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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

Bharatis have gone into a full on conspiracy theory mode. These same people a while ago used to complain about conspiracy theories against them. What a bunch of hypocrites.
None of the Indian members are ready to answer if kulbhushan has been kidnapped by
ISI from Iran as per the Indian members theory
1. Why India is not pushing Iran for the answers or instigating them
2. Why kulbhushan was having a fake name Id & passsport
3. They are asking for the consular support to kulbhushan
In fact Pakistan doesn't have any agreement with India to provide
Consular support to spy once he been apprehended
3. Retired Indian naval officer with the fake id nice information

New Delhi: With Pakistan repeatedly rejecting India's attempt for consular access to alleged spy Kulbhushan Jadhav, annual talks between Indian Coast Guard and Pakistan Maritime Agency has been cancelled due to current state of development between the two countries, reports said on Saturday.

The would have been the second meeting between officials of India and Pakistan after their interaction at the Permanent Indus Commission (PIC) meet in Islamabad in March amid the chill in ties following a series of terror attacks in India carried out by Pakistan-based terror groups.

The talks were scheduled to be held from April 16-19, in New Delhi.

India's tough response comes after a military court in Pakistan sentenced Indian naval staff Jadhav to death for alleged espionage. The Indian government reacted strongly to the development saying if the sentence were to be carried out it would be considered as "pre-meditated murder".

Pakistan on Friday rejected India's 14th attempt for consular access to alleged spy Kulbhushan Jadhav and maintained the trial sentencing him to death was according to the laws of the country.

Jadhav, who was tried by a military court, could also file a mercy petition with the Army Chief within 60 days of the decision by the appellate court. His last option was to file a mercy petition with the President of Pakistan within 90 days after the decision of the army chief.

India had made it clear to Pakistan that given the circumstances of the case, absence of any credible evidence to substantiates the concocted charges against Jadhav, farcical nature of the proceedings against him and denial of consular access to him, the people and the government of India will consider carrying out of the army court verdict as a "premeditated murder".


Panaji: Former defence minister Manohar Parrikar on Friday dismissed Pakistan as an empty vessel making noise and said the neighbouring country is up to something or the other, to remained engaged.

His comments come against the backdrop of the death sentence given by a Pakistani military court to Kulbhushan Jadhav, a former Indian Navy official.

"There is a proverb in Konkani, and Hindi as well which means empty vessels make the most noise. We should not take much note of what they (Pakistan) say," Parrikar said during an interview to DD News responding to a question on Pakistan.

"Pakistan wants some or other reason to remain engaged. It is playing a dangerous game. It should understand that if India starts retaliating, then Pakistan does not have the power to fight back, whatever they may project themselves as."

"But we (India) want peace, we don't want provocation, because of which they should give back Jadhav. First of all he has been abducted. He was not in Pakistan. He was in Iran. Iran has said that Taliban kidnapped him and took him to Pakistan. Pakistan has a habit of doing something or other," the BJP leader said.

"About Jadhav, I can only say that, for what Pakistan is going to do...For that Sushma Swaraj (External Affairs minister) has given an apt reply. We will not keep quiet. Country will do what is required to do. We can take care of Pakistan if it tries to do anything ill-advised," he said.

"They were talking of nuclear power usage which they have stopped after surgical strikes. I hope they have understood that they cannot blackmail us as India has the power to counter them," he added.

The ex-defence minister who is now back in Goa as the Chief Minister after the recent assembly polls, said India achieved many things under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi.

Referring to relations with neighbouring countries like Pakistan and China, Parrikar said, "There was soft diplomacy and also there was use of hard power. This has happened for the first time." ? ?

Parrikar said during his tenure as Defence Minister, several measures were adopted to increase the military strength of the country.

"I can say that we were able to bring potency to the potential of the Armed forces. If you see the CAG report of 2013 they have pointed out that 121 type of ammunition had stock of less than ten days. Now I can say that number has been reduced to 20-22. In next one or two years, it will be almost zero," he said.

"Finally Army works on ammunition. If anyone asks me what was the gap in capability on the parameter of 100 and how much have you reduced it, I can say I have reduced it up to 75-80," he said.

"Some things have already been acquired and some are ordered and will be arriving in next one year," Parrikar said.

