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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

but he still thinks Pakistan will allow that I just expect his family to see him last time before the execution
I know its too much to expect

Now it will be allowed.. In early days, it is not allowed because the first thing embassy staff asks is how many assets have been compromised.

If you know anyone in any secret agency, ask him what is the first conversation with a captured spy.. to save the rest of the assets..

He has one more chance in military appellate court, which will be composed of panel of Brigs and Gens.

Yes, but he has another chance in SC.
he was terrorist noytspy he came to destabilize Pakistan and not to collect information for indian govt

What terror acts did he commit? For a death sentence to be awarded, an act should have taken place.
With all of this being held in secret how does one know outside of an alleged confession?
Again I am saying India govt has accepted his identity as Rtd Navy officer doing business in Iran , fake passport is fishy and nothing much other then some theories as we both discussed , his passport was fake but travelling in target country with passprt of origin country literally too much to believe :)
Anyway, he shouldn't have passport with fake name and Iranian visa on the same name.. Indian case would have been much more stronger had he been in possession of his own passport and applied visa on it..

He was issued with this Muslim passport because he had to contact several Pakistanis in Iran showing them that he is "Hussain", a name that is mostly associated with the shiites in Iran and Pakistan.. Anyway.. his mistake.. he will have to suffer..
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What terror acts did he commit? For a death sentence to be awarded, an act should have taken place.
With all of this being held in secret how does one know outside of an alleged confession?
Ever heared about kashmir Singh??
if not then don't quote me again
Pakistanis have proved that they are not impressed with Indian kidnapping of our retired personnel...ISI will not forgive India if anything happens to our colonel because he was kidnapped just for sake of reply/revenge...He didn't do anything but was trapped by RAW in fake interview call and asking to go to Nepal..

Indians acted quite low...Shame on them...But now they realized after this decision regarding Kulbhusan jhadev, that Pakistanis will act offensive and if any of our innocent one got killed in revenge then India will have problem in safeguarding their own retired ones...
What terror acts did he commit? For a death sentence to be awarded, an act should have taken place.
With all of this being held in secret how does one know outside of an alleged confession?
Very long list. Mainly terrorism in Baluchistan and Karachi. Lots of agents been arrested , which he pointed out. Later they were brought in court and admit they been in contact with Indian spy all those years.
Buddy spy agenncies know how much their assets know and how much damage they day do incase of compromise .....
Now lets see how India reacts overtly and covertly
Now it will be allowed.. In early days, it is not allowed because the first thing embassy staff asks is how many assets have been compromised.

If you know anyone in any secret agency, ask him what is the first conversation with a captured spy.. to save the rest of the assets..

Yes, but he has another chance in SC.
You are right they cant do anything , thats what i said to a memeber @PakSword , but he still thinks Pakistan will allow that I just expect his family to see him last time before the execution
I know its too much to expect
Well dude I am sorry to say but once you are arrested for the claims of spy and that too of terrorist spy. Your fate is almost sealed . Their is very little rights available to them. They can be tortured for information without having any international restrictions or retribution . Same used to be done against spies and their Network during cold war.
That's the reason why he confessed so easily in front of camera. And about his family all spies specially deep intelligence operatives know what will happen to them and their families before they sign up to this kind of job
his passport was fake but travelling in target country with passprt of origin country literally too much to believe :)

You are right.. That's why I am saying that it was Pakistan's luck.. plus it happens once in decades..
The message is clear from Pakistan, we have done the drama and do not want further embarrassment and so we want to close the chapter.
Pakistanis have proved that they are not impressed with Indian kidnapping of our retired personnel...ISI will not forgive India if anything happens to our colonel because he was kidnapped just for sake of reply/revenge...He didn't do anything but was trapped by RAW in fake interview call and asking to go to Nepal..

Indians acted quite low...Shame on them...But now they realized after this decision regarding Kulbhusan jhadev, that Pakistanis will act offensive and if any of our innocent one got killed in revenge then India will have problem in safeguarding their own retired ones...
It seems Indian knows Kalbo death penalty is imminent , that's why they kidnap retd Col. Try to use as bargaining chip.
Yes, but he has another chance in SC.

I dont think so, he can appeal in civil courts.. I think its not a normal case of military court, where people can still appeal in High courts and Supreme court.. Kulbhushan will be given chance to appeal in military appelatte court only...i heard this, in The reporters too... So this tells, tht he was tried under a different act, than normal military courts tht we see these days.. In normal cases, they dont appeal in military appelatte court but directly in High courts and Supreme courts.. So Kulbhushan was tried under a different act, it seems....
Its only a drama to sentence him to Death but the truth is that Mr. Jadhav was already Died while torturing.
- G.D. Bakshi
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