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Indian secularism

Stop looking at the Sikhs for a shoulder to cry on, they are even ruthless than hindus. Didn't some peacefuls tried to mess with Sikhs in Hyderabad couple of years ago by desecrating a Gurudwara? They got their answer.

BJP will be back with even more seats in power, although they will keep their alliance intact to make sure no defection happens to the opposition.
We need to be less apologetic about all these things.

The local shakhas have enough men to level offending buildings (at times called masjids) if temples are damaged. The ratio should be at least 5:1 or 10:1 to prevent repeat occurrences.

My Valued Friend,

You are at it! One wonders sometimes.... but you are at it!

Isn't it all about the Great Blue Elephant with White Tusks, Golden toes and Red Eyes?

Where is our Jacob Martin? Banned?

You have a great Sunday... here is only gloom and rain... low land!!!


The situation we today have in our country is mainly due to the narrative set by those people who distributes stamps of secularism. BJP came to power with the agenda of mainly development, and they themselves are partly responsible for playing into the hands of secularists. But why would secularists actually want polarization in the country? :-). They could not tolerate people voting for someone irrespective of their religion, someone who they demonised for years. Considering all blame goes to the ruling party, it was a fairly easy decision they made. Ironic for them being secular, but sad reality. Things are really messy in our country since there are different kind of people. There are religious extremists, there are people who have genuine concern, some have political agenda while some are just haters who take pleasure in getting hate back at themselves. They are the writers, the filmakers, the authors, the intellectuals and the common people. But they are mainly divided into two categories as we know, the right and the left (anti-majority right in actual). These people have their own idea of India and they do what they think is right for everyone according to them. Hence, coming to a common conclusion to debate on various things in our country is not an easy task. The polarization due to Hinduphobia among the group of people who are referred to mistakenly as intellectuals actually help spread Islamophobia, indirectly. The kind of Islamophobia which is present in India is no match of what is there in the Western countries :-). There is extremely ruthless online trolling, making fun of Islam/Muslims by people who mostly happen to be Christians. Despite that you would very rarely see media there using the 'C' word, unlike media here which never hesitate using the 'H' word, and make even the smallest of personal dispute look like a religious one. They are aware that generalizing all the Christians for a few bigots will put them at the risk of forcing others towards religious extremism as well which they would not like to have in their countries. On the other hand they do not hesitate in posting articles about Islamic & Hindu extremism, which would be akin to Indian media posting about Islamic & Christian extremism, something considered strictly non-secular or right-wing to do here in India ironically. India and western nations being culturally different have different problems and solutions. There will always be problems as long as Indian intellectuals keep aping their western counterparts. Forget about thinking own their own (considering how much social studies department lacks behind, like the technological department), they can't even ape it correctly. Infact aping is way much more easier than reverse engineering. Although some have finally started to acknowledge what common citizens have been saying for a long time, they still believe one extremism is tolerable. Good extremism bad extremism theory perhaps? :-) Nevertheless, one baby step closer towards living up to their title. Add to that, Indian liberals also act as catalyst in polarization process. The ones who are superior and masters of whataboutry. Basically a kind of upper caste. Although some say liberals are those who eat, work, play, innovate, stay healthy and sing songs (LOL?). The most important question is, what is the end-game? Does this polarization really help the seculars? Its not like people will one day wake up and suddenly change. In Kashmir, just a change in religion can change their entire perspective of the Kashmir dispute, this applies in rest of the India as well. And unfortunately for the seculars, percentage of Hindus is not going down anytime soon.

P.S. Nothing aganst the genuine seculars, intellectuals and liberals of the world :-).

My Valued Friend,

You are at it! One wonders sometimes.... but you are at it!

Isn't it all about the Great Blue Elephant with White Tusks, Golden toes and Red Eyes?

Where is our Jacob Martin? Banned?

You have a great Sunday... here is only gloom and rain... low land!!!



What is there to wonder my friend.

I just came back from dinner with my best friend at a nice Muslim place in a completely Muslim neighborhood.

Surrounded by nice Muslim people. Men, women, kids playing. Happy. Among their own.

Like any Indian family. Only I was probably the only non Muslim guy there.

It was a poignant dinner. Tasty of course, like all Muslim food invariably is.

But thought provoking. Poignant. A bid sad?

Good night. A new week begins ....

Cheers, Doc
What is there to wonder my friend.

I just came back from dinner with my best friend at a nice Muslim place in a completely Muslim neighborhood.

Surrounded by nice Muslim people. Men, women, kids playing. Happy. Among their own.

Like any Indian family. Only I was probably the only non Muslim guy there.

It was a poignant dinner. Tasty of course, like all Muslim food invariably is.

But thought provoking. Poignant. A bid sad?

Good night. A new week begins ....

Cheers, Doc

Dear Doc,

I am happy to hear that you had a great time, my friend.

Well, what giveth...whatever the religion of any... what giveth is the warmth of heart and light of soul. It is abode of an individual and never a privilge of any religion. But you know this too well...already.

Jacob and I were having a good discussion about what is Human? You were on 'forced' holidays i.e. banned then....

Anyhow, good to see Humanists at it! You, Valued Friend, remain at it!

I shall remain a bemused observer of your Triest with Destiny.... a new age has begun and none has noticed.