"I transferred all my revenue power to the Armed forces and asked them to bridge the gap in building the capability. When I left, the Armed forces had completed deals worth Rs 25,000-30,000 crore that too in eight per cent less cost. We saved Rs 22,000 crore through that. This is because we took quick decisions," he stated.

First Published: Saturday, April 15, 2017 - 12:18

New Delhi April 14, 2017 22:35 IST
Updated: April 14, 2017 22:37 IST
Major General G.D. Bakshi (retd.) on Friday urged the government to file a habeas corpus plea in Pakistan courts to find out if Kulbhushan Jadhav, sentenced to death in the neighbouring country on the charges of spying, is still alive.

The veteran expressed apprehension that Mr. Jadhav might have already been killed by Pakistan through “insane torture” and the country was trying to cover up the “judicial murder.”

“He was kidnapped, taken to Balochistan and tortured insanely to make him confess to all sorts of things which he did not do,” Maj. Gen. Bakshi told a two-day convention on Nationalism and Patriotism organised by Veterans India.

“We suspect Jadhav was tortured to death and the so-called trial is a move to cover up the murder,” he said. Our lawyers should move Pakistani courts and make them produce Jadhav before a court, he added.
India seeks consular access to Kulbhushan
Mariana Baabar | April 15, 2017

Pakistan raises issue of disappearance of Col Habib Zahir; says Pakistani prisoners in Indian jails not provided consular access for years

ISLAMABAD: India in the first ever diplomatic contact with Pakistan after the sentencing of spy Kulbhushan Yadav on Friday demanded consular access to the RAW agent, while Pakistan raised the issue of missing former Pakistan Army officer Lieutenant Colonel (retd) Habib Zahir.

Indian High Commissioner Gautam Bambawale called on Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua in Islamabad. Tehmina Janjua clearly informed the high commissioner that rhetoric in the Indian parliament was un-warranted and only added to fuelling hatred against Pakistan, which was not conducive for promoting cordial ties between the two countries in accordance with Pakistan prime minister’s vision for peace in the region.

Tehmina informed the Indian high commissioner that trial against Kulbhushan was conducted under the Pakistan Army Act 1952 and Official Secret Act of 1923. She said Kulbhushan was caught red-handed in Pakistan for his involvement in espionage, terrorist and sabotage activities in Pakistan. She said the RAW agent himself has acknowledged his involvement in subversive activities against the state of Pakistan.

The foreign secretary underscored that the Pakistanis incarcerated in Indian prisons have not been provided consular access for years, despite repeated requests and follow-up by the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting, Bambawale said New Delhi during the meeting requested consular access to Kulbhushan for the 14th time. The Indian high commissioner claimed that there had been no response to Delhi s previous 13 requests. He added that India had also requested Pakistan for a charge sheet against Kulbhushan.

Bambawale said India doesn’t know anything regarding the disappearance of Colonel Habib Zahir. Meanwhile, the government has asked India to behave responsibly and refrain from issuing statements that will further aggravate people-to-people hostility.

“More active diplomacy is therefore needed to arrest the growing crisis in India-Pakistan relations before it becomes even more serious. There has been no response from the Indian side for a letter of assistance so far, requesting specific information and access to certain key witnesses, which was shared with the government of India on January 23, 2017,” Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said in a statement released by his office.

Sharing details about the arrest and trial of Kulbhushan, Sartaj Aziz said, “We condemn the baseless allegations from India, especially in the light of the fact that it was non-cooperation and lack of Indian response to Pakistan’s request for legal assistance due to which consular access has not been provided to Kulbhushan. May I mention in this context that India has not allowed consular access to many Pakistani prisoners for many years despite repeated requests.

Aziz pointed out that s per law, Kulbhushan has following available options -- he has the right to appeal within 40 days to an appellate court; he may lodge a mercy petition to the COAS within 60 days of the decision by the appellate court and he may also lodge a mercy petition to the President of Pakistan within 90 days after the decision of the COAS on the mercy petition.

