the claims.
  3. Similarly ISPR has also failed to provide any evidence we can rely on to confirm PA's claim that India is lying.
  4. India claims at least 35 men were killed at 7 launch pads, this should have created a great deal of forensic evidence including noise from families who have lost their sons, a clamor for revenge and a lot of photos by third party witnesses within the vicinity of the launch pads. Why is this missing?
  5. The details being provided by the Indians are very sketchy and are not precise. The raids took place at 12:30 along a 15KM arc along the LOC and upto 3KM deep into AJK. The raid involved 7-8 helicopters who flew undetected across the LOC and flew back. Then this was changed to state no helicopters took place but the SFs trekked for upto 10 hours there and back and killed upto 40 people. There for 70-120 troopers involved, and after creating an almighty fire fight were able to snuck back past the PA jawans who did not raise an alarm during this 10 hours excursion.
  6. Was the PA asleep during this period (possible and not discounting this) and hence can someone explain how this is possible.
  7. Both PA and IA maintain a 24x7x52 vigil across the LOC, did the IA find gaps in the PA's vigil and if so should heads be rolling for this dereliction of duty.
I wish somone would step up and explain to me the truth of these claims and counter claims. And for God sake provide some verifiable evidence.


It is due to the SHEER STUPIDITY of the pakistanis that India can claim whatsoever it wants and have the world believe in it---even though it did not happen.

You guys cut your own head off---after the Abbottabad incidence when your Gen Kiyani and Gen Pasha decided to keep their mouth shut about the involvement in the killing of Osama Bin Lade---.

You---the pakistanis---allowed the Indians to keep playing that game without fighting back tooth and nail---.

And why did you do that---because your military became weak---and how it became weak---.

It was due to the treasonous acts carried out by the heirarchy of the Pakistan air force for not getting the right platform in a timely manner---thus drastically reducing the strength of the Paf and pakistan---.

It is due to the SHEER STUPIDITY of the pakistanis that India can claim whatsoever it wants and have the world believe in it---even though it did not happen.

You guys cut your own head off---after the Abbottabad incidence when your Gen Kiyani and Gen Pasha decided to keep their mouth shut about the involvement in the killing of Osama Bin Lade---.

You---the pakistanis---allowed the Indians to keep playing that game without fighting back tooth and nail---.

And why did you do that---because your military became weak---and how it became weak---.

It was due to the treasonous acts carried out by the heirarchy of the Pakistan air force for not getting the right platform in a timely manner---thus drastically reducing the strength of the Paf and pakistan---.
You nailed it sir.

It's the planning which is screwing pakistan. Without bullets and bombs Modi hurts the image of pak.

Now they are so frustrated they have to prove otherwise.

Winner here is Modi and looser here are citizens ( of both countries).

The situation has gone worst, these events have brought us back to zero in betterment of relations.

Till now it's stupidity of pak and selfishness of Modi which seems to be culprit.
all bravado and cheech&chong theories aside, what is true is:

1) Indians don't have to prove or disprove anything. The desperation is on the other side to save face
2) Let's hope this motivates Pak militarily to stop using or molly coddling terorrists
3) Modi has redeemed himself to the point his defence minister is going around saying it's been two days and Pak leaders still haven't come out of anasthesia...he should hold his tongue and not gloat

It is due to the SHEER STUPIDITY of the pakistanis that India can claim whatsoever it wants and have the world believe in it---even though it did not happen.

You guys cut your own head off---after the Abbottabad incidence when your Gen Kiyani and Gen Pasha decided to keep their mouth shut about the involvement in the killing of Osama Bin Lade---.

You---the pakistanis---allowed the Indians to keep playing that game without fighting back tooth and nail---.

And why did you do that---because your military became weak---and how it became weak---.

It was due to the treasonous acts carried out by the heirarchy of the Pakistan air force for not getting the right platform in a timely manner---thus drastically reducing the strength of the Paf and pakistan---.
Dear sir,

Also I don't know much about Pakistani airforce acquisition planning.

But they need max f16, used mirages( so that they can use existing infra and training to keep costs low, this will also fit well in their plannings and strategies)

They should buy jh7 ( nobody talks about it but it should be best platform to replace those mig21) which will boost their capabilities to miles. The numbers should be higher. Their planning for a su 35 or stealth fighter will be stupid. Because pak Air Force is defensive opponents so no matter what India choose to do, the battles will be in their skies and pilot skills will come handy. Not the Stealth to evade the radars.

A strong paf is backbone of pak defence. no matter how much they brag about their ground forces skill and experience. Wars are won in the skies and their past has proved it. They have to start acquiring now before the Indian acquisition can to realty and they lag too far behind.
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