Take good care.


And Adi Shankaracharya did not then come along and deal it the death blow as he sought to reform and "revitalise" Vedic Hinduism.

Did Sankaracharya lead an armed fight against Buddhism? Did he destroy any Buddhist statues?
He debated and converted - something alien concept amongst you.

There is a huge difference between converting some one through debate and destroying their temples & exterminating them.

That you think both are the same, shows how perverse the seculars of India have become!

You Just lost this battle friend.

And every time you find the need to Justify yourself and provide explanations and prove your "innocence", its a win for the "seculars" and a loss for you.

I know buddy.
They just killed a Hindu low caste man in Kerala. Not a whimper from the so called secular Dravida champions.
And these are the same people who kill Hindus & turn around to demand from Hindus not to harm anyone.

Damned if Hindus protect themselves, Damned if Hindus don't protect themselves.
The seculars are playing a nice game of extermination of Hindus, while blaming the Hindus all along.

Like you said, their strategy is working. In front of our eyes, Kashmir has been made Hindu free, courtesy these shameless seculars.

Look at the tolerance of Indian seculars. Astonishing liberalism displayed.

Now I am eagerly waiting on Congress, Commies, Seculars, liberals, Award Wapasi gangs, Afzal lovers, Hurriyat chai Friends etc etc to support this lady.

I am dreaming, you say? Perhaps because these Secular Vermin will never ever comment or protect these secular acts of these thugs.

A Hindu woman was brutally murdered by setting her on fire - Not a whimper for the secular comrades.
Imagine if this woman was a muslim and the mob were Hindus.

The duplicity. Strangely the Seculars on pdf have stopped debating in this thread.
Their usual cowardice when confronted with facts is well known.

The ease with which the seculars do genocide of Hindus and turn around & blame the same Hindus is an art which even Hitler would be extremely of.
Did Sankaracharya lead an armed fight against Buddhism? Did he destroy any Buddhist statues?
He debated and converted - something alien concept amongst you.

There is a huge difference between converting some one through debate and destroying their temples & exterminating them.

That you think both are the same, shows how perverse the seculars of India have become!

I know buddy.
They just killed a Hindu low caste man in Kerala. Not a whimper from the so called secular Dravida champions.
And these are the same people who kill Hindus & turn around to demand from Hindus not to harm anyone.

Damned if Hindus protect themselves, Damned if Hindus don't protect themselves.
The seculars are playing a nice game of extermination of Hindus, while blaming the Hindus all along.

Like you said, their strategy is working. In front of our eyes, Kashmir has been made Hindu free, courtesy these shameless seculars.

You are correct. For a change.

The very concept of conversion is quite alien and abhorrent to me.

Cheers, Doc
You are correct. For a change.

The very concept of conversion is quite alien and abhorrent to me.

You are intentionally deviating from the point.
Sakaracharya did not use violence to promote Hinduism. He debated and converted people through his ideology. Not one Buddhist was harmed by his means.
Contrast that to what Islam did to Buddhism between 750 and 1200 AD.
See what it's doing to Buddhism in countries where they are in big numbers.

This false comparison is what I am talking about.

Just yesterday you lot lynched a low caste Hindu in Kerala. Wonder if it is even pricking your conscious or you feel it is all justified since the low caste is a HINDU!
You are intentionally deviating from the point.
Sakaracharya did not use violence to promote Hinduism. He debated and converted people through his ideology. Not one Buddhist was harmed by his means.
Contrast that to what Islam did to Buddhism between 750 and 1200 AD.
See what it's doing to Buddhism in countries where they are in big numbers.

This false comparison is what I am talking about.

Just yesterday you lot lynched a low caste Hindu in Kerala. Wonder if it is even pricking your conscious or you feel it is all justified since the low caste is a HINDU!

Bhimram II ....

I've told you before. I don't give a fig about your castes.

Cheers, Doc
I've told you before. I don't give a fig about your castes.

That's not the question.
Question is about your kinds duplicity & false comparison.

And please don't do Ad Hominem attack to cover up your kinds complete naked expose in this thread.

Come back to topic or get lost.
That's not the question.
Question is about your kinds duplicity & false comparison.

And please don't do Ad Hominem attack to cover up your kinds complete naked expose in this thread.

Come back to topic or get lost.

The castes are your mess to clean up.

Maybe you guys should figure out a way so that the rest of us do not have to pay for it.

And before you start poking your broad dark noses into the business of other communities.

Cheers, Doc
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The castes are your mess to clean up.

Maybe you guys should figure out a way so that the rest of us do not have to pay for it.

The low caste Hindu was not killed by high caste people in Kerala.
He was lynched by secular liberals - you know the same people who wanted justice for Akhlaq, these same people lynched him.

perhaps bringing in caste wars would suite your narrative but the reality is that this low caste Hindu was killed because he is a HINDU and not because he is a low caste.

It looks like for seculars even low caste is fair game for killing as long as the low caste is a Hindu. Your kinds of selective secularism & liberalism is appalling.

btw, no comments on being exposed on Sankaracharya vs Mughal invasion which destroyed Buddhism?

A suggestion - Half knowledge is extremely dangerous. Either upgrade your knowledge or stop commenting on stuff you have little knowledge.
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