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Indian security personnel crush Kashmiri man under armoured vehicle in Srinagar (Now annouce dead)

you illegally occupied the IOK, thats why their citizens want a freedom from india open your eyes, its a incomplete agenda of Independence of subcontinent @t_for_talli :crazy:
do some research.....
there were several princely states when British left India, borders were drawn at British territory, it was the job of leaders from both side to convince rulers of the princely states,

There were many princely states in Pakistan like Bhawalpur/ Balochistan/Chitral/ Dir and India as well.

Pakistani leaders were able to convince rulers of Bhawalpur/ Balochistan/Chitral/ Dir etc. the King of Kashmir signed accession document with India government,
So It was Indian territory, and Hindus from Pakistani territories (Punjab / Sindh) and Muslims form Indian UP/ Punjab/ Delhi migrated,
Every one had the chance to chose their own country, now it is too late to complain

Kashmiri are not asking Islamic state, they have choices to which side they have better chances of economic growth. Naturally they are economically more closed to Pakistan then India, plus religion play partial role. Easy solution , call for referendum .
Yes, Muslims and Hindus of both side were given options in 47....Hindus/ Sikhs from Pakistani Punjab/ Sindh migrated and similarly Muslims form Indian Punjab/ Delhi / UP migrated.
Now it is too late, they missed the chance
do some research.....
there were several princely states when British left India, borders were drawn at British territory, it was the job of leaders from both side to convince rulers of the princely states,

There were many princely states in Pakistan like Bhawalpur/ Balochistan/Chitral/ Dir and India as well.

Pakistani leaders were able to convince rulers of Bhawalpur/ Balochistan/Chitral/ Dir etc. the King of Kashmir signed accession document with India government,
So It was Indian territory, and Hindus from Pakistani territories (Punjab / Sindh) and Muslims form Indian UP/ Punjab/ Delhi migrated,
Every one had the chance to chose their own country, now it is too late to complain
and with british ruler is with Hindus, the Britisher always against muslims, remember that at the time of independence there was a dogra raj in Kashmir, Kashmir is muslim majority state, they want a neutral referendum in the valley like British did in the other princely state in the subcontinent, dogra raj singed accession document with india was against the will of muslims of Kashmiris @t_for_talli :crazy:

Yes, Muslims and Hindus of both side were given options in 47....Hindus/ Sikhs from Pakistani Punjab/ Sindh migrated and similarly Muslims form Indian Punjab/ Delhi / UP migrated.
Now it is too late, they missed the chance
read the history first then come here to post @t_for_talli :blah:
Kashmiri are not asking Islamic state, they have choices to which side they have better chances of economic growth. Naturally they are economically more closed to Pakistan then India, plus religion play partial role. Easy solution , call for referendum .

Remove your Army and we will Do that.
Remove your Army and we will Do that.
We talking about remaining IOK .

Plebescite will happen in full kashmire includink PAk occupied kashmir... first condition is to remove your army.

It’s ridiculous to expect us to surrender Kashmir like that. We can read beyond your words and statements. The status quo suits you because you are occupying land which doesn’t belong to you.

You are not going to get a better deal than what you have right now. However, this dream of yours won’t last.
Plebescite will happen in full kashmire includink PAk occupied kashmir... first condition is to remove your army.
Pakistan has reason not to trust India. East Pakistan , Siachin , SirCreek. Betrayal after betrayal. Siachin is known example and Indian army has contaminated the glacier by making helicopter base. Ice is flushing with full on oil and diesel.
It’s ridiculous to expect us to surrender Kashmir like that. We can read beyond your words and statements. The status quo suits you because you are occupying land which doesn’t belong to you.

You are not going to get a better deal than what you have right now. However, this dream of yours won’t last.
But you expect same from us? You Remove your army according to UN convention and we will conduct the plebiscite according to UN guideline. End of story

Pakistan has reason not to trust India. East Pakistan , Siachin , SirCreek. Betrayal after betrayal. Siachin is known example and Indian army has contaminated the glacier by making helicopter base. Ice is flushing with full on oil and diesel.

Same here we also have many reasons not to believe you. kargil, Mumbai, 1965, 1948 etc..

Pakistan has reason not to trust India. East Pakistan , Siachin , SirCreek. Betrayal after betrayal. Siachin is known example and Indian army has contaminated the glacier by making helicopter base. Ice is flushing with full on oil and diesel.

any link??
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