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Indian Sergical strike exposed || discussion

Is India Capable of a Surgical Strike in Pakistan Controlled Kashmir?


A surgical strike operation by Indian forces begs the question of the military’s capability to launch such an attack.

On Thursday India claimed it had conducted a “surgical strike” in Pakistan controlled Kashmir across the Line of Control (LoC). Pakistan denied that India carried out a surgical strike and claimed that two of its soldiers were killed in cross border fire.
“The notion of surgical strike linked to alleged terrorists’ bases is an illusion being deliberately generated by India to create false effects,” the Pakistani military said in a statement.

India’s director general of military operations, Lt. Gen. Ranbir Singh, publicly announced the strike. He stated, “Based on receiving specific and credible inputs that some terrorist teams had positioned themselves at launch pads along the Line of Control to carry out infiltration and conduct terrorist strikes inside Jammu and Kashmir and in various metros in other states, the Indian army conducted surgical strikes at several of these launch pads to pre-empt infiltration by terrorists.”

India has provided few details of the operation but sources indicate that the “surgical strikes” consisted of a heliborne unit and Special Forces that infiltrated the LoC and conducted assaults on seven suspected terrorist launch pads that were two to three km beyond the LoC.

Throughout the day Pakistan has continued to deny any surgical strike took place. “There has been no surgical strike by India, instead there had been cross border fire initiated and conducted by India which is existential phenomenon,” the Pakistan Army said in a statement.

A surgical strike operation by Indian forces begs the question of whether Indian forces have the capability to launch such a sophisticated and coordinated attack.

Surgical strikes can be conducted through airborne or artillery based precision guided strikes or ground force based assaults; both of which require sophisticated intelligence collection, platforms to conduct collections, and surveillance of target sites and objectives.

India is still on the cusp of building a sophisticated and modernized asymmetrical capability to conduct counterterror operations, while much of its forces are still organized and trained on Cold War models.

Over the last decade, India has spearheaded efforts to modernize her military to include domestic production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Rostum I and Rostum II could provide India with an air platform capable of surgical strikes, long loiter times for target surveillance, and intelligence collection. However, these platforms are still in development and Rostum II just began test trials this summer. India’s drone development program is still in its infancy.

As for artillery, in 2015, India and BAE finalized contracts for the sale and development of new M777 155 mm howitzer system, capable of firing the new Excalibur GPS guided shell. However, development and productionof the artillery system is not slated to begin until 2018.

India does currently field a Russian GPS guided munition called the Krasnopol, though its precision fire support is within a 30-40 km radius and its accuracy is far less when compared to the new Excalibur shell.

As far as precision strike missile capability, India has recently acquired the U.S. anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) Hellfire, which has frequently been used for targeting operations by U.S. forces. India is currently producing a domestic ATGM called the Helina, a helicopter launched precision strike missile, though this missile is still undergoing testing.

In other words, much of India’s asymmetrical warfare capability is still being developed and tested. The examples above are by no means an exhaustive list but it certainly details a capacity not fully developed by Indian forces.

Furthermore, a cross border air raid by either heliborne assets or drones would still prove exceedingly difficult as Pakistan boasts an incredibly impressive air defense system. Pakistan controlled Kashmir is a high threat area for shoulder fired surface to air missiles, some of which have found their way into the hands of militant groups. Any air operation over the territory would be under threat from these weapon systems.

India has released little detail on the operation; however if India in fact carried out a cross border surgical strike on terrorist facilities and not Pakistani military posts, it would be a paradigm shift in India’s war against terrorist and militant organizations. It would also boast the perception that India’s asymmetrical warfare capability is further along than many may perceive.

Yes they are recent survey tells that India is well trained to spread biased news !there dgmo recently back from Indian institution of goswamisim and now they are doing Sergical strikes on media while ground reality is they are hiding there dead soldiers news on media lol
Wait till Indian Army release the details and videos officially.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Perhaps they edit footage from Saif movie phantom:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: the Chinese must be laughing at you, the Americans and Russians too, your artificial nations argument has been up until now, just because their is an absence of evidence their is not evidence of absence lol, basic military logic precludes this imaginary raid from ever coming to fruition, the latest Hindian claim according too charlatan Maroof Raza is why did Pakistan move 5 battalions to the LOC lol, his source is probably some 120lb raam laal blogging on bharat rahksaak lol.
@Zibago @The Sandman @Moonlight @PaklovesTurkiye
Lora mera BC .. Propaganda gandus.