It should be clear from these details that Kulbhushan was tried under the law of the land in a fully transparent manner. His sentence is based on credible, specific evidence proving his involvement in espionage and terrorist activities in Pakistan,” Sartaj Aziz said. Questioning New Delhi on their complete disinterest in not allowing any Indian legal assistance to their serving naval officer, Sartaj asked, “Why Kulbhushan was using a fake identity impersonating as a Muslim? Why would an innocent man possess two passports, one with a Hindu name and another with a Muslim name? Since India has no credible explanation about why their serving naval commander was in Balochistan, it has unleashed a flimsy propaganda campaign. Inflammatory statements and rhetoric about ‘pre-meditated murder’ and ‘unrest in Balochistan’ will only result in escalation, serving no useful purpose.”

He added that Kulbhushan, who is responsible for espionage, sabotage and terrorism in Pakistan, has been tried according to the law of the land, in a fully transparent manner while preserving his rights, as per the Constitution of Pakistan. He said due process has been followed while proceeding against Kulbhushan. He said all further action in this regard shall also be taken in accordance with the law.

“All political parties are unanimous that the award of death penalty after due process and overwhelming evidence to a foreign spy is the correct decision. The whole nation is solidly united against any threat to Pakistan’s security,” Sartaj Aziz said.

Source: The News

Islamabad: Pakistan has prepared a new dossier about alleged militant activities of Indian prisoner on death row Kulbhushan Jadhav and will share it with the UN and foreign envoys stationed here, media reports have said.

The new dossier is based on Jadhav's early testimonial and statements given in front of the Field General Court Martial about his alleged involvement in espionage and sabotage activities in Karachi and Balochistan, reports said.

The document contains the attested report of Court Martial General, as well as the court proceedings timeline, The Nation reported.

Jadhav, 46, was tried through Field General Court Martial (FGCM) under the Pakistan Army Act (PAA) and was awarded the death sentence. Army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa confirmed the death sentence last week.

The documents will also contain details of arrests and raids done by Pakistan security agencies on Jadhav's tip-offs.

"The dossier will be handed over to different ambassadors in Islamabad. The Pakistani envoys across the world will also present it to their host states," the paper said.

The document will also be shared with the United Nations and other global organisations, it added.

On Friday, Indian High Commissioner Gautam Bambawale said they would appeal against the death sentence to Jadhav and demanded from Pakistan a certified copy of the charge-sheet as well as the army court order in the case, besides seeking consular access to the retired Indian navy officer.

Pakistan claims its security forces had arrested Jadhav from the restive Balochistan province on March 3 last year after he reportedly entered from Iran. It also claimed that he was "a serving officer in the Indian Navy."

The Pakistan Army had also released a "confessional video" of Jadhav after his arrest.

India had acknowledged that Jadhav had served with the navy but denied that he has any connection with the government.

The Jadhav episode could further strain the India- Pakistan ties which were hit after attacks in Pathankot and Uri by Pakistan-based terrorists last year.

First Published: Sunday, April 16, 2017 - 14:15

Islamabad: Upping the ante, Pakistan's Army on Monday ruled out consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav, days after India had made a strong case for the access to the Indian prisoner on death row.

Jadhav, 46, was awarded death sentence by the Field General Court Martial last week, evoking a sharp reaction in India which warned Pakistan of consequences and damage to bilateral ties if the "pre-meditated murder" was carried out.

"Under the law we cannot give consular access to Khubhushan who was involved in spying," Pakistan Military spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor told reporters.

However, Indian officials in New Delhi maintained that there was no communication from Pakistan on the denial of consular access.

Pakistan has denied India's request for consular access to Jadhav over a dozen times in the last one year.

On Friday, Indian High Commissioner in Islamabad Gautam Bambawale had met Pakistan Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua and demanded a certified copy of the charge-sheet as well as the army court order in the Jadhav case, besides seeking consular access to the retired Indian navy officer.

Addressing the media in Rawalpindi today, Maj Gen Ghafoor said that Jadhav was involved in anti-state activities so he had to face court martial.

"It was duty of the army (to apprehend and punish him). We have not compromised on it and awarded him punishment. We will not compromise on this issue in future also," he said.

He said all legal requirements were fulfilled in the trial of Jadhav which resulted in his conviction.

"The court martial is based on such evidence which cannot be refuted at any forum," he said.

He said the Indian man can appeal against the judgement in the army appellate court and then to the army chief against the decision of the appellate court.

The spokesman said the convict can also file an appeal to the Supreme Court and the president of Pakistan.

"We will defend his conviction at every forum," he said.

