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Indian secularism



Cheers, Doc

P.S. frankly not overly interested in any faith other than my own ancient (and oldest) one, to the extent of wanting to learn more about it.

This is just a link on page 1 of a random Google search.

You can deny or refute the veracity or credibility therein.

There are hundreds of thousands of others ....

We both know where this major world religion was born.

We both know the extent of its spread in India.

We both know what it is today in India.

We both know where it's flourishing elsewhere.

You can choose to spin it as absorption.

As others would call it extermination.

Cheers, Doc
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No one denies Sankaracharya through his debates converted Buddhists back to Hinduism.
That's how IT SHOULD WORK. You debate, you loose debate & you move on.

Hinduism by the time of Islamic invasion of India had completely accepted Buddhism into Hinduism. Almost all Hindus pray to Buddha and revere him in the same vein. In fact Buddha is also considered an avatar of Vishnu. Buddhism & Hinduism are not antagonistic with each other.

From the article, we can clearly see who dealt a death blow to Buddhism in India, only if u dare to read.

Islamic invasions By the time of the Muslim conquest, the separate identity of Buddhism resided primarily in its great monasteries and universities. The distinctively dressed monks, all concentrated at these places were an easily identifiable target for Muslim zealotry. Hinduism, by contrast, had no identifiable heart at which to strike. It had succeeded in pervading Indian society while Buddhism had become increasingly isolated in monasteries and universities. Buddhist monks offered no resistance to the invasions, partly in obedience to their vows, and partly because they believed that astrological calculations have shown that Muslims would in any case conquer Hindustan. The destruction of Nalanda in 1197 AD and of Vikramashila in 1203 AD by Muhammad Ghori marks the end of Buddhism in India.

Worse for seculars is that this is from Huffington post - A rabid anti-Hindu agency
On more thing @Tshering22

Since you are an oldie, and I like and respect you as an Indian nationalist.

Do not let your hatred and dislike of historical Islam and present day Muslims morph into a sense of virulent Hindu nationalism that excludes other Indians.

You are not a Hindu.

But you are as Indian as any Hindu.

Indian nationalism and patriotism is NOT Hindu nationalism that you see around you today and seem to be swept away by.

Learn to see the difference.

India is Indians.

Without the Indians, India is a piece of real estate and a colored splotch on a paper map.

Cheers, Doc
There is no such thing as Indian nationalism, just Hindu religious extremism.
Do not let your hatred and dislike of historical Islam and present day Muslims morph into a sense of virulent Hindu nationalism that excludes other Indians.

Here comes the victimhood.

You are not even accepting the historical facts. How can there be a reconciliation when all you ever want to do play victim and blame Hindus?

The only virulent person in this thread is you with your obvious hatred for Hindus. Sad thing is you don't even realise this fact.
Here comes the victimhood.

You are not even accepting the historical facts. How can there be a reconciliation when all you ever want to do play victim and blame Hindus?

The only virulent person in this thread is you with your obvious hatred for Hindus. Sad thing is you don't even realise this fact.

Marathas fought.

The Sangh formed by vanyas played the victim.

Victimhood and an intense desire to right historical wrongs.

But on who?

Grotesque joke.

There's a reason you will find the least amount of sanghi cyapa in Maharashtra. The Hindu bastion of India.

You won't find little Willie's here. Not so sure as you start heading north south and east though.

Cheers, Doc
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Marathas fought.

The Sangh formed by vanyas played the victim.

Victimhood and an intense desire to right historical wrongs.

But on who?

Grotesque joke.

There's a reason you will find the least amount of sanghi cyapa in Maharashtra. The Hindu bastion of India.

You won't find little Willie's here. Not so sure as you start heading north south and east though.

Cheers, Doc

What are u talking about?
Did Maraths fight their battle for Hinduism?

you can't even differentiate between kings fighting for power to Invasion happening in name of religion!!!

