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Indian researchers’ team finds endogenous water on the Moon

You should honestly come and take a look at how the mainlanders really make a mess in HK's Disneyland to the point of being called boorish, dirty, cheap and uncouth.

Point is BOLTED brains, you call us names, we won't be forgiving to you !!

You are one of the most respected Indians on this forum so don't ruin it.

I got a bit emotional because what Indians like Srinivas were saying which was false.
This thread is really interesting. Pakistanis are strangely upset with this Indian revelation.

Imagine if the topic was -'Researchers team finds endogenous water on the moon' - this would not have ruffled feathers.
But the word 'Indian' immediately made sure that Pakistanis(with notable exceptions) on this thread have to bring up anything to rub it off.

And I wonder why the sudden love for the Soviet Union! :woot:

As for the work of science is concerned - it is good that the scientific community gives a rat's arse over the jealous misgivings of states that have not sent a single machine to outer space. All major and minor science journals have acknowledged and appreciated the Indian updates on confirmation of water sources on the Moon. That - to me is enough. :yay:
The Soviet Union found water on the moon.

No amount of lying and boasting by dirty cheating Indians will ever change this fact.

You deserve zero credit for something you didn't achieve.

End of story!

Soviet Union country are not saying that they discover it before India but as usual Super Chinese troll is in action as ever to do his duty for 50 cent.

I wonder what will he do when mission to the Mars will discover something on Mars since Russia has not send his mission to Mars ever.
Soviet Union country are not saying that they discover it before India but as usual Super Chinese troll is in action as ever to do his duty for 50 cent.

I wonder what will he do when mission to the Mars will discover something on Mars since Russia has not send his mission to Mars ever.

But they will have always US up their sleeve!! Look US discovered it but did not had time to print it, So...
That was also invented by us,,,,:woot:

All one has to do is see the number of likes such a hilarious and moronic comment has received to get an indication as to the intelligence of the Indian people.

You did not invent zero, you were not the first to discover water on the Moon, and you most certainly did not do anything innovative enough, that it would impress your natural superiors.
You are one of the most respected Indians on this forum so don't ruin it.

I got a bit emotional because what Indians like Srinivas were saying which was false.

For certain I won't ruin my day nor yours but calling Indians as dirty got my goat. Noted that your reaction was to Srinivas but my earnest request, KINDLY , refrain from engaging in name calling.

I have immense respect for the Chinese and China when it comes to your culture , your heritage and your advancements in fields you were nowhere 2-3 decades ago. To see the vibrancy in the nation and the pride you Chinese wear, I can only say you guys DESERVE IT.

Have a good day.
Again its not about who is first and last. For Scientists science is first. Lets stop acting like kids... the point of my previous post was to show that all missions have achieved the same conclusion.

Lets just learn to be impartial and give credit to those scientists because they deserve it.

I'm not denying any achievements of Indian scientists. What I find not acceptable is the boasting by many of you and your media that India was the first to discover water on the moon which is a blatant lie.

Soviet Union country are not saying that they discover it before India but as usual Super Chinese troll is in action as ever to do his duty for 50 cent.

Excuse me, the Soviet did report it, even in English language publishing, but was ignored by the US and Western Europe due to Cold War.
Götterdämmerung;4805997 said:
I'm not denying any achievements of Indian scientists. What I find not acceptable is the boasting by many of you and your media that India was the first to discover water on the moon which is a blatant lie.

Schießen sie die medien, wir nicht. :pissed:
Again , a related topic to space-age competitiveness of the COLD WAR era.

I don't have to hide my age. I am 42. Grew up in most parts of Asia which by then (in the Cold War Era) was mostly PRO US or PRO USSR.

For those countries that fell in the USSR Camp, many got to know of the scientific prowess of the Russians. For those in the US camp, it was all about the glitz and glamour of the US achievements.

Especially in South East Asia (countries and citizens of Singapore, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan) were not too aware about the USSR's engagement in scientific discoveries. The USSR - through western media was the mother of all evil regimes and any advancements , barring the first leap into space - was dumbed down with typical US propoganda .

The height of anti-USSR frenzy was when the USSR shot down a South Korean airliner over the Sakhalin islands . President Reagan had famously termed the Russians as the Evil people.

Even movies of that era - as recent as Rocky / Rambo et al, brainwashed the 'DEMOCRATIC' people of South East Asia as Russians being the evil.

Back to the topic of Russian technology; not many got the chance to know . Not many will. The brains of that era were already too far bleached by the peaceful US propoganda.

This was the era before Gorbachev.
I did not use Google Translate :what:
Google translate gave this - Schießen Sie die Medien und nicht wir. :D
Götterdämmerung;4806026 said:
Google translate did a bad job. ;)

As a matter of fact, even in this thread, some of you boasted that India was the first to discover water on the moon which is far from truth.
I did not use Google Translate :what:
Google translate gave this - Schießen Sie die Medien und nicht wir. :D

Are you learning German? You forgot the preposition after schießen and used the wrong pronoun. It should be "schießen auf" (shoot at) and "uns" (as like us).

Schießen Sie auf die Medien, nicht auf uns. ;)
Götterdämmerung;4806065 said:
Are you learning German? You forgot the preposition after schießen and used the wrong pronoun. It should be "schießen auf" (shoot at) and "uns" (as like us).

Schießen Sie auf die Medien, nicht auf uns. ;)
Danke :)
Trying to ... :agree:
Ok we got that cleared up then.

Then stop going around boasting that India found water on the moon. It's completely disingenuous to the Soviets and NASA.

As long as Indians agree to these 2 facts, I have no problem:

1. The Soviets found water on the moon in 1976.

2. NASA confirmed the presence of water on the moon with its M3 instrument which they put on board the Indian spacecraft which was headed to the moon.

As long as we all agree those 2 points are facts then we don't have any disagreement.


We looked in the right spot with NASA's instrument. Well I agree Soviets found water on Moon in 76, so does that mean we should not report our findings? Are you jealous or retarded?

Facts according to you are something which fits your perception and makes you happy those are not called facts. NASA sent the first man to moon does that mean other country sending a human to moon aint worth appreciating?

If the same news was reported by Pakistan or even China will you be stating the same "Facts"?

Kindly get your empty head out of your @$$ and see through all the hate atleast for once.
Again , a related topic to space-age competitiveness of the COLD WAR era.

I don't have to hide my age. I am 42. Grew up in most parts of Asia which by then (in the Cold War Era) was mostly PRO US or PRO USSR.

For those countries that fell in the USSR Camp, many got to know of the scientific prowess of the Russians. For those in the US camp, it was all about the glitz and glamour of the US achievements.

Especially in South East Asia (countries and citizens of Singapore, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan) were not too aware about the USSR's engagement in scientific discoveries. The USSR - through western media was the mother of all evil regimes and any advancements , barring the first leap into space - was dumbed down with typical US propoganda .

The height of anti-USSR frenzy was when the USSR shot down a South Korean airliner over the Sakhalin islands . President Reagan had famously termed the Russians as the Evil people.

Even movies of that era - as recent as Rocky / Rambo et al, brainwashed the 'DEMOCRATIC' people of South East Asia as Russians being the evil.

Back to the topic of Russian technology; not many got the chance to know . Not many will. The brains of that era were already too far bleached by the peaceful US propoganda.

This was the era before Gorbachev.

The USSR had some of the smartest people on earth that invented many things that the west didn't give credit for. It just goes to show the importance of media power. The USSR was a major industrial power with vast natural resources and an extremely powerful military but they didn't have economic and financial power globally.

Their cultural power was not accepted globally and had pretty much zero media influence globally.
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