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Indian security personnel crush Kashmiri man under armoured vehicle in Srinagar (Now annouce dead)

I don't understand those Pakistanis, who think Indians are human beings.
Yes, just like Jahangir handled the situation with the Sikh extremists in the Punjab very well. If he had intended to kill, he would have burnt more than just one guru. The situation was handled very well by Jahangir. Kudos to him.

Most stupid comparison. Guru did not try to lynch him. Jahangir captured and killed him after forcing and and failing him to convert his religion. And he killed more than just the guru. Here its one man trying to fight against a mob who is trying to lynch huim and had to defend him. So understand the situation before displaying idiotic comparison. Also I am not a even bit surprised that the first example that comes to your mind is religious, you people just know acting victims when someone shows you the religious mirror.
Here its one man trying to fight against a mob who is trying to lynch huim and had to defend him.

And the Mughal Empire was just trying to defend itself from the Sikh extremists, they had no other choice! Look at what those terrorists did once the Mughals didn't put a lid on them!

It's okay though, I understand most Sikh people are not extremists, it's just a select few of you that have some problems. Every religion goes through this, with time, you'll join the rest of us and modernise.

(see how annoying this crap sounds when you are on the other end of the stick?)
I don't understand those Pakistanis, who think Indians are human beings.
I don't understand Pakistanis who think they can go against army/establishment with stones and sticks and think you will be OK. It is sad that a human being has been brutally crushed and life his lost. If you protest peacefully you will heard and a solution can be found.
I don't understand Pakistanis who think they can go against army/establishment with stones and sticks and think you will be OK.

I don't understand Hindustanis who cry about the Islamic conquests of the region, thinking that they could go against the army/establishment and think they would be OK, and then cry afterwards when they lose.
And the Mughal Empire was just trying to defend itself from the Sikh extremists, they had no other choice! Look at what those terrorists did once the Mughals didn't put a lid on them!

It's okay though, I understand most Sikh people are not extremists, it's just a select few of you that have some problems. Every religion goes through this, with time, you'll join the rest of us and modernise.

(see how annoying this crap sounds when you are on the other end of the stick?)

The only issue I see here is you choice of comparison. You are comparing oranges with apples for this incident. As far as I religion is concerned, Sikhism is the youngest religion and its the most modern form of religion you can get and no it didn't sound bad to me, it didn't make sense of a comparison as far this incident is concerned.
Asalamu Alaikum

Don't use language of that vulgarity, and don't wish anything upon his family.
I lost my control .I mean that person has died and you are calling him bastard . If you can't condemn the culprit , then atleast don't try to defend them . He was not a terrorist . He was only protesting peacefully and he was crushed by vehicle to teach others a lesson .He suffered painful death and instead of condemning you are calling him a bastard . That man is inarguably the most low life scumbag in the whole world. No wonder why kashmiris hate Indians so much.
I lost my control .I mean that person has died and you are calling him bastard . If you can't condemn the culprit , then atleast don't try to defend them . He was not a terrorist . He was only protesting peacefully and he was crushed by vehicle to teach others a lesson .He suffered painful death and instead of condemning you are calling him a bastard . That man is inarguably the most low life scumbag in the whole world. No wonder why kashmiris hate Indians so much.

how is it peaceful if it is with sticks and stones? You have to behave and follow laws of the land. If you think otherwise and resort to violence then you will not be spared. It not only applies in Kashmir but rest of India as well.
Do you see any weapon in there hand ? .. slogan and few stones , there resistance is composed on .

Ever heard of 'Rajm'? Google it.... If you haven't heard of it before. It's Islamic and it's mortally fatal. So anyone with stone is not so 'harmless' as you make it out to be. Don't blame the Jeep driver, who simply tried to escape this 'Rajm' that was inflicted upon him and his buddies by these jihadis.

Anyways, why bother, the guy already received Jannah (hopefully) what every pious Muslim strives for.

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Indian security personnel reportedly drove an armoured vehicle wildly into a crowd of protesters in Srinagar on Friday, slamming into a half-dozen people and crushing one man beneath its wheels, injuring him critically, locals said.

There are pictures, videos and other evidence on how this unfolded. The crowds surrounded the vehicle and were pelting stones at it. In that circumstances driver could not control the vehicle and the person came under it. He truly deserved it and such people are low life losers who attack others and then play victim when get killed. Given the circumstances, I am surprised only one dead, we should fired at these people and got them under control. In other parts of India similar or even low violence we have way more casualty of civilians, in Gurugram we had 36 civilians dead in one day, in TN 7. In J&K we show extreme care way more than needed, this is why these people have become bold. We have to start firing more frequently, let causalities happen. After few times, people will get the message.
You are bastard....

@waz @The Eagle
I have reported many posts where these Hindu scums call Kashmiri people b**** and used foul language for martyred but no action taken against them. WHY?

You are fucking bastard . May this happen with you and your family then you will be able to feel their pain you piece of shit low life scumbag. There is a special place in hell exclusively reserved for scumbags like you

your cowards soldiers will get what they deserve.... this is why these people shout pakistan zindabad.... you bastards cant even give them basic human rights...

you bastard you are nothing but cowards in real life cant even face us pakistanis bark like kuttas you are.

check you fucking news bastard....

you bastards can only kill innocent civilians while army gave you chutiya army a response.... this is fresh btw.

Keep on barking. Anyone who pick arms against India will be crushed.

He was only protesting peacefully
You don't protest peacefully by pelting stones. That may be the definition of peaceful protest in Pakistan , Not India.
The soldiers in the vehicle were surrounded and attacked. What were they supposed to do? Just sit there and die?

This link of NDTV shows the footage of the attack

It is unfortunate the despite the Van driver only trying to save his life, FIR was filed and he was charged with rash driving and attempt to murder

edit: Here is the video
The soldiers in the vehicle were surrounded and attacked. What were they supposed to do? Just sit there and die?

This link of NDTV shows the footage of the attack

It is unfortunate the despite the Van driver only trying to save his life, FIR was filed and he was charged with rash driving and attempt to murder

edit: Here is the video
Well the situation is just like a writing on the wall. They are just supposed to open thier eyes and read it.
The only issue I see here is you choice of comparison. You are comparing oranges with apples for this incident.

You're right. Those Sikh militants during the Mughal era were much worse.
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