Best response

Most important thing would b share location so international community can verify existence of launch pads (sling shots across LOC hh)...

Has india shared location .... no

Pakistanil media was LOC today... every one scratching their heads to wht the fck randians are talking about
The area of operation was within 500 meter to 2km from LOC means that the so called launch pads could have been easily been destroy by Indian army posts
And also it could have been visible from Indian army posts .

when did ISI issues comments.
Hahaha Arnab ka special rabta hova hoga ISI headquarters Mai :p :D
Surgical strike is done with an element of surprise and to strike specific limited enemy/terrorists target. And since the idea is to do the damage and there is no hype/chest thumping/media glare is involved even after the surgical strikes.

Here in this surgical strikes, as India is claiming it has done it specifically, the main focus, the main thrust is on media glare, or rather media propaganda news...gives more credibility to the fact that the idea is...

Media hype, constant hammering of news about India finally done it, presenting it like a war trophy, a big victory, constant boasting and bragging...the very idea of a surgical strike is defeated...it is mostly done in stealth, and kept in sheath and hidden so that the terrorists can be attacked again and several times.

Here the idea is something else, more like a political stunt with coming elections in UP and Karnataka, a big match for Modi's current and emerging political constituency, hence this chest thumping and larger than life image of the so called surgical strike.

It is a surgical strike but through media only, part of the psy-ops...
Surgical strike is done with an element of surprise and to strike specific limited enemy/terrorists target. And since the idea is to do the damage and there is no hype/chest thumping/media glare is involved even after the surgical strikes.

Here in this surgical strikes, as India is claiming it has done it specifically, the main focus, the main thrust is on media glare, or rather media propaganda news...gives more credibility to the fact that the idea is...

Media hype, constant hammering of news about India finally done it, presenting it like a war trophy, a big victory, constant boasting and bragging...the very idea of a surgical strike is defeated...it is mostly done in stealth, and kept in sheath and hidden so that the terrorists can be attacked again and several times.

Here the idea is something else, more like a political stunt with coming elections in UP and Karnataka, a big match for Modi's current and emerging political constituency, hence this chest thumping and larger than life image of the so called surgical strike.

It is a surgical strike but through media only, part of the psy-ops...
If the surgical strikes never took place

1) Why did Pakistan go to UN?
- when your neighbor and their media is hyping up war scenario, I see nothing wrong in discussing with UN

2) Why was PA put on high alert ?
- your ministers and DGMO plus the media were threatening to wage war, what sort of country would not be on alert, probably your own

3) If the 2 Pakistan soldiers died in cross LOC firing why did UNMOGIP say that “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

Now why can't PA accept that surgical strikes took place

1) The surgical strikes come at a time when PA should have been at its highest alert as it comes on the back of Uri attack
- actually, this is the reason your surgical strike story sounds comical because you guys claim to have came into our area and went back without any casualties at the time our forces were expecting for you to mess with us

2) If PA accepts, then questions would be raised about PA's incompetency at best and PA's support to terrorism at worst
- - what kind of logic is this? if there were surgical strikes as what you guys claim, it sounds less embarrassing than 4 ppl crossing to India to kill 18 of your soldiers, and assuming your story is true, accepting surgical strike in no way indicates PA support terrorism because you guys are the ones claiming you kill terrorist, we could easily say they were military ppl or something like that, again, this is only IF what India said is true, which I don't think it is
I have one question that no Indian sane or insane is answering. I'm going to tag @Joe Shearer here as well. If Indians strikes did occur against launch pad where fully armed insurgents are launched to Indian side , Can you tell me, How come fully armed Insurgents didn't fire a single shot and not a single fire fight broke b/w two belligerents and no casualty occurred ?

How come 8 choppers remained undetected despite of Red alert of PAF and High Mark 2016 exercises being going on ?