Buddhism in India was wiped out by Mughal invasion and you don't even want to acknowledge it & worse you are ready to overlook the violent acts by Mughals on Buddhists by making a false comparison of Sankaracharya!

You preach on how historical wrongs should not be "discussed", yet readily bring in Sankarachrya when you thought it suited you. On being exposed on your historical inaccuracy, you are bringing out the victim card.

The only true victims in India are the non-muslims. Oh, we don't hold it against current generation but to ask us not to even discuss the historical barbarity of Mughals is a bit too much to take in.

Nothing could be truer.
People like @padamchen would not even want to discuss why Hindus are willing to wear skull caps, throw iftar parties, visiting dargas, while any muslim who says 'Jai Shree Ram' gets a fatwa.

Looks like secularism is a one way street, where Hinduism must be insulted at every step.
The basic tenants and teachings of Abrahamic religions be it Islam or Christianity are against the very idea of Secularism. These people should first do something about their own religion before teaching Secularism to Hindus.
Stop looking at the Sikhs for a shoulder to cry on, they are even ruthless than hindus. Didn't some peacefuls tried to mess with Sikhs in Hyderabad couple of years ago by desecrating a Gurudwara? They got their answer.
Getting jittery? That day when Sikhs and muslims got together and gang-banged your lot...

Communal conflict in Phagwara: Muslims, Sikhs unite to take on Shiv Sena
Sikhs, Dalits, Muslims Unite Against Shiv Sainiks in Phagwara

Sanghis yet again caught lying... "desecrating a Gurudwara?" Really...

Trouble began around 6.15am on Wednesday when a religious flag on a hillock occupied by Sikhs was reportedly found burnt.

While the Sikhs charged the Muslims with deliberately burning their religious flag, the latter denied this and blamed it on an alleged power struggle between two Sikh groups.

Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...rioters-in-Hyderabad/articleshow/35127257.cms

And Sikh groups later on claimed that this could be a handiwork of a third party(You know who they are referring to;))

Muslim-Sikh Riot in Hyderabad Reminiscent of Past False flags

Since they know who the real culprit is


RSS Role in 1984 Sikh Massacre
Amarinder names BJP, RSS leaders involved in 1984 riots

BJP will be back with even more seats in power, although they will keep their alliance intact to make sure no defection happens to the opposition.
I thought you will be realistic. Anyways carry on with your wet dreams...:D

We need to be less apologetic about all these things.

The local shakhas have enough men to level offending buildings (at times called masjids) if temples are damaged. The ratio should be at least 5:1 or 10:1 to prevent repeat occurrences.
You mean your lot will come like pack of dogs to make that happen. Like thousands attacking a society of few dozens. Hmmm so brave of you:enjoy:. But that's expected of Babu B.
Getting jittery? That day when Sikhs and muslims got together and gang-banged your lot...

Lol Sikhs and Muslims getting together? Like they did in Saharanpur? Stop dreaming man, they won't even wait for police to be removed for 15 minutes to set the agenda straight. Anyway they have Christian missionaries problem gripping their part. Punjab is almost 10% christian and tensions will only rise further.

I thought you will be realistic. Anyways carry on with your wet dreams...:D
At least it's more realistic than Sikhs and Muslims coming together. :lol:
After 13 pages and 192 posts.

Will it be conclusive if i say.

1. India's experiment with secularism has failed.

And that it was a mere elitist tool to fool the masses into giving India aka Bharat an artificial identity?
Lol Sikhs and Muslims getting together? Like they did in Saharanpur? Stop dreaming man, they won't even wait for police to be removed for 15 minutes to set the agenda straight. Anyway they have Christian missionaries problem gripping their part. Punjab is almost 10% christian and tensions will only rise further.

At least it's more realistic than Sikhs and Muslims coming together. :lol:
They just did in good number of instances. You can live in your denial.

Like Saharanpur? Indeed:agree:
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