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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

You have lost your mind. I thought
Soft nation my ar$e!! You voted one of this century's biggest genocide mastermind, Sri Modiji, to power and since then he has the blood of thousands of Kashmiris and Pakistani terror victims on his hands. So far we've been going too easy on you Ganges filth!
it took 600 years of your filth to answer. Just 2 years and you had enough? He is here for 20 years and by the time he will leave you will some yogi. Tough times bro nobody to negotiate.
We can't either if there is complicated relationship don't forget it's Modi it's do or die.
Indians gone bonkers, Thank You Pak Army one objective achieved. Whether its Afzal Guru, Shaheed Burhan Wani, KAsab, how Indians executed these people and now doing BS is just hilarious. Even Supreme Court of India was crying on India state terrorism Afzal Guru was hanged without the family getting notified or meeting him, he was hanged and then buried in the jail. They did'nt handover his body,when Burhan Wani was martyred these indian trolls were crying why state handed over his body to his family? Shaheed Burhan Wani was said to have been encountered when his body was handed over there was not a bullet mark on his body, his teeth were broken, most said it looke dlike he wwas tortured and collided to the walls before he died. The indian state monsters has no equivalent in the region. These indian bullies need a bully bash them against the wall
How can you convict him without proofs :( , I still say if you want to make him a terrorist then you to give proofs of his actions inside Pakistan ... other wise its just a Kangroo court , which once hanged bhutto .... anyways your country your rules .

There is always Tit for Tat :)
ISI Works With It's Own Objectives In Mind.It Won't Just Make Sensitive Details Public On Someones Demands

Yeah Diplomacy Does Not Work That Way Otherwise The Indian Diplomats Caught Spying Would Also Have Been Hanged and Not Deported Back To India

All The Intel On Yadav Was With ISI Not FO And Certainly Not With An Old Idiot Like Sartaj Aziz.

And Normally Pakistani Public Takes His Statement With A Pinch Of Salt.More Often Than Not FO Has Had To Issue "Clarifications"

And Indian Politicians Also Say A Lot of Things Do You Also Just Take Them On Face Value?????
Hafiz Saeed is declared as a terrorist by UN and carry's a 10 million bounty for killing innocent civilians in Mumbai . When u are allowing this terrorist to roam freely u guys should be the last person in this world to call any one Terrorist
Well dude same can be said about your prime minister butcher of Gujjrat and newly elected state chief minister . At least Hafiz Saeed is doing charity work for his nation.where as the above two individuals are not only causing terrorism in India but also in Pakistan.

And you dare to call us liers and challenge our judgement?
Hafiz Saeed is declared as a terrorist by UN and carry's a 10 million bounty for killing innocent civilians in Mumbai . When u are allowing this terrorist to roam freely u guys should be the last person in this world to call any one Terrorist

Just to correct your statement, he is under house arrest. They had to bow to the world pressure to curtail his movement. Now you will see a new drama of his release soon to put pressure on India. This death sentence of Yadav is prequel to what next to come.
how about the parents of the APS tragedy shoot a bullet each in this monkeys body.

that will bring them some sort of closure
How can you convict him without proofs :( ,

There is always Tit for Tat :)

Proofs are already there, it just indians acting blind. And this will not be first time india abduct innocent and use label of "?" for creating false flag issue.

What interesting is that this guy put his life in the line for india and india still denying to own the responsibility of nefarious acts. Next indians who are acting on be half of their country should take note, how their country think of them - as a disposable.
it took 600 years of your filth to answer. Just 2 years and you had enough? He is here for 20 years and by the time he will leave you will some yogi. Tough times bro nobody to negotiate.
We can't either if there is complicated relationship don't forget it's Modi it's do or die.
Look Friend Pakistan and India have a relation of exchanging military personals that have crossed the border but Jadhav was first of caught as an Irani citizen secondly he is not a military officer he was denounced as being Indian military or RAW officer he is a civilian and he is involved in terrorism and Pakistan and India has no policy of returning the terrorists.
What are you talkin about , India has abducted Kulbhushan ?????? and it was false flag ...what are you talking???

And really speaking I think the biggest mistake India did was allowing refugees from East Pakistan and giving East PAkistanis independence ..thankless people
Proofs are already there, it just indians acting blind. And this will not be first time india abduct innocent and use label of "?" for creating false flag issue.

What interesting is that this guy put his life in the line for india and india still denying to own the responsibility of nefarious acts. Next indians who are acting on be half of their country should take note, how their country think of them - as a disposable.
Look Friend Pakistan and India have a relation of exchanging military personals that have crossed the border but Jadhav was first of caught as an Irani citizen secondly he is not a military officer he was denounced as being Indian military or RAW officer he is a civilian and he is involved in terrorism and Pakistan and India has no policy of returning the terrorists.
I cant blame you since i have not done enough research. Let me read a little more and get back as far as national animosity goes we are a notch up. But on personal level we are both suffering from propaganda and fed up bullshyt that we hate each other.
I have nothing against you as whatever ypur name be.
It seems like RAW tried to negotiate with Pakistan Army after abducting R.Col. Its a brilliant message sent to the Enemy that we do not negotiate with Terrorists. And also each and every Military soldier of Pakistan takes an oath that they will choose death willingly and proudly if they were ever captured by the enemy. So we do not have to worry about R.Col. Also bare in mind, according to an International Law, RAW can't do anything about the abducted R.Col, as he is now considered a civilian who was abducted by the RAW fraudulently, what a shame.
Amazed to see India suddenly coming up with a new cover story "kidnapped from Iran"
You should remember that Iran is not Nepal.
So they are now blaming the tricks on Pakistan, the tricks which actually RAW employs. In Urdu we say "ulta chor, kotwal ko dantay"
India has a long history of sending terrorists to destabilize Pakistan and than abducting Pakistani citizens from Nepal and Bangladesh, photographing them with dummy weapons and presenting them as terrorists to the world to gain global sympathies.

Meanwhile in Pakistan lol @django @PaklovesTurkiye
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