Pakistan claims its security forces had arrested Jadhav from the restive Balochistan province on March 3 last year after he reportedly entered from Iran. It also claimed that he was "a serving officer in the Indian Navy."

The Pakistan Army had also released a "confessional video" of Jadhav after his arrest.

However, India denied Pakistan's contention and maintained that Jadhav was kidnapped by the Pakistan authorities.

India had acknowledged that Jadhav had served with the navy but denied that he has any connection with the government.


Islamabad: A PIL was filed in the Delhi High Court on Tuesday seeking international court's intervention in securing the immediate release of Indian national Kulbhushan Jadhav, who has been sentenced to death over spying allegations by a military court in Pakistan.

The PIL seeks response from the Centre on exploring remedies via International Court of Justice (ICJ) for securing Kulbhushan Jadhav's release.

The move comes a day after Pakistan's Army categorically ruled out consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav despite the Indian government making a strong case for gaining access to the Indian prisoner on death row.

Jadhav, 46, was awarded death sentence by the Field General Court Martial last week, evoking a sharp reaction in India which warned Pakistan of consequences and damage to bilateral ties if the "pre-meditated murder" was carried out.

"Under the law we cannot give consular access to Khubhushan who was involved in spying," Pakistan military spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor told reporters.

However, Indian officials maintained that there was no communication from Pakistan on the denial of consular access.

Pakistan has denied India's request for consular access to Jadhav over a dozen times in the last one year.

On Friday, Indian High Commissioner in Islamabad Gautam Bambawale had met Pakistan foreign secretary Tehmina Janjua and demanded a certified copy of the chargesheet as well as the army court order in the Jadhav case, besides seeking consular access to the retired Indian navy officer.

Addressing the media in Rawalpindi on Monday, Maj Gen Ghafoor said that Jadhav was involved in anti-state activities so he had to face court martial.

"It was duty of the Army (to apprehend and punish him). We have not compromised on it and awarded him punishment. We will not compromise on this issue in future also," he said.

He said all legal requirements were fulfilled in the trial of Jadhav which resulted in his conviction.

"The court martial is based on such evidence which cannot be refuted at any forum," he said.

He said the Indian man can appeal against the judgement in the army appellate court and then to the army chief against the decision of the appellate court.

The spokesman said the convict can also file an appeal to the Supreme Court and the president of Pakistan.

"We will defend his conviction at every forum," he said.

Pakistan claims its security forces had arrested Jadhav from the restive Balochistan province on March 3 last year after he reportedly entered from Iran. It also claimed that he was "a serving officer in the Indian Navy."
Indian logic... How can be a spy carry his passport with him
Pak response.... The way uri and pathan court attackers been sent by pak army with POF made weapons and made in pak biscuits & dry fruits.. :lol:
Only.. Only Indians are too smart, others are fools and uneducated.. Pathetic lier and looser Republic of India
Why so?

If he is indeed our naval intelligence officer, he served the country with his head held high. It is a shame that we couldn't extract him out through backdoor dealings.

I really hope the GOI can take care of his family when he has sacrificed his life.
wow just fucking wow.I am amazed by the level of bullshit and hypocrisy of you Indians. At first when we captured him i remember no one from your side was accepting him as a RAW indian naval officer but now when we sentenced him to death you are crying in pain and saluting him for the civilians he killed inside pakistan??
wow just fucking wow.I am amazed by the level of bullshit and hypocrisy of you Indians. At first when we captured him i remember no one from your side was accepting him as a RAW indian naval officer but now when we sentenced him to death you are crying in pain and saluting him for the civilians he killed inside pakistan??
Their people might be in shock. It is disbelieving to them that their country's intelligence agency had a major hand in financing terrorism in a neighboring country. No matter what their people believe or not....their country's spy has been captured and charged on terrorism.
wow just fucking wow.I am amazed by the level of bullshit and hypocrisy of you Indians. At first when we captured him i remember no one from your side was accepting him as a RAW indian naval officer but now when we sentenced him to death you are crying in pain and saluting him for the civilians he killed inside pakistan??
If Pakistanis knew what the Indians were doing and have done within Pakistan they would not only support Yadhav's hanging but the hanging of each and every RAW agent.
If Pakistanis knew what the Indians were doing and have done within Pakistan they would not only support Yadhav's hanging but the hanging of each and every RAW agent.
If he was some indian soldier killing our armed soldiers then they can salute him for his actions.What he did inside pakistan was the lowest of the low i.e arranging bomb blasts to kill unarmed civilians including women and children,killing unarmed poor workers of CPEC projects etc.And see these indians are supporting a hardcore terrorist and a top notch criminal.After all these hypocrite people elected a terrorist PM.And yet they have the audacity to call us terrorists.
I hope that piece of scum will be dressed in indian flag and hanged by his nuts in public to make an example out of him.
wow just fucking wow.I am amazed by the level of bullshit and hypocrisy of you Indians. At first when we captured him i remember no one from your side was accepting him as a RAW indian naval officer but now when we sentenced him to death you are crying in pain and saluting him for the civilians he killed inside pakistan??

