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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

Geneva conventions are not for "businessman" on fake passport. :)

Jadhav is Indian citizen which is even not denied by the Indian Establishment and the Indian Establishment doesnt even deny this that Jadhav is ex Servicemen.
Even u guys hated them back then dude so Bangladeshis are defietly not hot and the reply was to the below comment of a Bangladeshi who talked about masturbation
And still connection doesn't established How is Bengali manhood acts in front of Indian army are related to our hatred for them? #confusion
So you want to say Bengalis used to masturbate looking at your soldiers. Or Indian soldier looked at their d!cks and used to fantasize some weird sh!t in their dreams.

In any case your soldiers had a very weird relation with Bengalis. :rofl:

Stop fantasizing about my reply to a Bangladeshis u pakistani :rofl:
You know very well how much Indian investment helped Pakistani economy but Pakistan is more military relations with Chinese and whatever is happening in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is clearly visible .
Care to explain how did you guys helped our economy? You guys know anything about this or I am just dumb @django @PaklovesTurkiye @Hell hound @Areesh
Jadhav have served in Indian Navy and he is considered as Ex Servicemen even according to the Indian Adm and its known that Iranians and Indians have hold talks on Chabahar investment but the situation has changed on the ground because of the CPEC .

Chinese have thier own policy which is to restrict good relations among SAARC nations which is directly affecting Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Republic of India is doing all sort of development projects in Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Maldives and here only Pakistan is working for the Chinese policy.
Pakistan is a sovereign Nation and Pakistan reserves the right of working with any country Pakistan want, no one can dictate Pakistan. If Pakistan wants to stay in SAARC or bring new policies to SAARC it is Pakistans right. CPEC is an Internal Pakistani issue and India is not a land locked country so India has no claim over Pakistan to provide access to any nation. Regarding Afghanistan If they want to use any of our projects or services they have to show alignment to Pakistani interests. Now Iran has a lot common with Pakistan. Iran is deeply rooted with Pakistan as many Pakistani listen to Iran the same way Iran has to listen to Pakistan because Pakistan provides Iran with a lot.
We know the quality life the minorities living in Pakistan so stick to the topic
Well, i replied in response to a self righteous dude. In Pakisttan, however, Gov does not encourage people to hurt minorities. There were some terror activities against minorities and master minds like Mr. Yadav may be behind that. It is unlike Shining India where Modi is PM who was responsible for gujrat massacre as CM.
Jadhav is Indian citizen which is even not denied by the Indian Establishment and the Indian Establishment doesnt even deny this that Jadhav is ex Servicemen.

But he was involved in terrorism and was found travelling on a passport on a fake name. Geneva conventions doesn't apply to such creatures.
Care to explain how did you guys helped our economy? You guys know anything about this or I am just dumb @django @PaklovesTurkiye @Hell hound @Areesh

Bollywood is one of the source and on that imports from Republic of India .

Ministry of Commerce & Industry
21-November, 2016 16:57 IST
Trade with Neighbouring Countries

The details of total trade of India with the neighbouring countries, including Nepal, during the last three years and the current year (up to August, 2016) are given below:
Value in US$ Million


Exports- Imports
2,274.30 - 426.88

Exports- Imports
1,857.29 - 497.31

Exports- Imports
2,171.16 - 441.03
But he was involved in terrorism and was found travelling on a passport on a fake name. Geneva conventions doesn't apply to such creatures.

Jadhav was based in Iran and was looking for trade between Republic of India and Iran. And his coming to Iran was linked to Chabahar investment between the Governments and talks were being held by the Indian and Iranian Governments.
Can any Pakistani here tell me why this hurried execution and a 48 hrs window considering the fact that u have many spies of India who was kept in the jail for a long time and never tried in a military court and executed ? Don't u think keeping him would serve the purpose of showcasing Indian activities to the world ? Looks like this whole 48 hrs window is to pressurize the Indian government to release the Lt.Col who went missing in Nepal
It seems like RAW tried to negotiate with Pakistan Army after abducting R.Col. Its a brilliant message sent to the Enemy that we do not negotiate with Terrorists. And also each and every Military soldier of Pakistan takes an oath that they will choose death willingly and proudly if they were ever captured by the enemy. So we do not have to worry about R.Col. Also bare in mind, according to an International Law, RAW can't do anything about the abducted R.Col, as he is now considered a civilian who was abducted by the RAW fraudulently, what a shame.
You can't prove your Col. has been captured by RAW and India won't make it public anyways. Right now he must be singing like a canary enjoying the hospitality of Gorakhpur jail. He would be unceremoniously dumped in Bay of Bengal when the last bit of information has been extracted from him and all you guys could do is whine and complain.
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