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Indian security personnel crush Kashmiri man under armoured vehicle in Srinagar (Now annouce dead)

Learn to protest peacefully. What's with the stone throwing?
Also, people wanting separation due to a different faith- it is not gonna happen anywhere in the world in this age.
Modernise or perish.
The jeep was faced with hundred of people with stones in their hands... and stopping the car would mean getting lynched. You cant expect them to navigate through the crowd trying to save anyone. If the driver had intended to kill, many more would have been dead. Thankfully only 1 was killed. The situation was handled well by the driver. Kudos to him.
There non any lynching incidence yet. Non Kashmiri protester harm any CPRF personal yet. This is not a logic.
This poor guy was on his way home from work...and look what Indian army did ot him



You are bastard....

@waz @The Eagle
I have reported many posts where these Hindu scums call Kashmiri people b**** and used foul language for martyred but no action taken against them. WHY?

Terrorists and terrorist supporters should be treated the same way,
What would Pakistani forces do if ab mob holds protests with stones in support of APS attackers,

IA is there to maintain peace and keep filthy insects away
Terrorists and terrorist supporters should be treated the same way,
What would Pakistani forces do if ab mob holds protests with stones in support of APS attackers,

IA is there to maintain peace and keep filthy insects away
Perception , for Indian perception they are filthy insect , but Kashmiri people they are fighting for freedom.
Perception , for Indian perception they are filthy insect , but Kashmiri people they are fighting for freedom.
India is a free country.....open your eyes
Those who want a separate country were give choices 70 years ago, they failed to migrate then, now its too late
India is a free country.....open your eyes
Those who want a separate country were give choices 70 years ago, they failed to migrate then, now its too late
Well Muslim rule Inida for 1000 year with full might , they never ask local Hindus to migrate Mongolia or China. Why you want Kashmiri to leave there land. Or if you were so much in love for Bangali , you should have ask them to migrate India and leave East Pakistan. Why your country leave the foundation of state sponsored terrorism in South Asia ..... isn t same medicine your are tasting now ..
India is a free country.....open your eyes
Those who want a separate country were give choices 70 years ago, they failed to migrate then, now its too late
you illegally occupied the IOK, thats why their citizens want a freedom from india open your eyes, its a incomplete agenda of Independence of subcontinent @t_for_talli :crazy:
Well Muslim rule Inida for 1000 year with full might , they never ask local Hindus to migrate Mongolia or China. Why you want Kashmiri to leave there land. Or if you were so much in love for Bangali , you should have ask them to migrate India and leave East Pakistan. Why your country leave the foundation of state sponsored terrorism in South Asia ..... isn t same medicine your are tasting now ..

millions migrated from both side in 47, and that is reality,
I am saying that those who want Islamic state has option in 47, they missed that chance and its tool late,
millions migrated from both side in 47, and that is reality,
I am saying that those who want Islamic state has option in 47, they missed that chance and its tool late,
Kashmiri are not asking Islamic state, they have choices to which side they have better chances of economic growth. Naturally they are economically more closed to Pakistan then India, plus religion play partial role. Easy solution , call for referendum .
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