Which is why, I said IF and not sure.

None of us know why you picked him up from Iran's Chahbahar port. He isn't a RAW officer for sure. Otherwise, GOI would have adopted the protocol of plausible deniability. Instead the government is arguing his case out because he was NOT in Pakistan but in Iran, whose government openly said that Jadhav has done nothing illegal on their territory i.e. not spied.

Seriously man.
A good read, article by Javed Chaudhry,

اجیت دوول بھارت کے قومی سلامتی کے مشیر ہیں‘ یہ نریندر مودی کے انتہائی قریب ہیں اور یہ اپنے جارحانہ انٹیلی جنس آپریشنز کی وجہ سے انڈین جیمز بانڈ کہلاتے
ہیں‘بھارت میں گولڈن ٹمپل آپریشن ہو‘ درگاہ حضرت بل کا ایشو ہو‘ سری نگر سے غیر ملکی سیاحوں کا اغواء ہو یا پھر ائیر انڈیا کے طیارے کی ہائی جیکنگ ہو اجیت دوول نے ہر بڑے آپریشن میں اہم کردار ادا کیا۔

یہ بھارتی ایجنٹ کی حیثیت سے سات سال پاکستان میں بھی رہے‘ یہ بیس سال سے بلوچستان اور سندھ میں پاکستان کو نقصان پہنچا رہے ہیں‘ یہ پاکستان کو ’’مصروف‘‘ رکھنے کے لیے ’’بلوچستان میں مسائل پیدا کریں‘‘ جیسی فلاسفی کے بانی بھی ہیں‘ یہ بلوچ علیحدگی پسندوں سے رابطے میں بھی ہیں‘ کلبھوشن یادیو اس اجیت دوول کا رشتہ دار ہے‘ کلبھوشن پولیس افسروں کے خاندان سے تعلق رکھتا ہے‘ اس کا والد سدھیر یادیو ممبئی پولیس کا کمشنر رہا جب کہ چچا سبھاش یادیو باندرا پولیس اسٹیشن کا انچارج تھا۔

یہ لوگ ممبئی کے مضافات میں پودائی میں رہتے ہیں‘ کلبھوشن نے 1987ء میں نیشنل ڈیفنس اکیڈمی جوائن کی اور یہ 1991ء میں انڈین نیوی کا حصہ بن گیا‘ یہ ترقی کرتا ہوا نیوی میں کمانڈر بن گیا‘ یہ عہدہ لیفٹیننٹ کرنل کے برابر ہوتا ہے‘ 13 دسمبر2001ء کو انڈین پارلیمنٹ پر حملہ ہوا‘ کلبوشن یادیو نے اس حملے کے بعد ’’را‘‘ جوائن کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا اور یہ عارضی طور پر نیوی سے ’’را‘‘ میں شفٹ ہو گیا‘ یہ اب بیک وقت را اور نیوی دونوں کا ملازم تھا‘ اجیت دوول اس زمانے میں انڈین انٹیلی جنس بیورو کے ڈائریکٹر تھے‘ یہ بلوچستان اور کراچی پر کام کر رہے تھے۔

