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Indian scammers are robbing Americans - Mark Rober

America too have started behaving like dehati aurat :lol: . On topic, these shameless fellows should be behind bars and there property should be seized. I know some of these who move around in BMWz.. Always changing there address within few months to avoid being arrest.
This needs to be in featured and highlighted. Pajeets have started next level scamming. I have had an eye on these scamming videos from time to time, but those were only limited to amazon, apple gift cards etc but now they have moved it to delivery scamming..
Watch how Indians call centres are looting money from elderly Americans through scams and running a network of parcel mules. Interesting investigative report by Mark Rober.

If you EVER receive a phone call with someone speaking with an indian accent, immediately tell them to "F**K OFF" and put the phone down.
The Indians sometimes pretend to be Pakistanis. I have seen such scams.
Lol an Indian would never pretend to be a pakistani, that would put him on security agencies radar. After 9/11 it were actually Pakistanis who claimed to be Indians to avoid trouble.
These f##krs should be arrested. They scammed my wife 2300 dollars when she visited us.
She still gets upset thinking about it. One of them surely have died by now, cause of the amount of curses she put on them. Lol
Watch how Indians call centres are looting money from elderly Americans through scams and running a network of parcel mules. Interesting investigative report by Mark Rober.

there are dedicated videos by Western people on how to deal with Indian scam rats
I did that once. They kept ringing my home phone for the next 4 days to "take revenge". Now I cut the calls without adding abuses. :p:

Some indian woman kept ringing me on my mobile so I gave her some severe, extreme abuses one day. Abuses that she is likely NEVER to forget. Never had a nuisance call from an indian EVER again.........:D
Some indian woman kept ringing me on my mobile so I gave her some severe, extreme abuses one day. Abuses that she is likely NEVER to forget. Never had a nuisance call from an indian EVER again.........:D
I once got a spam call from an Asunción (Paraguayan capital city phone number 595-21) and the guy on the other end of the line told me in an Indian accent that I have just won „tentty billan dallar“ and I knew that I am rich man now :D. I just have to tell him my E-Mail address and my PayPal password, because why not?
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