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Indian security personnel crush Kashmiri man under armoured vehicle in Srinagar (Now annouce dead)


May 21, 2006
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Indian security personnel reportedly drove an armoured vehicle wildly into a crowd of protesters in Srinagar on Friday, slamming into a half-dozen people and crushing one man beneath its wheels, injuring him critically, locals said.

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There's already another thread opened about this incident. Maybe the mods can merge it.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'oon

I've had to say that dua on this forum more times than I'd like
India claims Kashmir as their part yet their is no justice for kashmiris, These indian soldiers are criminals in uniform behaving like beast, killing another unarmed civilian only because he protested against illegal occupation of his home town by indian forces.
You throw stones, you try to block the way of a moving jeep, what do you expect?I am sad that only one of the b****ds was crushed
your cowards soldiers will get what they deserve.... this is why these people shout pakistan zindabad.... you bastards cant even give them basic human rights...

You throw stones, you try to block the way of a moving jeep, what do you expect?I am sad that only one of the b****ds was crushed
you bastard you are nothing but cowards in real life cant even face us pakistanis bark like kuttas you are.

You throw stones, you try to block the way of a moving jeep, what do you expect?I am sad that only one of the b****ds was crushed
check you fucking news bastard....

you bastards can only kill innocent civilians while army gave you chutiya army a response.... this is fresh btw.
You throw stones, you try to block the way of a moving jeep, what do you expect?I am sad that only one of the --- was crushed
Hi! Don't be sad, because 2 more BSF are eliminated on working boundary, your forces have done every kind of possible human rights violation and you still condemn protesters? Is that what you call justice?
The jeep was faced with hundred of people with stones in their hands... and stopping the car would mean getting lynched. You cant expect them to navigate through the crowd trying to save anyone. If the driver had intended to kill, many more would have been dead. Thankfully only 1 was killed. The situation was handled well by the driver. Kudos to him.
You throw stones, you try to block the way of a moving jeep, what do you expect?I am sad that only one of the b****ds was crushed

You guys were much more well behaved when Sikander Shah Mir ruled the place, we need another guy like him to bring peace to the valley.

You are fucking bastard . May this happen with you and your family then you will be able to feel their pain you piece of shit low life scumbag. There is a special place in hell exclusively reserved for scumbags like you

Asalamu Alaikum

Don't use language of that vulgarity, and don't wish anything upon his family.

The jeep was faced with hundred of people with stones in their hands... and stopping the car would mean getting lynched. You cant expect them to navigate through the crowd trying to save anyone. If the driver had intended to kill, many more would have been dead. Thankfully only 1 was killed. The situation was handled well by the driver. Kudos to him.

Yes, just like Jahangir handled the situation with the Sikh extremists in the Punjab very well. If he had intended to kill, he would have burnt more than just one guru. The situation was handled very well by Jahangir. Kudos to him.
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