اجیت دوول نے کلبھوشن یادیو کو ’’بلوچستان ونگ‘‘ میں بھجوا دیا‘اس نے دو سال ٹریننگ لی‘ فارسی اور بلوچی زبان سیکھی‘ حسین مبارک پٹیل کے جعلی نام سے پونا سے پاسپورٹ بنوایا اور یہ ایران کے ساحلی شہر ’’چاہ بہار‘‘ آ گیا‘ کلبھوشن نے چاہ بہار میں کارگو کمپنی کھول لی‘ یہ چاہ بہار کیوں آیا تھا یہ وجہ کم دلچسپ نہیں‘ چاہ بہار میں دراصل بھارت نے اپنا انٹیلی جنس بیس قائم کر رکھا ہے‘ یہ دفتر بھارت نے ایران کی باقاعدہ اجازت سے بنایا‘ چاہ بہار گوادر سے متصل ساحلی شہر ہے‘ را یہاں بیٹھ کر گوادر اور اقتصادی راہداری کو آسانی سے نشانہ بنا سکتی ہے‘ یہ بیس اس لیے چاہ بہار میں بنایا گیا۔

اب سوال یہ پیدا ہوتا ہے کلبھوشن جب اصل نام سے ایران جا سکتا تھا تو یہ جعلی نام سے چاہ بہار کیوں آیا؟یہ وجہ بھی کم دلچسپ نہیں‘ بھارت دراصل کلبھوشن یادیو کی کارروائیوں کو ایران سے بھی خفیہ رکھنا چاہتا تھا چنانچہ یہ حسین مبارک کی شناخت سے تاجر بن کر وہاں پہنچ گیا‘ کلبھوشن 2004ء اور 2005ء میں کراچی بھی آیا اور یہاں بھی اس نے اپنے رابطے استوار کیے‘ یہ ترقی کرتا کرتا پاکستان آپریشن کا سربراہ بن گیا۔

بھارت نے اسے چار سو ملین ڈالر (یہ رقم پاکستانی روپوں میں 41ارب روپے بنتی ہے) دیے‘ کلبھوشن نے یہ رقم بلوچ علیحدگی پسندوں اور کراچی میں بدامنی پھیلانے والے گروپوں میں تقسیم کی‘ یہ حربیار مری‘ براہمداغ بگٹی اور عزیر بلوچ جیسے لوگوں سے بھی رابطے میں تھا اور یہ ایم کیو ایم (پرانی) کے لوگوں کو بھی فنڈز دیتا تھا۔

پاکستان کے خفیہ ادارے بلوچستان اور کراچی آپریشن کے دوران حسین مبارک پٹیل تک پہنچے‘ پاکستان کو پتہ چلا بلوچستان کے علیحدگی پسند ہوں‘ کراچی کے مافیاز ہوں یا پھر ملک میں خودکش حملہ آوروں کے ماسٹر مائینڈ ہوں یہ تمام لوگ آخر میں چاہ بہار سے آپریٹ ہوتے ہیں‘ حسین مبارک اس دوران جب انڈیا جاتا تھا تو یہ وہاں سے بھی اپنے کارندوں کو پیغام دیتا تھا‘کلبھوشن کی بھارتی لوکیشن بھی ہمارے اداروں کے نوٹس میں آتی رہی یوں یہ شخص آہستہ آہستہ پاکستانی ایجنسیوں کے سامنے کھلتا چلا گیا یہاں تک کہ جنرل راحیل شریف اور ڈی جی آئی ایس آئی جنرل رضوان نے اسے پکڑنے کا فیصلہ کر لیا۔

یہ ایک مشکل ٹاسک تھا‘ کلبھوشن عام جاسوس نہیں تھا‘ یہ پاکستان آپریشن کا سربراہ تھا‘ یہ ’’فیلڈ آپریٹر‘‘ تھا اور دنیا میں آج تک کوئی ملک کسی دوسرے ملک کے اتنے بڑے انٹیلی جنس آفیسر کو نہیں پکڑ سکا لیکن ہمارے اداروں نے یہ تاریخ بدل دی‘ آئی ایس آئی کے لوگوں کو کلبھوشن یادیو کو پاکستان لانے میں ڈیڑھ سال لگ گیا‘ ادارے نے اس عرصے میں بلوچ علیحدگی پسندوں میں اپنے لوگ ڈویلپ کیے‘ یہ لوگ آہستہ آہستہ حسین مبارک سے براہ راست رابطے میں آئے اور آخر میں ان لوگوں نے اسے پاکستان کی ایک انتہائی اہم شخصیت کے اغواء اور قتل کا ایک ’’فول پروف‘‘ منصوبہ پیش کر دیا۔