Were Arnab present in the Pak-America Meeting where Pakistanis were crying to America ?

These are one of many holes in the story that Indians are refusing to answer.

Last but not the least, Imagine if we pulled a stunt like this with Kalbhushan yadav where by Lt. General Asim Bajwa declaring we caught spy without presenting it to media. Imagine how much we would have been the laughing stock. But Honor and respect are the words alien to Indians.
tthe choppers were super stealth state of the art Star Wars Episode XXXIX level heliporters........you cant imagine the tech genious of Veda educated v men
If the surgical strikes never took place

1) Why did Pakistan go to UN?

2) Why was PA put on high alert ?

3) If the 2 Pakistan soldiers died in cross LOC firing why did UNMOGIP say that “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

Now why can't PA accept that surgical strikes took place

1) The surgical strikes come at a time when PA should have been at its highest alert as it comes on the back of Uri attack

2) If PA accepts, then questions would be raised about PA's incompetency at best and PA's support to terrorism at worst

Simple, unlike beghairat Indians we will never accept Sir G Kal strikes without responding back in similar fashion. If army wanted to keep quite then they wouldn't have fired back and killed half dozen more Indian soldiers to take revenge of 2 shaheeds.
what kind of logic is this? if there were surgical strikes as what you guys claim, it sounds less embarrassing than 4 ppl crossing to India to kill 18 of your soldiers, and assuming your story is true, accepting surgical strike in no way indicates PA support terrorism because you guys are the ones claiming you kill terrorist, we could easily say they were military ppl or something like that, again, this is only IF what India said is true, which I don't think it is

That's exactly the point.

Even if we assume the surgical strike was fake, PA could have used the story to their advantage by calling it an attack on their army and launch a counter strike.

Now by going overdrive to prove it as fake, PA has given up the option to strike back.
If the surgical strikes never took place

1) Why did Pakistan go to UN?

2) Why was PA put on high alert ?

3) If the 2 Pakistan soldiers died in cross LOC firing why did UNMOGIP say that “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

Now why can't PA accept that surgical strikes took place

1) The surgical strikes come at a time when PA should have been at its highest alert as it comes on the back of Uri attack

2) If PA accepts, then questions would be raised about PA's incompetency at best and PA's support to terrorism at worst

Are you mentally disabled? Are you really jumping through this many hoops, and doing this level of mental gymnastics to justify an imaginary operation?

1) So silence means that a 'strike' happened, and going to the 'UN' means a strike happened? just use common sense, it doesn't take a genius to understand why Pakistan is going to raise issue with the international community over India's claims of doing a 'surgical strike' deep inside Pakistani territory for multiple hours. It didnt happen, and we are trying to show the world the lies, insincerity, and unprofessionalism of India's politicians and institutions.

2) They've been on alert since Uri, They expected Indian Army to try some kind of drama. They did, and they were repulsed in their attempts, the fact that your Army chooses to hide the dead bodies of your soldiers is not our problem.

3)By that logic there was no surgical strike either, otherwise the Un would have observed it.

PA doesnt accept surgical strikes took place, BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T, use a brain ffs, the overwhelming evidence of nothing taking place, yet you blindly follow your warmongering media and lying officials. Tell me, where is the evidence of any such operation taking place, no bodies, no sound, no bullet holes, no shrapnel, not even a single casing.

4) It was on high alert, and what your saying answers your previous question of why Pak Army was on high alert. The lengths you people will go to to follow some make belief fantasy is astounding.

5) If Pak Army is incompetent then why did we destroy 3 outposts right after you martyred our soldiers in cross border firing? If they are so incompetent, why did we not only capture 1, but kill 8 others who were trying to cross the LOC? Tell me who is incompetent:

The Army that claims an imaginary operation for propaganda purposes, and claims any casualties or captured soldiers can only be deserters or 'unaware' of a well known publicized and obvious border (what soldier working that close to a militarized border would just 'wander' around and get caught?)


The Army that despite facing a numerical disadvantage, captured and killed its enemy's troops, without resorting to any fake propaganda or media drama. Even your own ministers acknowledge it.

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