یہ منصوبہ اس قدر اعلیٰ تھا کہ حسین مبارک پٹیل پاکستان آنے پر مجبور ہو گیا‘ یہ اجیت دوول کے روکنے پر بھی نہ رکا اور یہ تین مارچ 2016ء کو ایران سرحد کراس کر کے پاکستان آ گیا‘ یہ بلوچستان کے ضلع خاران کی تحصیل ماشکیل آیا اور گرفتار ہو گیا‘ کلبھوشن کے پاس گرفتاری کے بعد دو آپشن تھے‘ یہ حسین مبارک پٹیل کی شناخت پر ڈٹا رہتا‘ ٹارچر سہتا اور اس دوران دنیا سے گزر جاتا یا پھر یہ خود کو فوج کا حاضر سروس آفیسر ڈکلیئر کرتا اور قانون کے مطابق مراعات حاصل کرتا‘ کلبھوشن سمجھ دار تھا‘ اس نے دوسرا آپشن لے لیا‘ اس نے اپنی شناخت کھول دی یوں پاکستان اسے جنگی مجرم کا اسٹیٹس دینے اور اسے حاضر سروس آفیسر کی تمام مراعات دینے پر مجبور ہوگیا۔

کلبھوشن یادیو نے اچھا بچہ بن کر اپنے سارے رابطے پاکستان کے حوالے کر دیے‘ اس کی اطلاعات پر ملک کے مختلف حصوں سے چار سو لوگ گرفتار ہوئے‘ اسلحے کی بھاری کھیپ بھی برآمد ہوئی اور ایم کیو ایم اور پیپلز امن کمیٹی میں چھپے ملک دشمن عناصر بھی سامنے آ گئے‘ کلبھوشن را کے 13 اہم لوگوں سے بھی رابطے میں تھا‘ یہ ان سے براہ راست احکامات لیتا تھا‘ یہ لوگ بھی سامنے آ گئے۔

تفتیش کے دوران کلبھوشن سے ان لوگوں کو فون بھی کرائے گئے اور ان کی گفتگو بھی ریکارڈ کی گئی‘ پاکستانی مجرموں نے بھی کلبھوشن سے رابطوں‘ فنڈز‘ اسلحہ اور مختلف آپریشنز کا اعتراف کرلیا‘ پاک فوج نے آرمی ایکٹ 1923ء کے تحت کلبھوشن کا فیلڈجنرل کورٹ مارشل کیا اور اسے 10 اپریل کو سزائے موت سنا دی۔

کلبھوشن یادیو کی گرفتاری اور سزائے موت کے بعد بھارت خوفناک مسائل میں الجھ گیا‘ اقوام متحدہ کی سیکیورٹی کونسل کی قرار داد 1373 کے تحت کسی دوسرے ملک میں ریاستی دہشت گردی خوفناک جرم ہے‘ پاکستان کلبھوشن کے اعترافات اور ثبوت سیکیورٹی کونسل میں لے جائے گا جس کے بعد بھارت کے لیے جواب دینا مشکل ہو جائے گا‘ کلبھوشن کی کارروائیوں کے دوران شہید ہونے والے پاکستانی شہریوں کے لواحقین بھی بھارت کے خلاف عالمی عدالت میں جا سکتے ہیں‘ یہ مرحلہ بھی بھارت کے لیے مشکل ہو گا۔

بھارت کو کلبھوشن یادیو کا کیس لڑنے کے لیے اسے سرکاری ملازم تسلیم کرنا ہوگا‘ بھارت کا یہ قدم اسے مزید سفارتی مسائل میں الجھا دے گا‘ بھارت میں ’’را‘‘ کیبنٹ ڈویژن کے ماتحت ہے‘ لوک سبھا میں جس دن کسی رکن نے کلبھوشن کی فنڈنگ کا سوال اٹھا دیا کیبنٹ ڈویژن اس دن ان چار سو ملین ڈالرز کے آڈٹ پر مجبور ہو جائے گی جو کلبھوشن یادیو نے چاہ بہار میں بیٹھ کر پاکستان کے خلاف استعمال کیے تھے‘ یہ آڈٹ بھارت کو دہشت گرد ملک ثابت کرنے کے لیے کافی ہو گا۔

بھارت میں یہ سوال بھی اٹھے گا کہ اجیت دوول نے کس قانون کے تحت اپنے ایک عزیز کو ’’پاکستان آپریشن‘‘ کا سربراہ بنایا اور اسے کس قاعدے کے تحت چار سو ملین ڈالر خرچ کرنے کی اجازت دی؟ بھارت میں را کی اہلیت پر بھی سوال اٹھے گاکیونکہ جس ملک کا ڈائریکٹر جنرل لیول کا افسر نہ صرف دوسرے ملک کے اندر سے گرفتار ہو جائے بلکہ وہ چند گھنٹوں میں اپنے پورے ادارے کی تمام خفیہ معلومات بھی دوسرے ملک کے حوالے کر دے اس ملک کے خفیہ ادارے کی کیا عزت بچتی ہے اور یہ بھی پوچھا جائے گا بھارت نے چاہ بہار میں را کا بیس کیوں بنا رکھا ہے؟

بھارتی حکومت کو ان سارے سوالوں کے جواب دینا ہوں گے اور بھارت جوں جوں ان سوالوں کے جواب دیتا جائے گا پاکستان کا کیس مضبوط ہوتا جائے گا‘ دنیا یہ ماننے پر مجبور ہو جائے گی بھارت پاکستان میں دہشت گردی بھی کرا رہا تھا اور ملک کو توڑنے کی سازش بھی‘ کلبھوشن یادیو نے پاکستان کو خوفناک نقصان پہنچایا‘ یہ ہمارے ہزاروں لوگوں کا قاتل ہے لیکن یہ اس کے ساتھ ساتھ پاکستان کا محسن بھی ثابت ہوا‘ پاکستان اس کی گرفتاری سے مضبوط ہوا۔

کراچی میں امن‘ ایم کیو ایم کے تین حصے اور پیپلز امن کمیٹی کا زوال یہ کلبھوشن کی گرفتاری کا نتیجہ ہے‘ یہ اس کی فراہم کردہ معلومات تھیں جس نے کراچی کے حالات بہتر بنائے‘ بلوچستان میں بھی امن ہو رہا ہے‘ فراری بھی ہتھیار پھینک رہے ہیں‘ یہ بھی اس کی معلومات کا کمال ہے‘کلبھوشن یادیو کی وجہ سے خطے میں ایران کا کردار بھی کھل کر سامنے آ رہا ہے‘ پہلے یہ ایران سے پاکستان آیا اور گرفتار ہوا اور بعد ازاں تحریک طالبان کے امیر ملا منصور ایران سے واپس آتے ہوئے ڈرون حملے کا نشانہ بن گئے اور ان دونوں سے پہلے اسامہ بن لادن کی اہلیہ ایران میں مقیم رہی‘ وہ ایران سے پاکستان آئی اور اسامہ بن لادن کے خلاف کارروائی شروع ہو گئی۔

ہمیں ان تمام واقعات کا تجزیہ کر کے ایران کے ساتھ اپنے تعلقات کا ازسر نو جائزہ لینا ہو گا‘ ایران ہمیں جنرل راحیل شریف اور اسلامی دنیا کی مشترکہ فوج پر ڈکٹیشن دینے کی کوشش کر رہا ہے لیکن دوسری طرف یہ پاکستان کے دشمنوں کو پناہ بھی دے رہا ہے اور انھیں سفارتی اور زمینی سہولتیں بھی فراہم کر رہا ہے‘ یہ کہاں کا انصاف ہے‘ یہ کہاں کی دوستی ہے اور یہ کہاں کی ہمسائیگی ہے لہٰذا ہمیں اب ایران کو بھی سخت جواب دینا ہو گا‘ ہمیں اس کے ساتھ بھی اپنے تعلقات کی نوعیت طے کرنا ہوگی۔
Thanx a lot for sharing this article was quite informative.

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Which is why, I said IF and not sure.

None of us know why you picked him up from Iran's Chahbahar port. He isn't a RAW officer for sure. Otherwise, GOI would have adopted the protocol of plausible deniability. Instead the government is arguing his case out because he was NOT in Pakistan but in Iran, whose government openly said that Jadhav has done nothing illegal on their territory i.e. not spied.

Seriously man.
That,s 100% indian theory.He was arrested inside pakistan and he confessed his crimes on a video tape.

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